Murders of dozens of gays at the Pulse and sickening right wing hypocrisy.

I read somewhere the attacker was ACTUALLY a REGISTERED Democrat.
Why would that be a surprise? Gay hating American Christians who want to kill gays want to ban gay hating Muslims from coming into the US. Perhaps they have more in common than they know.
Rdean I'm embarrassed for you. 50 of your fellow Americans dead and all you can think about is "how can I use this to attack the right"
The 'Homosexual Deviant Agenda' and ignoring the Bible is to blame for this attack. If gays would abolish their degenerate lifestyle and practice good Southern conservative Christian moral values, God would take care of them.
In other words, you feel they deserved what they got.
Sadly...they got exactly what you deserved. You advocate around the clock to disarm people. Well RD - they were disarmed just like you desire. You advocate around the clock to cut defense. Well RD - Obama gutted defense just like you desire. You advocate around the clock to open the border because liberals can't win fair elections with only American's voting. Well RD - Obama opened the border just like you desire.

The results of your astounding ignorance and selfishness? 50 people massacred.
I read somewhere the attacker was ACTUALLY a REGISTERED Democrat.
Why would that be a surprise? Gay hating American Christians who want to kill gays want to ban gay hating Muslims from coming into the US. Perhaps they have more in common than they know.
It's not a surprise. At all. Registered Democrats make up the majority of criminals and acts of hate.
Oh, no, no, no RDean, YOU guys brought this on by refusing to get tough on the internal radical Muslim threat, by opposing domestic surveillance of Muslims, by opposing any halt to Muslim immigration, and by helping the fascist gay rights lobby to persecute religious people for the "crimes" of not wanting to bake their wedding cakes for them, not wanting to host their "weddings" in their businesses, and not wanting to be forced to attend and photograph or otherwise service their "weddings."

YOUR POLICIES are what enable domestic Islamic terrorism, and some of us here won't let you forget it.
I would like to thank RDean on behalf of every low info nutbag who posts he at USMB. You never fail to provide them with a real, live, ignorant lefty to take aim at. You provide a valuable service. You are, to them, "the left". They really, really love you.

You fucking loser.

And may as well stop linking to your failed thread. Nobody cares.
I would like to thank RDean on behalf of every low info nutbag who posts he at USMB. You never fail to provide them with a real, live, ignorant lefty to take aim at. You provide a valuable service. You are, to them, "the left". They really, really love you.

You fucking loser.

And may as well stop linking to your failed thread. Nobody cares.
I would like to thank RDean on behalf of every low info nutbag who posts he at USMB. You never fail to provide them with a real, live, ignorant lefty to take aim at. You provide a valuable service. You are, to them, "the left". They really, really love you.

You fucking loser.

And may as well stop linking to your failed thread. Nobody cares.

That's your kind. Not mine.

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