My beautiful Lady made me Chorizo and huevos yesterday...

Chorizo burritos are the bomb.

Sour cream , a good extra sharp cheddar, diced green onions and a tasty salsa (I like peach, pineapple and tomato).

Man its good eatin
... for breakfast and I HIGHLY recommend that you try some for yourself. I'm not really much on breakfast foods but... damn.. DAMN that was good.

Chorizo and Eggs Recipe | Simply Recipes

Yum, I could make that using vegetarian sausage too! I made homemade blueberry muffins this morning for my daughter and I, oh man, nothing better than those fresh and hot right out of the oven, butter melting on them, yum..............

I also like Huevos too, add some hot sauce on top of it, spicy good!
oh SNAP!

If i were not three shades of enthralled by this amazing gal and basking in the deepest love i've ever felt i'd reply a little differently.. Have a great day, Dis!

tonight i'm making her my special meatloaf. and no, that is not a euphemism for anything.

oh SNAP!

If i were not three shades of enthralled by this amazing gal and basking in the deepest love i've ever felt i'd reply a little differently.. Have a great day, Dis!

tonight i'm making her my special meatloaf. and no, that is not a euphemism for anything.


Very cool , good for you
Shogun, Dis is really a guy. I'm surprised you didn't know that. Or maybe you did.
Great that you're in love but that stuff does not sound good. Especially for breakfast.
chorizo, horchata, eggs, carne asada, and salsa verde...:eusa_drool:
'tex mex' = crap

It all tastes like cardboard. Have you people never heard of 'flavour'? The only good Chili in SA was Bunsen Burger- and that's cause the guy who made it was from Las Cruces.

Come to Az and get some real food- Sonoran style!

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