my 5 point quick fix for immigration

Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
No need for all that. Cut all benefits to illegals. Then heavily ($25K/illegal) fine, and sanction employers. ICE should be launched on American employers. There should be regional task forces established to raid businesses based on tips. The problem would go away tomorrow.
Or you could just let them in.
What is there? 170,000 trying to get in, that's chicken feed and would not make one iota of difference to the American economy?
You yanks need to start thinking outside the box. You are going to have to massively increase your population to produce more productive workers and taxpayers if you want to compete with China in the long run. You have 330 million and you need to increase that up towards 1 billion. There is plenty of room as most of the US like Britain is still undeveloped.
Estimates are 170K/month. We are looking at an illegal population of 2 Million entering the border every year. Illegals cost LA County taxpayers ALONE $1B/yr.
Do you think engineers and doctors are hopping the border? What exactly is your idea of the average illegal alien?
Thinking outside of the box eh? How about you just thinking?
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
That's not a plan, it's a RWNJ wish list.
Estimates are 170K/month. We are looking at an illegal population of 2 Million entering the border every year. Illegals cost LA County taxpayers ALONE $1B/yr.
Do you think engineers and doctors are hopping the border? What exactly is your idea of the average illegal alien?
Thinking outside of the box eh? How about you just thinking?
"Geez, these humans (immigrants) are going to cost us 18 dollars a year to invest in their future like at one time Americans took a chance and invested in ours - the bloody cheek of them!"

You have on your borders the greatest resource you could get - humans.
I could find you a field 5 miles square. Return in 5 years and not a lot will have happened. Fill it with 10 million humans however and give them all the resources they need and there they will build a shining wealth-creating city full of industries people on their way up.
Once you have humans, give them the resources and they will do the rest, cos that's what humans have always done - create!.
"Geez, these humans (immigrants) are going to cost us 18 dollars a year to invest in their future like at one time Americans took a chance and invested in ours - the bloody cheek of them!"

You have on your borders the greatest resource you could get - humans.
I could find you a field 5 miles square. Return in 5 years and not a lot will have happened. Fill it with 10 million humans however and give them all the resources they need and there they will build a shining wealth-creating city full of industries people on their way up.
Once you have humans, give them the resources and they will do the rest, cos that's what humans have always done - create!.
You're an idiot. We are done on this topic.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.

Expand E-Verify and fine employers who employ illegals.

Cutting off aid is counter-productive and getting rid of birthright citizenship goes against American rights and the concept of US jurisdiction under law. .

I wouldn't deploy the military to the border. We don't do that. We have 21,000 Border Patrol Agents, the US Coastguard and US Customs and Immigration. Let them do their jobs.

Issue temporary work visas under sponsorship for foreign labor. Like the Saudi Igama.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
Now that they are all here that will just lock em in. Just wait till they send for their millions of relatives under the family reunification act.
May as well face it America is gone forever.Its nothing new.
Expand E-Verify and fine employers who employ illegals.

Cutting off aid is counter-productive and getting rid of birthright citizenship goes against American rights and the concept of US jurisdiction under law. .

I wouldn't deploy the military to the border. We don't do that. We have 21,000 Border Patrol Agents, the US Coastguard and US Customs and Immigration. Let them do their jobs.

Issue temporary work visas under sponsorship for foreign labor. Like the Saudi Igama.

No that was not meant for "illegal" aliens. Birthright was only for those invited not those who invaded.There is a huge diference in the two.
They have no rights under the law or constitution.
Democrats are using LEGAL immigration to win 900K votes out of the 1 million that come in LEGALLY each year
Tut, tut, don't tell me you accept you've had your argument demolished and had your ass handed back to you by a Brit. Gosh, that was easy, so much so that I suspect you must get bitch slapped by every focker!
You Brits are the STUPIDEST MFers on the planet. No! I retract that. Western European Whites are the dumbest MFers on the planet. You open your borders and give your cultures over to hordes of people who will eventually overrun you. You allow immigrant communities to dictate what you can say, what you can do, and what is culturally approppriate in YOUR culture. You are fucking pitiful dog shit on the bottom of my shoe.
You see, you begin from such a position of cult indoctrination that you are not even worth talking to. You have been so indoctrinated into a world of moral and social relativism that you cannot even begin to understand what you are sacrificing.
Finish the wall.

Deploy the military to secure the border.

Cut off all foreign aid to South American countries until they stop the flow of immigrants.

No birth right citizenship for children born in the US via illegal immigration.

End DACA, a child is not a pass to enter.
You forgot point 6. Round up EVERY illegal and kick their disease ridden asses out. Point 7. Charge anyone who HIRES or RENTS to an illegal with an A Felony.
These are the same fools who bellow about rights for people in China but want to close off the rights of everyone who enters the country. They want a little north Korean utopia and then wonder why the rest of the world criticises them .

No one builds wall to promote peace.
Peace? Who wants peace with lawbreakers?

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