Murder For Property


Sep 23, 2010
The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. Karl Marx (1818 – 1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820 – 1895)

American Communists preach Karl Marx:

You'd think that after getting their fingers burned a few times on the folly of insulting America's farmers, leftists and Democrats would learn not to insult America's farmers.

They haven't.​

April 2, 2017
Democrats still stuck on stupid about America's farmers
By Monica Showalter

Blog: Democrats still stuck on stupid about America's farmers

Black Africans are doing more than preaching Karl Marx:


More than a few experts and political leaders have suggested there is a nexus between many of the barbaric farm murders and the political efforts to confiscate the farms and properties of white South Africans.​

Murder rate for these white farmers 20 times international average
Posted By Alex Newman On 04/01/2017 @ 8:05 pm

Murder rate for these white farmers 20 times international average

Where are the touchy-feely freakazoids when you need them:

Incidentally, I would also like to hear Baby Ruth comment on South Africa’s constitution after black Africans kill all the white Africans:​

Who Do You Believe? Bill Clinton or America’s Founders?

For decades, the United Nations has been promoting the joys of a one government world without borders. The International crowd’s agenda justified betraying their own countries long before 1945, but none of them will admit that black on white murder and genocide is International no different than global financial markets.

Separating the races physically is the obvious solution to ending race hatred. Separating the races politically is easily accomplished by stopping governments from forcing integration on the white race.

Blacks clearly want to integrate on their terms or not at all.

Racism is the sweetest, most profitable, long-running, con job every black racist gets away with; i.e., the black race is morally superior. The entire scam was designed and executed to show that the black race is superior to every other race —— ergo, every black criminal, pervert, and murderer is morally superior to the entire race of white devils.​

Speaking The Unspeakable: Separate But Equal

Neither Charlie Kirk or Matt Schlapp mention Karl Marx but they show just how deeply black racism is involved with Communism:


What is 'Professor Watchlist'?

What is 'Professor Watchlist'?

Apr. 01, 2017 - 5:24 - A group has put together a list of academics that they say discriminate against conservative students and use their lectures to push their left-wing propaganda. But what about the first amendment? #Tucker​


Move the cursor to 28:00 for Schapp’s comments:

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You think Nunes has his nuts in a vice because he is a farmer?
To BULLDOG: Nunes grew up on a dairy farm. He would have been one of the first whites to be murdered if black racists had the majority here they have in South Africa.

Incidentally, going after white milk is not new:

California Student Writes Op-Ed About How Milk Is Racist Symbol

Is Chocolate Milk Racist?

People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA) tied white milk to Nazism. Does this mean black racists will boycott the milk white dairy farmers produce?

The animal rights group today released a new video to cry over milk, equating the nutritious drink with Nazism. Following the rise in Trump Derangement Syndrome and the progressive left’s hysteria over white supremacism, PETA states:​

PETA Says Milk is a ‘Symbol of White Supremacy’
By Ian Miles Cheong
5:19 pm, March 31, 2017

PETA Says Milk is a ‘Symbol of White Supremacy’

Anybody who is attacked by the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos deserves a spot in Conservatism’s hall of fame. I gotta love Nunes because he:

. . . staked out a far-right perspective, notably on environmental policy, describing Environmental lobbyists as “followers of neo-Marxist, socialist, Maoist or Communist ideals” and characterizing global-warming claims as “hysteria” spread by a “Doomsday cult.”​

Inside Devin Nunes | The Huffington Post

Nunes also nailed the Nutty One:

Nunes said of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “For most of the 20th century people fled the ghost of communist dictators and now you are bringing the ghosts back into this chamber."​

"Nunes is in way over his head"
I'm always amazed at the right's ability to manufacture a completely different reality to match the way they wish things were.
To BULLDOG: Ain’t it a bitch when fact and reality are one and the same!
OK,so are you saying south Africans are out to kill all our white farmers? Peta gets a little nuts sometimes. Do you think everybody who didn't vote for that orange clown is a member of PETA? Obviously, you have so many hateful things swirling around in that tiny brain of yours, but you just can't figure out who to spew them at, so you just lump everything you hate together and name it "libruls". You're a lot like the guy that actually called a weather forecast "librul" because they forecast rain on a day day he had something planned. You can relax. South Africans aren't coming to kill all our white farmers. Weather forecasts aren't political. And, the fantasies that you manufacture to match your overheated hatred aren't real.
the fantasies that you manufacture to match your overheated hatred aren't real.
To BULLDOG: Exactly what do you think white racism is if not a fantasy dreamed up by black race hustlers? Your entire belief system is a fantasy built on hatred with one objective: Blame whites for everything. The sickest people in your fantasy land are whites who play the useful idiot for blacks full of hatred like Obama, Jesse Jackson, Calypso Louie, Jeremiah Wright, and Al Sharpton. White idiots even elect people like Obama, Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison, et al.

You and every other lib would be speechless if you could not accuse conservatives of hatred. Let this be a reminder that you only fool yourself:

the fantasies that you manufacture to match your overheated hatred aren't real.
To BULLDOG: Exactly what do you think white racism is if not a fantasy dreamed up by black race hustlers? Your entire belief system is a fantasy built on hatred with one objective: Blame whites for everything. The sickest people in your fantasy land are whites who play the useful idiot for blacks full of hatred like Obama, Jesse Jackson, Calypso Louie, Jeremiah Wright, and Al Sharpton. White idiots even elect people like Obama, Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison, et al.

You and every other lib would be speechless if you could not accuse conservatives of hatred. Let this be a reminder that you only fool yourself:


As always, I'm amazed at how much you think you know about me, but is completely wrong. I guess that's just another part of the alternate reality that you manufactured.

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