Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls for ‘Holy Jihad’ to Take Jerusalem from Israel


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama's friends..


The Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide – the group’s highest ranking official — is calling on the Muslim world to carry out “holy jihad” against Israel and capture Jerusalem. Mohammed Badie’s remarks were reported Thursday by AFP:

“Jerusalem is Islamic … and nobody is entitled to make concessions” on the Holy City, said Sheikh Mohammed Badie in his weekly message to supporters.

“The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims,” he said, stressing that the liberation of the Holy City “will not be done through negotiations or at the United Nations.”

Badie said that because “the Zionists only understand force,” Muslims should sidestep any efforts at negotiation with Israel. The Times of Israel provided more quotes from the Muslim Brotherhood leader’s anti-Jewish message [emphasis added]:

Egypt’s foremost Muslim Brotherhood official called on the Arab world Thursday to replace negotiations with Israel with “holy Jihad,” claiming that if Jews are allowed to pray on the Temple Mount they will destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and supplant it with the third temple

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls for Holy Jihad to Take Jerusalem from Israel |
What's Obama's position again?

[ame=]The Hypocrisy of the Obama Administration on Israel - YouTube[/ame]

When one thinks or speaks of Jerusalem, the Old City with the Western Wall, generally comes to mind. Most people don't know or realize that the Old City is only one square mile, and takes up very little space in modern-day Jerusalem. The Old City and most of New Jerusalem, where the Knesset is located, should remain Israel's capital. However, some decrepit Arab villages, such as Silwan, were added onto Jerusalem in 1967. The Arabs can have those villages if they want them. Jerusalem is mentioned 700x in the Hebrew Bible...0x in the Koran.
Obama is partly responsable for the muslim brotherhood comimg to power

[ame=]Obama's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube[/ame]
Obama's friends..


The Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide – the group’s highest ranking official — is calling on the Muslim world to carry out “holy jihad” against Israel and capture Jerusalem. Mohammed Badie’s remarks were reported Thursday by AFP:

“Jerusalem is Islamic … and nobody is entitled to make concessions” on the Holy City, said Sheikh Mohammed Badie in his weekly message to supporters.

“The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims,” he said, stressing that the liberation of the Holy City “will not be done through negotiations or at the United Nations.”

Badie said that because “the Zionists only understand force,” Muslims should sidestep any efforts at negotiation with Israel. The Times of Israel provided more quotes from the Muslim Brotherhood leader’s anti-Jewish message [emphasis added]:

Egypt’s foremost Muslim Brotherhood official called on the Arab world Thursday to replace negotiations with Israel with “holy Jihad,” claiming that if Jews are allowed to pray on the Temple Mount they will destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque and supplant it with the third temple

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls for Holy Jihad to Take Jerusalem from Israel |
Muslim animals calling for the destruction of Israel. What else is new?
The militias evolved as a result of the Mufti the 1929 Hebron massacre upon non-Zionist Jews, where old men were castrated and young girls raped. That's when the Hagana came about.
The militias evolved as a result of the Mufti the 1929 Hebron massacre upon non-Zionist Jews, where old men were castrated and young girls raped. That's when the Hagana came about.

Keep lying your ass off. I'm sure you're enjoying it from you computer in Negev. Hasbara guy
What is hadbara guy mean? Is this a Gaza code for "I don't want to hear facts but I am interested in covering up facts." I am sure that any admin. Can see that I am NOT in Israel.
What is hadbara guy mean? Is this a Gaza code for "I don't want to hear facts but I am interested in covering up facts." I am sure that any admin. Can see that I am NOT in Israel.

You're joking us right. I'm sure you were banned of other forums for your Muslim hating. You don't give a shit about Israel. You just don't like the Muslims. Tell us when you're phalangists murdered 27 people on the bus for no reason. Those nationalists started problems.
What is hadbara guy mean? Is this a Gaza code for "I don't want to hear facts but I am interested in covering up facts." I am sure that any admin. Can see that I am NOT in Israel.

You're joking us right. I'm sure you were banned of other forums for your Muslim hating. You don't give a shit about Israel. You just don't like the Muslims. Tell us when you're phalangists murdered 27 people on the bus for no reason. Those nationalists started problems.

'because' save the "shit" for the masjid where it belongs as for "no reason" there is always a REASON didn't the rapist pig of arabia have a "reason" for murdering and raping and pillaging in Yathrib (aka medina)???
The islamic 'hero' Osama bin Laden al kanzeer had a "reason" for his glorification of allah thru the murder of thousands even slut whore wafa idris had a "reason"
I am not a nun and I do not drink beer. It is very bitter. I prefer vodka----also bitter but you do not have to drink SO MUCH OF IT ------to get a buzz I always prefer vodka-------despite its taste-----it is not as bad as is SCOTCH------I cannot tolerate gin at all. it has that same miserable bitter HOPS taste that beer has In general ---I do not actually LIKE the taste of any alcoholic drinks -----except the most mild wines. I like the taste of orange juice, coca cola and ice water.
The militias evolved as a result of the Mufti the 1929 Hebron massacre upon non-Zionist Jews, where old men were castrated and young girls raped. That's when the Hagana came about.
Exactly. Muslim coexistence with non Muslims is a MYTH. It's good to see someone who knows the truth about the filth of Islam.
I am not a nun and I do not drink beer. It is very bitter. I prefer vodka----also bitter but you do not have to drink SO MUCH OF IT ------to get a buzz I always prefer vodka-------despite its taste-----it is not as bad as is SCOTCH------I cannot tolerate gin at all. it has that same miserable bitter HOPS taste that beer has In general ---I do not actually LIKE the taste of any alcoholic drinks -----except the most mild wines. I like the taste of orange juice, coca cola and ice water.

Wow that's very descriptive. Lol good to know

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