Muslums..bad....Hispanics...bad...negro's bad....but Trump supporters...all american!!

Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
  1. They don't belong to unions because they moved overseas. That's what happens when you move operations into other countries. They don't allow unions.
  2. Mexico won't have a choice in the matter. The only reason they want our border to be a sieve is because 30% of their GNP comes from fleecing the US.
  3. No.....what foreign countries do with US dollars is exchange it for other commodities like Gold. France at one time owned all of our Gold, which is why we went off the Gold Standard. Some people make millions just exchanging cash from one currency to another, dependent on the exchange rate. But one thing is for sure, they aren't buying American products in large quantities because we don't build much of anything here anymore. We build it in other countries.
  4. China has this strange habit of making cheap knockoffs of American products and selling them like they're made here.They also deflate their currency so you can buy the imitation for alot cheaper than the real deal.

#1. 50% you are right but 50% you are incorrect.
#2,3, & 4...... You don't have a clue what you are talking about except you are brained wash by Trumpo.
Can someone tell me what trump did to African Americans? The only protestors I see are African Americans on cnn and fox. Does he have some sinister plan awaiting them? I just don't understand the hate.

For one they aren't even safe at his rallies.

Trump supporter charged after sucker-punching protester at North Carolina rally

Is this how America is going operate? No fucking way the crazies win in November.
I guess if they want to hold Trump rallies in Chicago they need to bring their own baseball bats.You see, rioters.....I mean protesters don't believe in freedom of speech.

GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
  1. They don't belong to unions because they moved overseas. That's what happens when you move operations into other countries. They don't allow unions.
  2. Mexico won't have a choice in the matter. The only reason they want our border to be a sieve is because 30% of their GNP comes from fleecing the US.
  3. No.....what foreign countries do with US dollars is exchange it for other commodities like Gold. France at one time owned all of our Gold, which is why we went off the Gold Standard. Some people make millions just exchanging cash from one currency to another, dependent on the exchange rate. But one thing is for sure, they aren't buying American products in large quantities because we don't build much of anything here anymore. We build it in other countries.
  4. China has this strange habit of making cheap knockoffs of American products and selling them like they're made here.They also deflate their currency so you can buy the imitation for alot cheaper than the real deal.

#1. 50% you are right but 50% you are incorrect.
#2,3, & 4...... You don't have a clue what you are talking about except you are brained wash by Trumpo.
Well, reason doesn't seem to matter to you, because the only thing you know for sure is that I'm supposedly brained wash (brainwashed) by Trump.

I wasn't born yesterday. I'm looking for a good leader like anyone else. If Trump is full of shit, with the media scrutiny he's going through, it will come out. I'm not buying the racism bullshit because that's always what the left tries. They have a base and they try to hit the single-issue that each one of their individual groups inside their base is concerned about. The biggest thing the left is trying to push is that Trump is a racist. After seeing him for over 30 years, it's a certainty that that is a lie. Hillary is a racist, not Trump. At this point nobody else stands a chance in beating Hillary, even though everyone hates her God Damned guts. She already has the nomination bought and paid for, and I'm pretty sure she's going to try to buy the general election as well.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
  1. They don't belong to unions because they moved overseas. That's what happens when you move operations into other countries. They don't allow unions.
  2. Mexico won't have a choice in the matter. The only reason they want our border to be a sieve is because 30% of their GNP comes from fleecing the US.
  3. No.....what foreign countries do with US dollars is exchange it for other commodities like Gold. France at one time owned all of our Gold, which is why we went off the Gold Standard. Some people make millions just exchanging cash from one currency to another, dependent on the exchange rate. But one thing is for sure, they aren't buying American products in large quantities because we don't build much of anything here anymore. We build it in other countries.
  4. China has this strange habit of making cheap knockoffs of American products and selling them like they're made here.They also deflate their currency so you can buy the imitation for alot cheaper than the real deal.

#1. 50% you are right but 50% you are incorrect.
#2,3, & 4...... You don't have a clue what you are talking about except you are brained wash by Trumpo.
Well, reason doesn't seem to matter to you, because the only thing you know for sure is that I'm supposedly brained wash (brainwashed) by Trump.

I wasn't born yesterday. I'm looking for a good leader like anyone else. If Trump is full of shit, with the media scrutiny he's going through, it will come out. I'm not buying the racism bullshit because that's always what the left tries. They have a base and they try to hit the single-issue that each one of their individual groups inside their base is concerned about. The biggest thing the left is trying to push is that Trump is a racist. After seeing him for over 30 years, it's a certainty that that is a lie. Hillary is a racist, not Trump. At this point nobody else stands a chance in beating Hillary, even though everyone hates her God Damned guts. She already has the nomination bought and paid for, and I'm pretty sure she's going to try to buy the general election as well.

#5, 6, 7 and 8 you are way off.
You brought up the racism not me. If you ask me about Trump..... Yes he is a racist asshole. He is having a hard time condemning KKK and David Duke. How awful and disgusting to have s leader like that? And I don't believe any of those bullshit that Trump is telling to his followers. Be very careful what you wish for.
Do you have a link that Hillary nomination is already bought and paid for? You sure impresses me but I know you were born this morning.
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
  1. They don't belong to unions because they moved overseas. That's what happens when you move operations into other countries. They don't allow unions.
  2. Mexico won't have a choice in the matter. The only reason they want our border to be a sieve is because 30% of their GNP comes from fleecing the US.
  3. No.....what foreign countries do with US dollars is exchange it for other commodities like Gold. France at one time owned all of our Gold, which is why we went off the Gold Standard. Some people make millions just exchanging cash from one currency to another, dependent on the exchange rate. But one thing is for sure, they aren't buying American products in large quantities because we don't build much of anything here anymore. We build it in other countries.
  4. China has this strange habit of making cheap knockoffs of American products and selling them like they're made here.They also deflate their currency so you can buy the imitation for alot cheaper than the real deal.

#1. 50% you are right but 50% you are incorrect.
#2,3, & 4...... You don't have a clue what you are talking about except you are brained wash by Trumpo.
Well, reason doesn't seem to matter to you, because the only thing you know for sure is that I'm supposedly brained wash (brainwashed) by Trump.

I wasn't born yesterday. I'm looking for a good leader like anyone else. If Trump is full of shit, with the media scrutiny he's going through, it will come out. I'm not buying the racism bullshit because that's always what the left tries. They have a base and they try to hit the single-issue that each one of their individual groups inside their base is concerned about. The biggest thing the left is trying to push is that Trump is a racist. After seeing him for over 30 years, it's a certainty that that is a lie. Hillary is a racist, not Trump. At this point nobody else stands a chance in beating Hillary, even though everyone hates her God Damned guts. She already has the nomination bought and paid for, and I'm pretty sure she's going to try to buy the general election as well.

#5, 6, 7 and 8 you are way off.
You brought up the racism not me. If you ask me about Trump..... Yes he is a racist asshole. He is having a hard time condemning KKK and David Duke. How awful and disgusting to have s leader like that? And I don't believe any of those bullshit that Trump is telling to his followers. Be very careful what you wish for.
Do you have a link that Hillary nomination is already bought and paid for? You sure impresses me but I know you were born this morning.
I think you've been drinking the Kool-aid too long.
Chill out loser.

You know, you fuckers acted this way with Reagan too. The better the candidate is the more violent you become. All it does is make people want to vote for him even more, just to spite you ignorant asses.
Last edited:
You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
  1. They don't belong to unions because they moved overseas. That's what happens when you move operations into other countries. They don't allow unions.
  2. Mexico won't have a choice in the matter. The only reason they want our border to be a sieve is because 30% of their GNP comes from fleecing the US.
  3. No.....what foreign countries do with US dollars is exchange it for other commodities like Gold. France at one time owned all of our Gold, which is why we went off the Gold Standard. Some people make millions just exchanging cash from one currency to another, dependent on the exchange rate. But one thing is for sure, they aren't buying American products in large quantities because we don't build much of anything here anymore. We build it in other countries.
  4. China has this strange habit of making cheap knockoffs of American products and selling them like they're made here.They also deflate their currency so you can buy the imitation for alot cheaper than the real deal.

#1. 50% you are right but 50% you are incorrect.
#2,3, & 4...... You don't have a clue what you are talking about except you are brained wash by Trumpo.
Well, reason doesn't seem to matter to you, because the only thing you know for sure is that I'm supposedly brained wash (brainwashed) by Trump.

I wasn't born yesterday. I'm looking for a good leader like anyone else. If Trump is full of shit, with the media scrutiny he's going through, it will come out. I'm not buying the racism bullshit because that's always what the left tries. They have a base and they try to hit the single-issue that each one of their individual groups inside their base is concerned about. The biggest thing the left is trying to push is that Trump is a racist. After seeing him for over 30 years, it's a certainty that that is a lie. Hillary is a racist, not Trump. At this point nobody else stands a chance in beating Hillary, even though everyone hates her God Damned guts. She already has the nomination bought and paid for, and I'm pretty sure she's going to try to buy the general election as well.

#5, 6, 7 and 8 you are way off.
You brought up the racism not me. If you ask me about Trump..... Yes he is a racist asshole. He is having a hard time condemning KKK and David Duke. How awful and disgusting to have s leader like that? And I don't believe any of those bullshit that Trump is telling to his followers. Be very careful what you wish for.
Do you have a link that Hillary nomination is already bought and paid for? You sure impresses me but I know you were born this morning.
I think you've been drinking the Kool-aid too long.
Chill out loser.

You know, you fuckers acted this way with Reagan too. The better the candidate is the more violent you become. All it does make people want to vote for him even more, just to spite you ignorant asses.

Look who is talking? You've been talking non sense. You have not proven anything right. You don't know what you are talking about.....
So far all you know is nothing but pure dumb and ignorant as Trump supporters. Now you are talking nasty because that's all you got. Take your meds and go to bed and have someone change your diaper.
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house
i will add what you cant say may be better than a clinton one too.....there now you can take a breath.....
I will be campaigning against him hard Harry but if he wins he will get my full throated support.
i will be writing in R.Firefly again,but who ever gets in i will give them the benefit of the doubt for the 1st year and support them hoping i was wrong about them,but after that year ...........

This president was never given that year
he was by was bush.....but i ended up feeling they were both pretty sub-par....
Hillary has too many delicate to catch her.

America has spoken. No, Republicans have spoken. No Cruz rubio or kasich.

If Republicans feel that way about them imagine how normal Americans feel about them.
Democrats don't trust Hillary. If Democrats feel that way about her, imagine how normal Americans feel about her.

Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

Go see what happened in Rwanda..... is there much difference?

In Rwanda the Tutsis felt about the Hutus as tigerred59 feels about white people OR the Hutus felt about the Tutsis as tigerred59 feels about white people.

Whichever, it ended up in genocide of 800,000 people. For tigerred59 the death of 800,000 whites would be only a good start.

Contrary to popular beliefs, some of my best friends are white....I just loathe stupid ignorant whites who feel entitle, feel like the whole gotdamned planet owes them something and who for lack of better words, blame minorities of all races, for their fucked up plight in life, in essence....99.99% of whites in this country. Listen, I don't make the fuckin news, I just report it.
Can someone tell me what trump did to African Americans? The only protestors I see are African Americans on cnn and fox. Does he have some sinister plan awaiting them? I just don't understand the hate.

For one they aren't even safe at his rallies.

Trump supporter charged after sucker-punching protester at North Carolina rally

Is this how America is going operate? No fucking way the crazies win in November.
Hope so, but the issue will then become what does Trump do with all them crazy white mf's that get hard on's just seeing the guy?
You mean like the ones who got hard ons just thinking about Reagan?
Hillary has too many delicate to catch her.

America has spoken. No, Republicans have spoken. No Cruz rubio or kasich.

If Republicans feel that way about them imagine how normal Americans feel about them.
Democrats don't trust Hillary. If Democrats feel that way about her, imagine how normal Americans feel about her.

View attachment 66975
At my poker game last night I said I'm voting hillary and the whole table collectively went "NO!"
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
Explain #3. Sounds like you're saying it's OK when immigrants send their $ back home. That's not good. Better if they spend it here
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

Go see what happened in Rwanda..... is there much difference?

In Rwanda the Tutsis felt about the Hutus as tigerred59 feels about white people OR the Hutus felt about the Tutsis as tigerred59 feels about white people.

Whichever, it ended up in genocide of 800,000 people. For tigerred59 the death of 800,000 whites would be only a good start.

Contrary to popular beliefs, some of my best friends are white....I just loathe stupid ignorant whites who feel entitle, feel like the whole gotdamned planet owes them something and who for lack of better words, blame minorities of all races, for their fucked up plight in life, in essence....99.99% of whites in this country. Listen, I don't make the fuckin news, I just report it.
Yea but those whites are sick of minorities blaming them for their troubles too.

Right now unemployment is pretty low yet the hoods of America are still shitholes. No matter how low unemployment goes it seems like the black community will remain broken. And it's no longer our fault. Today it's all on them
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

Go see what happened in Rwanda..... is there much difference?

In Rwanda the Tutsis felt about the Hutus as tigerred59 feels about white people OR the Hutus felt about the Tutsis as tigerred59 feels about white people.

Whichever, it ended up in genocide of 800,000 people. For tigerred59 the death of 800,000 whites would be only a good start.

Contrary to popular beliefs, some of my best friends are white....I just loathe stupid ignorant whites who feel entitle, feel like the whole gotdamned planet owes them something and who for lack of better words, blame minorities of all races, for their fucked up plight in life, in essence....99.99% of whites in this country. Listen, I don't make the fuckin news, I just report it.
Yea but those whites are sick of minorities blaming them for their troubles too.

Right now unemployment is pretty low yet the hoods of America are still shitholes. No matter how low unemployment goes it seems like the black community will remain broken. And it's no longer our fault. Today it's all on them

Question, why is this an issue with you, white guy? Nigga's living in shitholes? The only fuckin complaints I'm hearing is GOP white gov. poisoning poor people in Flint, white fuckin cops shooting nigga's for sport and not spending a fuckin day in jail and that's about do tell what are nigga's blaming you red white and punks for?
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is

Go see what happened in Rwanda..... is there much difference?

In Rwanda the Tutsis felt about the Hutus as tigerred59 feels about white people OR the Hutus felt about the Tutsis as tigerred59 feels about white people.

Whichever, it ended up in genocide of 800,000 people. For tigerred59 the death of 800,000 whites would be only a good start.

Contrary to popular beliefs, some of my best friends are white....I just loathe stupid ignorant whites who feel entitle, feel like the whole gotdamned planet owes them something and who for lack of better words, blame minorities of all races, for their fucked up plight in life, in essence....99.99% of whites in this country. Listen, I don't make the fuckin news, I just report it.
Yea but those whites are sick of minorities blaming them for their troubles too.

Right now unemployment is pretty low yet the hoods of America are still shitholes. No matter how low unemployment goes it seems like the black community will remain broken. And it's no longer our fault. Today it's all on them

Question, why is this an issue with you, white guy? Nigga's living in shitholes? The only fuckin complaints I'm hearing is GOP white gov. poisoning poor people in Flint, white fuckin cops shooting nigga's for sport and not spending a fuckin day in jail and that's about do tell what are nigga's blaming you red white and punks for?
They blame white people for living in high crime and poverty. I get it but no ones making them have kids they can't raise or pull the trigger. I think it's mostly bad parenting.

Every day in Detroit we see shootings happen in Detroit. We actually see video footage of blacks walking up and shooting other blacks yet no outrage over it? But if a cop shoots a black criminal you guys protest? Seems like black lives only matter when whites shoot blacks but it's OK for blacks to shoot blacks.
Hopefully, even though he's better than republicans, there's no way America as a whole will make him president.

Im glad he's beating the Republicans but scared he might beat hillary.

But I'm also curious to see what a trump presidency would be like.

Better than a rubio kasich or Cruz white house already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
Explain #3. Sounds like you're saying it's OK when immigrants send their $ back home. That's not good. Better if they spend it here

What do you think Mexico or other countries will do with their US dollars? Souvenirs? And yes I do not have a problem if people here in US send their US$ overseas. I need them to pay me US$ what I sold to them and sometimes they scrambled to get US$. That is the same as spending their money here in US because they bought US goods. already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
Explain #3. Sounds like you're saying it's OK when immigrants send their $ back home. That's not good. Better if they spend it here

What do you think Mexico or other countries will do with their US dollars? Souvenirs? And yes I do not have a problem if people here in US send their US$ overseas. I need them to pay me US$ what I sold to them and sometimes they scrambled to get US$. That is the same as spending their money here in US because they bought US goods.[/QUOTE already know what a Hillary presidency will be.
Abuse of power, scandals, blowjobs in the white house, riots in the streets, Secret Service agents getting caught chasing hookers, Islamic terrorists attacking all over America, and our jobs will keep going overseas.
You better vote out the GOP senators and reps too then because it isn't just rubio Cruz and kasich that suck. In fact they are the best of the lot you got.

We don't need all new politicians what we need is to get our politicians to bring jobs back home and also when those jobs come home are they going to pay like they did when they left? Because the reason you Republicans ran those jobs out was because they were high paying union jobs. The only reason they were high paying is because they were union jobs
The Democrat platform is in full support of the UN and unions. High taxes and high wages that Democrats and their union thugs support drove all of those manufacturing jobs out of the country. The UN wants to punish the wealthy in America by stealing their money. They call it "Income Concentrations". The Democrats call it a combination of income inequality and Global Climate Change. Bring in millions of poor people and they send billions of dollars out of the country to their families in 3rd world countries. 30% of Mexico's gross national product is stealing money from America. That's why they don't want to pay for that Fucking wall.

You've been totally brainwashed by Trump....
1. About 85% of my consumables are made in China. I don't belong to any Union. I know tons and tons of US manufacturing operations overseas that do not belong to any unions.
2. Why would and should Mexico pay for the wall? The equivalent of that to you is tightening your Varicocele vein with a rubber band.
3. When Mexican immigrants sent their hard earned US$ to Mexico. What do you think they would do with the US$ in Mexico? Countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Japan etc. hired their foreign workers... They pay them with their currencies then these foreign workers converted them to USdollars..... So they can send it to to their native land...... What do you think those countries would do with the US$? THINK......THINK......they do not keep them as souvenirs.... Those US$ will turn around and used to buy US products and other exchange.
You Trump supporters don't know anything?
So when you hear people sending US$ to other countries..... That is good for America.
Explain #3. Sounds like you're saying it's OK when immigrants send their $ back home. That's not good. Better if they spend it here

What do you think Mexico or other countries will do with their US dollars? Souvenirs? And yes I do not have a problem if people here in US send their US$ overseas. I need them to pay me US$ what I sold to them and sometimes they scrambled to get US$. That is the same as spending their money here in US because they bought US goods.

When a Mexican takes his money home he doesn't buy American products he buys Mexican stuff
Does the hypocrisy ever ever end...Trump running around the planet calling out every ethnic group as being evil and bad....yet he's got 74 year old supporters sucker punching mf's at his request....God, this country is beyond sick and now these mindless fucks are blaming Obama for Trump??? No, what created Trump, is racist red necks, stupid GOP voters, too stupid to see just how fucked up their party is
will your ignorance ever cease to exist

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