As this is a noble gesture, we can bet he is not putting himself out. Further, we can also bet that his other income is more than enough. However, this plays well to the masses and makes it easier for the house and senate to play business partner and banker with our money. I would be more impressed if bankruptcy was forced, thus doing away with union contracts and see them have to restructure and operate the way Toyota and Honda do. Then step in and give them a loan if you want to. As it stands now, a biggest part of the problem will be left intact, the union. Between that and upper management being too out of touch with modern corporate structuring and not being aggressive enough in product design and innovation, along with demanding quality from the fat and happy union. we there ya have it. Our business in the last 60 years has made a lot of money off a GM factory. What those employees and management did is why they are where they are today. You can't have for lunch a sandwich, 6 shots of Jack and four beers and go back to work and put out a quality product. Sadly this was the norm, not the exception.