Mueller's Team Used Possible Illegally Obtained Trump Transition Team E-Mails as Basis For Questions


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In interviews of Trump / Trump Team Associates / Team Members.

If the final decision (surely coming) decides these e-mails wwre illegally optained it could result in a LOT of Mueller's investigation ... maybe Flynn's indictment ... being THROWN OUT ... and his investigation possibly SHUT DOWN.

'Mueller had the emails when his prosecutors used them as the basis for questions to witnesses

"We understand that the Special Counsel's Office has subsequently made extensive use of the materials it obtained from the GSA, including materials that are susceptible to privilege claims."

  • The letter says this was a violation of Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure.
  • "Additionally, certain portions of the [transition] materials the Special Counsel's Office obtained from the GSA, including materials that are susceptible to privilege claims, have been leaked to the press by unknown persons."

Illegal search and seizure ... illegal acquisition of privileged communications / information ... MORE LEAKS, potevtially of classified and / or privileged information:

Yup, Mueller is living up to his reputation of being a f*-up and of potential prosecutorial / investigative misconduct...

...and still leaking like a seive...

New: Trump officials demand Mueller return thousands of emails


The emails were obtained from GSA servers and government email accounts.

As Fox News reported "Loewentritt, who added that transition team members were warned that information "would not be held back in any law enforcement" investigation and that "no expectation of privacy can be assumed."".

#1 You don't have 4th Amendment protections for government entity email services because they are not private property - they are government property. Same with private employers, if the employer provides you with an email account - the contents are the property of the employer.

#2 The Transition Team were NOT government employees, and Trump was President Elect. Executive privilege applies to the President, not to civilians (which is what Trump was until Noon on January 20th.)

Since the government owned the servers and supplied the account, don't see where Mueller wasn't on sound legal footing for obtaining government emails from government servers pertaining to government account and supplied by a government agency.

Of course maybe Mueller should have just taken a page from the Trump campaign and had the emails leaked to Wiki leaks - a practice that Trump supported.

"Trump transition lawyer: Mueller improperly obtained documents in Russia probe


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