Muhammad Ali was a Coward

Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Fuck you he would have ripped your head off. I,d like to see you climb in the ring with the likes of George Foreman in his prime. Hell I dsoubt you would do it today and George is old!

Give me my M60. See who wins.

And you prove my point! To scared for a fair fight

He was also a racist asshole and belong to the biggest racist organization in the US.
racist asshole? yeah right, he was called a ****** all the time by the white trash and HE was the racist,grown the fuck up.
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Well so was George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, and yet they got elected to be the Commander...

Ali made his choice and I may not agree it was his choice...

he of course will ignore that fact about Bush since he has his head up the asses of the Bushs.LOL
Fuck Muhammad Ali. He could have been like Joe Louis and went to draft for troop morale. Real men were in the jungles...not back home burning draft cards.

Fuck you he would have ripped your head off. I,d like to see you climb in the ring with the likes of George Foreman in his prime. Hell I dsoubt you would do it today and George is old!

yep even old man george could still wip his sorry ass in the ring together even now with him as old as he is.:abgg2q.jpg: i love his fairy tales that real men were in the jungles,no the REAL men were the ones that stood up to our corrupt government and did not fight this phony war.:rolleyes:
Give me my M60. See who wins.

Why would you need a gun in a ring?
Why would he need boxing gloves in the jungle?

If you believe you could have taken Ali then you should have offer yourself up, but I doubt it would have happen.

Look, many cowards of that time and you might believe Ali was a coward and if so then three of our last four Presidents were cowards from running away, hiding in the Guard or using doctors to dodge and yet many forgive them...

No one enjoys war, well except nutters...
Trump was not a coward

He courageously fought bone spurs and he knows more than the Generals

You know my old troll add tires of trolling on subjects like this...

Bill Clinton dodged the draft...

George W. Bush was hid in the Guard.

Donald Trump was rich enough to have a doctor say he was not fit for service...

So yes they were cowards because a poor kid went in their place, but at that time no one really wanted to fight in that police action...

As for Trump comments, he an idiot that make other idiot foam at the mouth!

Notice how he evaded those facts how his hero Bush and the other two coward politicians you mentioned with his dodgeball tactics after you took him to school here?:abgg2q.jpg:
He was also a racist asshole and belong to the biggest racist organization in the US.
racist asshole? yeah right, he was called a ****** all the time by the white trash and HE was the racist,grown the fuck up.

What do you call the nuts on the race relations forum who lose their shit every time inter-racial relationships are mentioned?
Joe Louis got screwed for serving his country

Hell, just paying into Social Security we all get screwed by our country every day

I would not call Ali a coward. I will never forget him tossing away his Olympic medal into the river to make a point. I may not agree with his convictions, but I'm convinced he was ready to die for them.

When looking at how veterans are treated, like the Vietnam Vets after the war with the government evading treating those effected by Agent Orange, I think Ali was right.

Today we just send them to the only single payer system in the US, the VA, to treat Veterans who are in need where they promptly create secrete death lists, that is if they are too sick and costly to treat.

This is what Dims want for us all.

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