Mutt Romney: The GOP's New John McCan't


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Jackass Mitt Romney is making it clear he intends to aid the Democrats in being a further obstructionist towards the President's efforts:

Romney votes against Trump pick over comments attacking Obama

Buttkiss Romney is a firm believer that the way to running a campaign is to put civility first even if it loses him the election and harms his party like he did in 2012. Obviously, he thinks more of his buddy Barack than he does his own party's president. Only in the FU GOP, folks, only in the GOP.
i've got news for ya, if you still support dumbo donny, then you are the "RINO". :itsok:
Jackass Mitt Romney is making it clear he intends to aid the Democrats in being a further obstructionist towards the President's efforts:

Romney votes against Trump pick over comments attacking Obama

Buttkiss Romney is a firm believer that the way to running a campaign is to put civility first even if it loses him the election and harms his party like he did in 2012. Obviously, he thinks more of his buddy Barack than he does his own party's president. Only in the FU GOP, folks, only in the GOP.

He was right to vote against this nominee. We should have a expectation for a judge to have a modicum of objectivity. Civility i a good thing. Trump is a disgusting pig who has fermented division in this country.
Jackass Mitt Romney is making it clear he intends to aid the Democrats in being a further obstructionist towards the President's efforts:

Romney votes against Trump pick over comments attacking Obama

Buttkiss Romney is a firm believer that the way to running a campaign is to put civility first even if it loses him the election and harms his party like he did in 2012. Obviously, he thinks more of his buddy Barack than he does his own party's president. Only in the FU GOP, folks, only in the GOP.

He was right to vote against this nominee. We should have a expectation for a judge to have a modicum of objectivity. Civility i a good thing. Trump is a disgusting pig who has fermented division in this country.

We should have a judge who calls a spade a spade and sees people for what they are honestly. Obama belongs in prison and the only people fermenting division in this country is the Radical Anarchist Left which split off and left the planet about 20 years ago.

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