MUSCOVY is really using THIS in the battle of Mariupol. I repeat: this is real ;) / POOTLER´S HORDES ARE GETTING VERY VERY DESPERATE


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
MUSCOVY is really using THIS in the battle of Mariupol. I repeat: this is real. POOTLER´S HORDES ARE GETTING VERY VERY DESPERATE ....

A armored train? Nothing new under the sun there. The Russians love them some armored trains.


The powers that be should clip your wings for your constant spamming.
Putting long range arty on trains isn't a bad thing. The U.S. used to move ABM's and big missiles around by rail hoping to foil Soviet attempts to track them. If the rail network is dense enough they can be brought to bear nearly anywhere. It's not like they're going to spear heading armor breakthroughs or anything, they're support weapons. They will be miles away from infantry and tanks. With air superiority they will be fine.
This thing will be a smoking pile of scrap before too much longer. Just a big stupid vulnerable slow-moving target that can't hide.

Maybe, but if you've ever been to the Ukraine you probably noted it's tough to hide anything there; over 70% of it is agriculturally cultivated wheat fields.
A armored train? Nothing new under the sun there. The Russians love them some armored trains.

ivan your fav Russians love many things from ussr,and we are gonna deliver to Moscow more of them



Calm down Nitwin. If we listened to your wishful thinking the Ukies would have won the war a week ago instead of watching the Russian troops converge on their capital city.

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