'Mueller Presser MUCH WORSE Than What Comey Did'

My guess is Mueller himself committed numerous crimes over the years and during his own appointment as Special Counsel, so he's in hot water too, so like an Octopus, clouded the water to make an escape for himself.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

It's not a Coinkidink that Comey's hit piece editorial and Mueller's fake press conference occurred nearly simultaneously while Barr's investigations into the way they conducted their "investigations" are heating up.
Clinton's speech, Nadler, Booker, Harris, and Pelosi all releasing statements simultaneously. It was all coordinated.
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did


Well what else did anyone expect from a known deep stater and life long good buddy of Comey? It's over for these bozos. Trump has upset their apple carts, broken their rice bowls and they don't like it or him one little bit. However Trump has done us all and this nation a great service for exposing this farce for what it is. These people and their kind are all parasites feeding on us and they need to be gone.
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did

The American people are fed up!

AMERICANS LIVID as Robert Mueller Outduels James Comey for Most Corrupt FBI Head Ever!
My guess is Mueller himself committed numerous crimes over the years and during his own appointment as Special Counsel, so he's in hot water too, so like an Octopus, clouded the water to make an escape for himself.

For anyone who wants a closer look at 'Robert Mueller'....

Robert Mueller: The Biggest Scandals and Controversies in His Career

Revealed: Mueller's FBI Repeatedly Abused Prosecutorial Discretion

Robert Mueller's forgotten surveillance crime spree
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did

Have Comey and Mueller Destroyed the FBI? Only with Real Transparency Will the FBI Ever Be Trusted Again.
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did

Oh, so Douchewitz thinks Mueller put his elbow on the scale? Why, because he made the remark publicly! Yes, 90% of the witless Trump ass lickers didn't know Mueller came to that same concludion in the report. Fox Hate TV never told the Trumptards so Douchewitz & right wing goons want Mueller's hide because he did at the presser!

Revenge is a dish best served cold & Mueller got his, so enjoy that shit sammich, Trumptards!
Yea, but but but Mueller is a Republican, so he must love Trump!

So was McCain and so is Romney, you stupid fools.

You are either very stupid or just being disingenuous. Either way, you are embarrassing yourselves.
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did

You're kidding, right? Cheeto Jesus said Mueller exonerated him in the press conference. So did all the republican pundits.
Mueller basically said that Trump is guilty until Mueller exonerates him.

That is a disgusting abuse of prosecutorial power.
He's a hack.

His own Biased Report showed "insufficient evidence" & "No Collusion"

In a Grand Jury or Criminal Trial that renders a verdict of Not Guilty.

There is no Verdict of "Exonerated"

Either there is evidence to suggest Indictment or their is Insufficient Evidence.
You need to read the report.
Forget putting a 'finger' on the judicial scale, The Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz declared Mueller just put his ELBOW on that judicial scale!

Robert Mueller "put his elbow on the scale" and his decision to do so was "much worse" than what then-FBI Director James Comey did in 2016.

In his 'drive-by' press conference, Mueller declared, "If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

"That was absolutely inappropriate for him to say. It was worse than anything Comey said when he exonerated Hillary Clinton and then said, but she engaged in extremely careless conduct," Dershowitz declared.

"Dershowitz said Comey was broadly "condemned" for his July 2016 announcement about the Clinton email probe and "helping the Democrats" was Mueller's only possible motive" for his appearance Wednesday morning."

Robert Mueller 'put his elbow on the scale,' says Alan Dershowitz: 'Much worse' than what Comey did

Have Comey and Mueller Destroyed the FBI? Only with Real Transparency Will the FBI Ever Be Trusted Again.

Good points. However, I disagree with Dershowitz. Mueller did not put his elbow on the scale of justice; he put his entire fat ass on the scale.

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