MUELLER TEAM LIED! Attorney for Joseph Mifsud Confirms He is Western Intelligence Operative

Mueller under oath said that Italian professor was a Russian agent

He knew all
Along that he was working with the democrats and deep state

Mueller committed perjury !!
colluding with russia or colluding with ukraine is a distinction without a difference, my friends. both are ex-soviet enemies of america!
Investigative reporter John Solomon from The Hill joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

The two discussed John Solomon’s latest interview with CIA operative Joseph Mifsud’s attorneys.

According to Mr. Mifsud’s attorneys their client was working for the CIA and was NOT a Russian operative as reported by the Mueller witch hunt team of liars.

Maria Bartiromo: We know that there were informants thrown at certain Trump campaign people, like George Papadopoulos. George Papadopoulos was on this show and he told me directly on this show that Mifsud was the guy they wanted him to meet in Italy… That is the individual who told him that Russia has emails on Hillary Clinton. Why is that important, John?

John Solomon: Well, I interviewed Mr. Mifsud’s lawyer the other day, Stefan Rowe, and he told me and also provided me some deposition evidence to both Congress and myself that his client was being directed and long worked with Western intelligence. And he was being directed specifically, he was asked to connect George Papadopoulos to Russia, meaning it was an operation, some form of intelligence operation. That was the lawyer’s own words for this. If that’s the case that means the flash point the started the whole investigation was in fact manufactured from the beginning.

This is a HUGE development. ROBERT MUELLER and his band of angry Democrats lied in their final report on operative Joseph Mifsud. Mifsud was NOT a Russian operative as the Mueller report claimed he was. Mifsud worked for Western intelligence — and now his attorney has confirmed this!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

This means that the FBI (our own govt) used Mifsud to plant information with Papadopoulis, specifically that Russia had dirt on the Hildebeasty The idea was to get Papadopoulis to act upon this false informaton and set off the entire Trump campaign-Russia collusion hoax.


Come on AG Barr drop just a small fry indictment this month and continue doing so until the HEAVY HITTERS can be indicted in late Sept. To mid Oct. 2020... let's put the DemonRATS in jail and virtually the power they once had!...WHAT A TRUMP TALKING POINT GOING INTO THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION....LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!
Can you give the page number in the Mueller report that shows what it says on Misfud that was a lie.

John Solomon is Giuliani's media Propaganda mouthpiece.....
He's not Fake News covering for the Deep State and the Left, that's for sure.
Mueller under oath said that Italian professor was a Russian agent

He knew all
Along that he was working with the democrats and deep state

Mueller committed perjury !!
Are you sure? In Papadopolous charging documents he got a little fancifooted, if I remember correctly he said that Papadopolous thought he was an Russian agent. From which I inferred that he knew damn well he wasn't.
Let's Repeat This:


Russian Collusion was really a Collusion between The Obama White House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Russia and HIllary Clinton!

And No Doubt, Mueller and Comey were not just actors in this deception and Manufactured Narrative, they were key players.
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