Muslim Vacillations


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Of course it is not just Muslim nations that enter and leave relationships, alliances.

There is the famous and factual quote from Lord Palmerston:
“Therefore I say that it is a narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy of England. We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

2.Which brings us to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The shortest description is the former as the ‘army of the Arabs,’ and the latter as ‘keeper of the holiest sites.’ But, sometimes you need soldiers, and sometime, oil.

“In his first official trip abroad in March 2018, Saudi crown prince Muhammad bin Salman chose to visit Cairo, where he was greeted by President Abdel Fattah Sisi as "a dear guest in his second home, Egypt."[1] The two agreed to enhance bi-lateral cooperation across the political spectrum, implementing ambitious development projects and strengthening bilateral strategic ties. This collaborative mood notwithstanding, the two states have yet to overcome weighty strategic and foreign policy differences that over the past decade often marred the bilateral relationship, first and foremost: What constitutes the gravest threat to regional stability."
Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

“Saudi Arabia and Egypt have each claimed a leading regional role, and their relations have long swung between cooperation and indirect confrontation.” Ibid.

3. Other ingredients in the ebb and flow of Middle East politics are the United States, Russia, Israel….and Iran.
And the radical insanity of Islamofascism.

Some are tempted to see totalitarian ideologies- communism, fascism, Nazism- as being unrelated to Islamic fundamentalism, and that would be a mistake.
Communism was the first of the new mass movements in Europe, and the first to flourish in the Middle East as well.

a. Baath Socialism had its myth of man and history, the Arab nation was it’s people of God, corrupted and polluted by forces within and forces without. From Michel Aflaq, the founder and greatest of the Baathi theoreticians: "The philosophies and teachings that come from the West invade the Arab mind and steal his loyalty.”

b. And the people of evil who corrupted the nation of God, were, of course, the Jews. Pan-Arabists of one kind or another were responsible for the anti-Semitic outbreaks of the ‘40’s and ‘60’s.
The Arabs, in this projection, would return to their “pure, original nature” by revering the revolutionary Leader who embodied the “Arab Spirit,” the spirit one embodied in the Prophet Muhammad himself. This meant unlimited mass obedience, and this implied following the political organization, or the state.

This view was not only totalitarian, but another element that traces back to the Enlightenment- nihilism.
Berman, “Terror and Liberalism.”

The relationship of Egypt and Saudi Arabia is of great importance to the United States.

A great mistake would be ignoring the relationships of these two nations.
4. “In the 1950s, Gamal Abdel Nasser independent and anti-imperialist policy earned him enthusiastic support from the Communist government of the USSR. The degree of the Soviet approval of the Egyptian leader's policies culminated, rather controversially, in the award of the highest Soviet decoration, the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin to Nasser during Nikita Khrushchev's visit to the country in 1964.
The relationship went sour within years after the death of Nasser, when the new president Anwar Sadat started re-orienting the country toward the West.”
Egypt–Russia relations - Wikipedia

5. Saudi Arabian has a long standing relationship with the United States, and an agreement to instill Wahhabi fundamentalism in the religion. The two didn’t mix.

“It is a Special Relationship, which began in 1933 when full diplomatic relations were established. Despite the differences between the two countries—an ultraconservative Islamicabsolute monarchy, and a secular, constitutional republic—the two countries have been allies.” Saudi Arabia–United States relations - Wikipedia

The Saudis walked a tightrope, with a foot in two worlds.

“ To keep religious leaders satisfied, the Sauds spent tens of billions of dollars supporting Islam. The princes rebuilt the giant mosques at Mecca and Medina, subsidized the hajj, and paid for religious schools around the world. But the clerics wanted more than money. They wanted women in burqas, and strict penalties for anyone caught drinking alcohol or having illicit sex. Like Abdul Wahhab, their spiritual father, they wanted to govern Saudi Arabia as though they were still in the seventh century. They were the most fundamental of fundamentalists.
During the 1970s, the Saudi government had moved away from this vision of Islam. uring the 1970s, the Saudi government had moved away from this vision of Islam.” From the novel "The Secret Soldier," by Alex Berenson

Hence, Egypt and Saudi Arabia were not always on the same page.

Islamofascism brought them closer…
6. “Gamal Abdel Nasser's rule (1954-70), Cairo emerged as the main claimant for regional hegemon. Saudi-Egyptian antagonism then came to the forefront … Yet Egypt's defeat in the June 1967 war and Nasser's death in September 1970 ushered in a thaw between the two states. Cairo gradually shifted towards the Western camp and recognized Riyadh's prominent role in the Muslim world, in exchange for generous economic support.”
Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

Anwar Sadat replaced Nasser....but wasn't fundamentalist enough for the radicals.

7. The Saudi move away from Wahhabism caused a backlash.

Radicals attacked Mecca! “…the violent takeover of Islam's holiest shrine by Muslim fundamentalists in 1979. ….Trofimov has crafted a compelling historical narrative, blending messianic theology with righteous violence, and the Saudi state's sclerotic corruption with the complicity of the official religious institutions. Trofimov aptly points out endemic regional problems ….. Ringleader Juhayman and his followers have inspired al-Qaeda and countless other Islamic revivalist movements to ever greater acts of violence,….of Muslim fundamentalist terrorism.”

From a review of

Read the book an be amazed at who saved Mecca.
8. The disease of radicalism spread apace with Arab leaders' attempt to modernize.

“ During the 1970s, the Saudi government had moved away from this vision of Islam. Cigarettes were sold openly. Even alcohol was quietly tolerated. State-run television broadcasts featured female newscasters. Girls’ schools were created. Then, in 1979, a Bedouin named Juhayman — Arabic for “the scowler”—led hundreds of rebels in a takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. Ironically, the rebels had defied an important Quranic decree that forbade fighting in Mecca. Juhayman believed that he could ignore the decree because he had found the Mahdi, the true successor to Muhammad. Juhayman promised the Mahdi would establish a new Muslim empire and defeat armies of Christians and Jews.” Op.Cit.

With the aid of French forces, the Saudi government defeated these savages.

9. Anwar Sadat succeeded Gamal Nasser as head of Egypt’s government…..and made peace with Israel.

October 6, 1981 A young student, Mohammed Islambouli, who had watched the take-over of the Grand Mosque of Mecca ( 11/20/1979) brought the teaching of Juhayman back to Egypt. He shared the burgeoning Islamic revival with his brother, Khaled, a lieutenant in the Egyptian army. On this day, marching past President Sadat, he suddenly emptied his weapon into Sadat for betraying Islam and making peace with the Jews.
A main street in Tehran is named in Kaled Islambouli’s honor.

A culture that honors murderers.

10. "When Khalid el-islambouli’s unit began to approach the President Anwar Saadat's platform, he with three other soldiers, jumped from their truck and ran towards the stand while throwing grenades toward President Anwar Saadat’s platform, where he was standing with foreign dignitaries. Khalid el-islambouli climbed the platform and emptied his rifle intoAnwar Saadat's body, shouting "I have killed the Pharaoh!". Immediately afterwards Khalid el-islambouliwas captured. He and twenty-three co-conspirators were tried and found guilty. Khalid el-islambouli, Muhammad al-Salam Faraj, Essam al-Qamariand three other co-conspirators were executed on 04/15/1982.

America's insipid anti-Semite President, Democrat Jimmy Carter, and Iran both played a role leading up to the assassination.

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11. After Sadat’s assassination, fundamentalists gained power in Egypt….worrisome to the Saudis.

“The revolutionary upheavals of 2011 and the ascent of the Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt's leadership ended the Mubarak era's three-decade long modus vivendi. Despite President Mohamed Morsi's efforts to reassure his Arab peers that his government would not disturb the regional order, the Saudis were uneasy with Egypt's political transformation. Not only was the Brotherhood's governance model menacing to the monarchy, but an emerging alliance between Egypt, Qatar, and Turkey created a powerful rival Sunni axis that threatened Riyadh's claim to Muslim leadership.

Worse, a rapprochement between the nascent Brotherhood-linked axis and Tehran could not be excluded.” Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

Guess who applauded the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood take-over in Egypt?
None other than Hussein Obama… the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.
The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

12.“Donald Trump's election, together with a number of regional developments (notably the deepening rift between Riyadh and Doha), brought the two Sunni powers together again. With Washington throwing its weight behind the regional effort to contain Tehran, Riyadh no longer needed Qatar and Brotherhood-linked Islamist forces for the pursuit of this goal.[5] The Saudis thus resumed oil supplies to Egypt. With Sisi reciprocating by actively participating in the blockade against Doha, common opposition to the Qatar-Turkey-Brotherhood axis has become a crucial bond between Cairo and Riyadh.” Op.Cit.

One can only hope.
Arguably, the rise of radical fundamentalism can be traced to anti-Semite Democrat Jimmy Carter’s stupidity.

13. Big picture:

Jimmy Carter removes the Shah and puts the Ayatollah in his place...1979

Juhayman feels the power of the tidal wave of Islamism, and attacks Mecca because the Saudi family isn't Islamic enough...1979

The siege of Mecca inspires Khalid el-islambouli to murder the President of Egypt October 6,1981

Al Qaeda is formed in the late1980s

And so…a special thanks to the Democrats and Jimmy Carter for the imbroglio that Trump now has to get us out of.

14. "The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran has been compared in importance to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. “The central problems of world affairs today spring from the Iranian Revolution much as those of the 20th century sprang from the Russian Revolution.”
A Monarch Dethroned

If the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini to Iran was the gasoline....then the naive Jimmy Carter was the match that ignited the Middle East. He facilitated the removal of long-time United States ally, the Shah....and...

"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

Elections have consequences.
Most revolutions do tend to kill people. The US revolution killed people and after the war killed humans to take their land, but that is ok we know because it was Americans doing the killing , hey at least they were christians..
15. Persian IslamoFascism is drawing Egypt and Saudi Arabia even closer. Neither countries want the Middle East under the control of the 7th century cave-dwellers who rule Iran.
The problem would be soluble enough if not for Iran’s two great allies: Russia and Obama.

But….two factors weigh in favor of a temporary solution: Hussein has been replaced by the level-headed, pro-America, non-Muslim President, Trump…..

….and even Russia has seen that Iran is too insane to arm.

The most under-reported, yet most significant story of the day:

Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has turned down a request by Iran to purchase the advanced S-400 missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on May 30, quoting two Russian officials who chose to remain unidentified.

Reports from Russia also picked up by media in Iran's neighbour Turkey say Putin has rejected the request over concerns about rising tensions in the Persian Gulf region where several Arab leaders voiced their concern about Iran's military ambitions.

…analysts attribute Putin's decision to turn down Iran's request to various factors including Moscow's interest in keeping the chance to negotiate with the Trump administration. “Any real or imaginary strengthening of Iran can lead to escalation -- if Russia really refused Iran such a request, it would mean that Russia wants to keep working on relations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and keep a chance for negotiations with Trump,”….” Russia Refuses To Sell S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Iran

Never would have happened if Hussein Obama was still President. He insisted his co-religionists gain nuclear weapons.
16. Is it too soon to hope for an Egypt-Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States Axis in the Middle East?????

“Cairo prioritizes the containment of Islamist groups while Riyadh seeks to curb Tehran's drive for regional hegemony (and its unbridled nuclear ambitions).

An additional factor strengthening Egyptian-Saudi cooperation has been Riyadh's warming relations with Israel in the face of the growing Iranian threat. Both states see Tehran's hegemonic ambitions in similarly stark terms, and both have followed developments in Syria and Lebanon with considerable concern and have coordinated their efforts to delegitimize Hezbollah and restrict its power and influence. And while they have not yet established diplomatic relations, Jerusalem and Riyadh have exchanged working visits, and there are indications of significant bilateral intelligence cooperation.[14]

For its part, Egyptian-Israeli security cooperation reached its peak after the ousting of President Morsi. Mutual trust reached such a level that the Netanyahu government approved the deployment of thousands of Egyptian troops near the joint border (in contravention of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty) to defeat the Islamist insurgency in Sinai. Establishing full control over the peninsula is a shared Egyptian-Israeli-Saudi interest considering not only security aspects—fighting jihadist groups and controlling Hamas—but also planned regional mega-projects.[15] Most importantly, stabilizing the Sinai functions as a confidence building measure between the three states and facilitates further cooperation.” Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished

The Bard
16. Is it too soon to hope for an Egypt-Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States Axis in the Middle East?????

“Cairo prioritizes the containment of Islamist groups while Riyadh seeks to curb Tehran's drive for regional hegemony (and its unbridled nuclear ambitions).

An additional factor strengthening Egyptian-Saudi cooperation has been Riyadh's warming relations with Israel in the face of the growing Iranian threat. Both states see Tehran's hegemonic ambitions in similarly stark terms, and both have followed developments in Syria and Lebanon with considerable concern and have coordinated their efforts to delegitimize Hezbollah and restrict its power and influence. And while they have not yet established diplomatic relations, Jerusalem and Riyadh have exchanged working visits, and there are indications of significant bilateral intelligence cooperation.[14]

For its part, Egyptian-Israeli security cooperation reached its peak after the ousting of President Morsi. Mutual trust reached such a level that the Netanyahu government approved the deployment of thousands of Egyptian troops near the joint border (in contravention of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty) to defeat the Islamist insurgency in Sinai. Establishing full control over the peninsula is a shared Egyptian-Israeli-Saudi interest considering not only security aspects—fighting jihadist groups and controlling Hamas—but also planned regional mega-projects.[15] Most importantly, stabilizing the Sinai functions as a confidence building measure between the three states and facilitates further cooperation.” Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished

The Bard

Sounds like the Axis of Evil.
16. Is it too soon to hope for an Egypt-Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States Axis in the Middle East?????

“Cairo prioritizes the containment of Islamist groups while Riyadh seeks to curb Tehran's drive for regional hegemony (and its unbridled nuclear ambitions).

An additional factor strengthening Egyptian-Saudi cooperation has been Riyadh's warming relations with Israel in the face of the growing Iranian threat. Both states see Tehran's hegemonic ambitions in similarly stark terms, and both have followed developments in Syria and Lebanon with considerable concern and have coordinated their efforts to delegitimize Hezbollah and restrict its power and influence. And while they have not yet established diplomatic relations, Jerusalem and Riyadh have exchanged working visits, and there are indications of significant bilateral intelligence cooperation.[14]

For its part, Egyptian-Israeli security cooperation reached its peak after the ousting of President Morsi. Mutual trust reached such a level that the Netanyahu government approved the deployment of thousands of Egyptian troops near the joint border (in contravention of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty) to defeat the Islamist insurgency in Sinai. Establishing full control over the peninsula is a shared Egyptian-Israeli-Saudi interest considering not only security aspects—fighting jihadist groups and controlling Hamas—but also planned regional mega-projects.[15] Most importantly, stabilizing the Sinai functions as a confidence building measure between the three states and facilitates further cooperation.” Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished

The Bard

Sounds like the Axis of Evil.

I am really glad you have put yourself on the record calling Egypt-Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States Axis in the Middle East the 'Axis of Evil.'

Now there is no need to expose what you are.
16. Is it too soon to hope for an Egypt-Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States Axis in the Middle East?????

“Cairo prioritizes the containment of Islamist groups while Riyadh seeks to curb Tehran's drive for regional hegemony (and its unbridled nuclear ambitions).

An additional factor strengthening Egyptian-Saudi cooperation has been Riyadh's warming relations with Israel in the face of the growing Iranian threat. Both states see Tehran's hegemonic ambitions in similarly stark terms, and both have followed developments in Syria and Lebanon with considerable concern and have coordinated their efforts to delegitimize Hezbollah and restrict its power and influence. And while they have not yet established diplomatic relations, Jerusalem and Riyadh have exchanged working visits, and there are indications of significant bilateral intelligence cooperation.[14]

For its part, Egyptian-Israeli security cooperation reached its peak after the ousting of President Morsi. Mutual trust reached such a level that the Netanyahu government approved the deployment of thousands of Egyptian troops near the joint border (in contravention of the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty) to defeat the Islamist insurgency in Sinai. Establishing full control over the peninsula is a shared Egyptian-Israeli-Saudi interest considering not only security aspects—fighting jihadist groups and controlling Hamas—but also planned regional mega-projects.[15] Most importantly, stabilizing the Sinai functions as a confidence building measure between the three states and facilitates further cooperation.” Cairo and Riyadh, Vying for Leadership

‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished

The Bard

Sounds like the Axis of Evil.

I am really glad you have put yourself on the record calling Egypt-Saudi Arabia-Israel-United States Axis in the Middle East the 'Axis of Evil.'

Now there is no need to expose what you are.

Saudi / USA policies have put 10 million Yemeni peoples in risk of famine.

USA policies killed 100's of thousands, if not millions in Iraq, Afghanistan & Syria.

Israel has killed 91,000 Palestinians since it's start, and continues to massacre Palestinians in recent years.

It's pretty clear who's the Axis of Evil, and it isn't Iran.

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