Mueller Is Coming for Trump

Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.

No, it won't. Knock your shit off.
There's no such crime as "collusion," moron.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

ROFL! No rational credible person believes Trump was involved. Only desperate snowflakes like you make such accusations.
Another brain-dead con chimes in.

I say 'anyone associated with Trump's campaign,' ^^^ This one ^^^ hears, Trump himself.

Who would that be, and what did they do?
Na, he will be largely ineffectual. He knows there is nothing. His team shows that.

Nah, the reality is... You're talking out of your ass right now. You have no idea what Mueller is or is not finding. You know it, I know it, everyone here with functioning gray matter knows it.

Thats just the smarting you feel from just about every democrat losing an election since 2010. It will pass. You meant to say "YOU HOPE" but more and more it looks worse for you. Do tell us though, what top secret information are you all getting because even yalls half black messiah said there was nothing there? one year of investigation and even MSNBC disagrees with you. It looks like you be the one talking out yalls ass. Yall took losing ALL the special elections and yall are taking it really bad. Must suck to have to hang all your hopes on this. you will only have your heart broken again.
Aww, look at ^^^ that ^^^

I struck a nerve. Evidently since the poor sap lashes out with a non-sequitur about elections when We're talking about Trump shaping up to be the next Nixon. :mm:

mm. But it was supposed to be about him not having a mandate, but yall failed there again. This Russia thing is losing steam to. If there were something, it would have been leaked. Resistance is futile. Yall need to st in back and drink your slurpy.
Losing steam? Do you ever not talk out of your ass? There's a whole new investigation starting up now. On top of the one ongoing within the FBI. That's your idea of "losing steam??"


Yerp, a whole new investigation, then another, then one more when all along the reason all this stared was never proven out. The investigation came full circle so many times that you have to find another to place all your hopes in until it comes up with nothing. You are as bad as the republicans and trumpkins. You just cant get over the hype. you are all wrapped up in it. So far its a fact, 0/0 in the investigation department and yalls lynch mob is losing popularity.
^^^ Judge Judy ^^^ chimes in...

Moron... "collusion" is an element of a crime.

That's right, moron, but there has to be an actual crime committed. What was the crime?
The crime was illegal computer hacking. Comey was crystal clear Russia was involved. The collusion element is if anyone associated with Trump's campaign was involved.

ROFL! No rational credible person believes Trump was involved. Only desperate snowflakes like you make such accusations.
Another brain-dead con chimes in.

I say 'anyone associated with Trump's campaign,' ^^^ This one ^^^ hears, Trump himself.

Who would that be, and what did they do?
You know as well as I do that it's still under investigation and the FBI has not said. So who knows why you ask such stupid questions?
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.
Na, he will be largely ineffectual. He knows there is nothing. His team shows that.

Nah, the reality is... You're talking out of your ass right now. You have no idea what Mueller is or is not finding. You know it, I know it, everyone here with functioning gray matter knows it.

Thats just the smarting you feel from just about every democrat losing an election since 2010. It will pass. You meant to say "YOU HOPE" but more and more it looks worse for you. Do tell us though, what top secret information are you all getting because even yalls half black messiah said there was nothing there? one year of investigation and even MSNBC disagrees with you. It looks like you be the one talking out yalls ass. Yall took losing ALL the special elections and yall are taking it really bad. Must suck to have to hang all your hopes on this. you will only have your heart broken again.
Nice theory.....

But it is the Republicans leading the investigation in the House, Senate and Justice Department. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by Bush
He's now registered as an Independent, and Jamie Gorelick is his boss at the law firm he works at. He's obviously a mole.

Give Muller a chance. He is a law dog, not a hack like Comey.
so then why hasn't he subpoenaed the DNC Server, the source of the initial event? dude, excuse me for being rude here, but that doesn't follow any fking logic. if russia is the reason we have an investigation and russia hacked the DNC server, then that should have been the very fking first thing anyone in our government should have looked at. and yet last night Debbie Wasserman said no one has ever asked for it. yeah, give a guy a chance? fk him and his team. this is nothing but one big lynch party sponsored by democrats.
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to?
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

Did any of those contacts with Russians by any of the Trump people add up to "collusion", Winger? You on the left have been trying to say that it did for the better part of a year and have yet to come up with anything that would substantiate that allegation.

Now you've changed course and declared that it isn't collusion that is the problem (since you haven't discovered any collusion!!!) but it's obstruction of justice that's the problem! That Donald Trump obstructed justice because he fired James Comey! The problem with that narrative (and it's a huge one!) is that Trump fired Comey because he didn't like his performance as Director of the FBI...not because Comey was investigating Russian collusion. Comey himself testified under oath that Trump encouraged him to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion allegations. Why? Because Trump obviously knows that there wasn't any collusion that took place and wants a full investigation that underscores that.
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

So what is then the difference between this meeting with the Russians?

So where was the same excitement about Obama asking Russia to help him get re-elected? I mean here are his exact words!

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense”
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE: Isn't this collusion? Obama is asking Russia not to do anything that would prevent his re-election... THAT is collusion"]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

So where was the hue and cry about Obama collusion with Putin NOT to do anything that would affect Obama's re-election?
I mean he ASKED Medvedev for time... “particularly with missile defense” —!
Do you understand what that was about? The US was working with the UN to install a missile shield protecting NATO,etc. from potential Russian missile attacks.
Obama blatantly told Medvedev that if Obama is re-elected than this issue particularly with missile defense” —! would be resolved!! HOW? By not going forward!
That's the "flexibility" result, i.e. re-elected Obama won't push for the missile defense emplacement!
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

So what is then the difference between this meeting with the Russians?

So where was the same excitement about Obama asking Russia to help him get re-elected? I mean here are his exact words!

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense”
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE: Isn't this collusion? Obama is asking Russia not to do anything that would prevent his re-election... THAT is collusion"]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

So where was the hue and cry about Obama collusion with Putin NOT to do anything that would affect Obama's re-election?
I mean he ASKED Medvedev for time... “particularly with missile defense” —!
Do you understand what that was about? The US was working with the UN to install a missile shield protecting NATO,etc. from potential Russian missile attacks.
Obama blatantly told Medvedev that if Obama is re-elected than this issue particularly with missile defense” —! would be resolved!! HOW? By not going forward!
That's the "flexibility" result, i.e. re-elected Obama won't push for the missile defense emplacement!
He was the sitting president, with full authority of the United States. What's wrong with him saying what he did?
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

Did any of those contacts with Russians by any of the Trump people add up to "collusion", Winger? You on the left have been trying to say that it did for the better part of a year and have yet to come up with anything that would substantiate that allegation.

Now you've changed course and declared that it isn't collusion that is the problem (since you haven't discovered any collusion!!!) but it's obstruction of justice that's the problem! That Donald Trump obstructed justice because he fired James Comey! The problem with that narrative (and it's a huge one!) is that Trump fired Comey because he didn't like his performance as Director of the FBI...not because Comey was investigating Russian collusion. Comey himself testified under oath that Trump encouraged him to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion allegations. Why? Because Trump obviously knows that there wasn't any collusion that took place and wants a full investigation that underscores that.
We are going to have to find out. If those contacts were just "routine"......why won't Trump show us recordings or minutes from the meetings
Obstruction is a different issue and it is not an either or situation
Why did Trump keep changing his reason for firing Comey
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

Did any of those contacts with Russians by any of the Trump people add up to "collusion", Winger? You on the left have been trying to say that it did for the better part of a year and have yet to come up with anything that would substantiate that allegation.

Now you've changed course and declared that it isn't collusion that is the problem (since you haven't discovered any collusion!!!) but it's obstruction of justice that's the problem! That Donald Trump obstructed justice because he fired James Comey! The problem with that narrative (and it's a huge one!) is that Trump fired Comey because he didn't like his performance as Director of the FBI...not because Comey was investigating Russian collusion. Comey himself testified under oath that Trump encouraged him to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion allegations. Why? Because Trump obviously knows that there wasn't any collusion that took place and wants a full investigation that underscores that.
We are going to have to find out. If those contacts were just "routine"......why won't Trump show us recordings or minutes from the meetings
Obstruction is a different issue and it is not an either or situation
Why did Trump keep changing his reason for firing Comey

Trump has been rather forthcoming for his reasons for firing Jim Comey. He thought Comey was a "showboat"! He thought Comey didn't have the support of the rank and file of the FBI! He was unhappy that Comey wouldn't publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation for collusion! What's laughable about the claim that you progressives are trying to make...that Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't stop investigating Russian that Comey testified under oath that Trump ENCOURAGED him to investigate Russia's hacking and get to the bottom of what happened! What's also amazing is that you totally ignore that 3/4's of Washington wanted Comey gone...the Democrats because they thought Comey coming out and telling the country Hillary was under investigation again shortly before the election cost her votes...and the GOP because of Comey's excusing Clinton's conduct with her emails to not being sophisticated enough to understand she was breaking the law! Comey sucked. Nobody liked him. Everybody wanted him gone. He's nothing but a means to an end for people like you, Winger! If you were honest in any way you'd admit that!
What's pathetic is that you snowflakes all know that Trump wasn't involved in the hacking...nor were any of his people from the campaign...but you keep making the accusation anyways.

Bottom line is this...the Russians have been hacking for decades and none of you gave two shits about it until Hillary got her fat ass toasted in an election. You were told by a totally biased main stream media she should win easily and now you can't wrap your brains around the notion that the Democratic "message" isn't resonating with the American people and THAT is what is causing you to lose at the ballot box.

If you REALLY want to win need to get rid of the Nancy Pelosis and the Chuck Shumers and get some people with new ideas in there that actually make people's lives better! Or you can continue to run your campaigns of division, continue to accuse others of being evil and continue to lose! Your choice.

Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

So what is then the difference between this meeting with the Russians?

So where was the same excitement about Obama asking Russia to help him get re-elected? I mean here are his exact words!

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense”
until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.
I understand your message about space,” replied Medvedev, who will hand over the presidency to Putin in May.
This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility,” Obama said, expressing confidence that he would win a second term.

[NOTE: Isn't this collusion? Obama is asking Russia not to do anything that would prevent his re-election... THAT is collusion"]

I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev, Putin’s protégé and long considered number two in Moscow’s power structure.
The exchange, parts of it inaudible, was monitored by a White House pool of television journalists as well as Russian reporters listening live from their press center.
FACT CHECK: Obama Pledged 'More Flexibility' Toward Russia After 2012 Election

So where was the hue and cry about Obama collusion with Putin NOT to do anything that would affect Obama's re-election?
I mean he ASKED Medvedev for time... “particularly with missile defense” —!
Do you understand what that was about? The US was working with the UN to install a missile shield protecting NATO,etc. from potential Russian missile attacks.
Obama blatantly told Medvedev that if Obama is re-elected than this issue particularly with missile defense” —! would be resolved!! HOW? By not going forward!
That's the "flexibility" result, i.e. re-elected Obama won't push for the missile defense emplacement!
please! he did not ask Medvedev for help in his reelection. When discussing missile defense, he did the right thing and said it was better to be discussed after he was reelected....what if he was not?

Medvedev did not steal Romney and RNC private emails and Obama was not colluding with him on the dissemination of the emails to hurt his opponent.... obama was not coordinating with the foreign agent to cheat with stolen emails....

And it is possible that the Trump team did not collude with the foreign enemy as well....

the investigation is not over, it's on going.
Last edited:
Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

Did any of those contacts with Russians by any of the Trump people add up to "collusion", Winger? You on the left have been trying to say that it did for the better part of a year and have yet to come up with anything that would substantiate that allegation.

Now you've changed course and declared that it isn't collusion that is the problem (since you haven't discovered any collusion!!!) but it's obstruction of justice that's the problem! That Donald Trump obstructed justice because he fired James Comey! The problem with that narrative (and it's a huge one!) is that Trump fired Comey because he didn't like his performance as Director of the FBI...not because Comey was investigating Russian collusion. Comey himself testified under oath that Trump encouraged him to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion allegations. Why? Because Trump obviously knows that there wasn't any collusion that took place and wants a full investigation that underscores that.
We are going to have to find out. If those contacts were just "routine"......why won't Trump show us recordings or minutes from the meetings
Obstruction is a different issue and it is not an either or situation
Why did Trump keep changing his reason for firing Comey

Lift this cloud from my presidency

Trump has been rather forthcoming for his reasons for firing Jim Comey. He thought Comey was a "showboat"! He thought Comey didn't have the support of the rank and file of the FBI! He was unhappy that Comey wouldn't publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation for collusion! What's laughable about the claim that you progressives are trying to make...that Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't stop investigating Russian that Comey testified under oath that Trump ENCOURAGED him to investigate Russia's hacking and get to the bottom of what happened! What's also amazing is that you totally ignore that 3/4's of Washington wanted Comey gone...the Democrats because they thought Comey coming out and telling the country Hillary was under investigation again shortly before the election cost her votes...and the GOP because of Comey's excusing Clinton's conduct with her emails to not being sophisticated enough to understand she was breaking the law! Comey sucked. Nobody liked him. Everybody wanted him gone. He's nothing but a means to an end for people like you, Winger! If you were honest in any way you'd admit that!
Nobody ever accused Trump of being involved in the is the aftermath of the hacking that is being investigated

What aftermath? You mean Trump using the information that was provided by Wikileaks to defeat Hillary Trump by exposing how corrupt she, the DNC and CNN are? Is THAT the aftermath you're referring to? what happened in the aftermath of the hacks?

Trump used the information in his campaign
Key Trump aides met with Russian agents as the emails were being released
Flynn discussed easing sanctions with the Russians
Trump raised the possibility of dropping sanctions, recognizing Croatia, defended Putin's murders
Trump aides covered up their contacts with Russia

Did any of those contacts with Russians by any of the Trump people add up to "collusion", Winger? You on the left have been trying to say that it did for the better part of a year and have yet to come up with anything that would substantiate that allegation.

Now you've changed course and declared that it isn't collusion that is the problem (since you haven't discovered any collusion!!!) but it's obstruction of justice that's the problem! That Donald Trump obstructed justice because he fired James Comey! The problem with that narrative (and it's a huge one!) is that Trump fired Comey because he didn't like his performance as Director of the FBI...not because Comey was investigating Russian collusion. Comey himself testified under oath that Trump encouraged him to get to the bottom of the Russian collusion allegations. Why? Because Trump obviously knows that there wasn't any collusion that took place and wants a full investigation that underscores that.
We are going to have to find out. If those contacts were just "routine"......why won't Trump show us recordings or minutes from the meetings
Obstruction is a different issue and it is not an either or situation
Why did Trump keep changing his reason for firing Comey

Trump has been rather forthcoming for his reasons for firing Jim Comey. He thought Comey was a "showboat"! He thought Comey didn't have the support of the rank and file of the FBI! He was unhappy that Comey wouldn't publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation for collusion! What's laughable about the claim that you progressives are trying to make...that Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't stop investigating Russian that Comey testified under oath that Trump ENCOURAGED him to investigate Russia's hacking and get to the bottom of what happened! What's also amazing is that you totally ignore that 3/4's of Washington wanted Comey gone...the Democrats because they thought Comey coming out and telling the country Hillary was under investigation again shortly before the election cost her votes...and the GOP because of Comey's excusing Clinton's conduct with her emails to not being sophisticated enough to understand she was breaking the law! Comey sucked. Nobody liked him. Everybody wanted him gone. He's nothing but a means to an end for people like you, Winger! If you were honest in any way you'd admit that!
Any way you cut it......a major blunder by Trump

Why did he fire Comey?
Because Comey was mean to Hillary
Because the Dep Attorney General advised him to
He was going to fire him all along
Because he had lost the faith of the FBI (denied by everyone in the FBI)
Because of his handling of the Russia investigation

What did Trump get out of firing Comey?
Special Counsel Mueller

Nah, the reality is... You're talking out of your ass right now. You have no idea what Mueller is or is not finding. You know it, I know it, everyone here with functioning gray matter knows it.

Thats just the smarting you feel from just about every democrat losing an election since 2010. It will pass. You meant to say "YOU HOPE" but more and more it looks worse for you. Do tell us though, what top secret information are you all getting because even yalls half black messiah said there was nothing there? one year of investigation and even MSNBC disagrees with you. It looks like you be the one talking out yalls ass. Yall took losing ALL the special elections and yall are taking it really bad. Must suck to have to hang all your hopes on this. you will only have your heart broken again.
Nice theory.....

But it is the Republicans leading the investigation in the House, Senate and Justice Department. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by Bush
He's now registered as an Independent, and Jamie Gorelick is his boss at the law firm he works at. He's obviously a mole.

Give Muller a chance. He is a law dog, not a hack like Comey.
so then why hasn't he subpoenaed the DNC Server, the source of the initial event? dude, excuse me for being rude here, but that doesn't follow any fking logic. if russia is the reason we have an investigation and russia hacked the DNC server, then that should have been the very fking first thing anyone in our government should have looked at. and yet last night Debbie Wasserman said no one has ever asked for it. yeah, give a guy a chance? fk him and his team. this is nothing but one big lynch party sponsored by democrats.

Collusion was what got the investigation going, obstruction got Muller hired. He was hired to bring charges not exonerate the Donald. That's my understanding of all of it . Muller has yet to find any illegal activity on Trumps part. In this reguard Muller in my mind has done everything that has been expected of him. This includes hiring a bad ass killer team of lawyers to help him find something. What Muller won't do is invent something as a democrat would. Notice no new leaks? This investigation is the best thing to happen to Trump. The democrats have shot their whole war on this. Let them finish looking stupid. Have just a little faith.
Thats just the smarting you feel from just about every democrat losing an election since 2010. It will pass. You meant to say "YOU HOPE" but more and more it looks worse for you. Do tell us though, what top secret information are you all getting because even yalls half black messiah said there was nothing there? one year of investigation and even MSNBC disagrees with you. It looks like you be the one talking out yalls ass. Yall took losing ALL the special elections and yall are taking it really bad. Must suck to have to hang all your hopes on this. you will only have your heart broken again.
Nice theory.....

But it is the Republicans leading the investigation in the House, Senate and Justice Department. Mueller is a Republican who was appointed by Bush
He's now registered as an Independent, and Jamie Gorelick is his boss at the law firm he works at. He's obviously a mole.

Give Muller a chance. He is a law dog, not a hack like Comey.
so then why hasn't he subpoenaed the DNC Server, the source of the initial event? dude, excuse me for being rude here, but that doesn't follow any fking logic. if russia is the reason we have an investigation and russia hacked the DNC server, then that should have been the very fking first thing anyone in our government should have looked at. and yet last night Debbie Wasserman said no one has ever asked for it. yeah, give a guy a chance? fk him and his team. this is nothing but one big lynch party sponsored by democrats.

Collusion was what got the investigation going, obstruction got Muller hired. He was hired to bring charges not exonerate the Donald. That's my understanding of all of it . Muller has yet to find any illegal activity on Trumps part. In this reguard Muller in my mind has done everything that has been expected of him. This includes hiring a bad ass killer team of lawyers to help him find something. What Muller won't do is invent something as a democrat would. Notice no new leaks? This investigation is the best thing to happen to Trump. The democrats have shot their whole war on this. Let them finish looking stupid. Have just a little faith.
no, the investigation was a counter intelligence investigation into hacking. It's always been about that. No where has anyone ever said collusion or obstruction accept the dems.

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