Mueller intended for Congress to decide if trump obstructed justice....NOT BARR!

Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Congress cannot pass a Bill of Attainder.

Thus without an actual felony or misdemeanor conviction through the justice system, they cannot proceed with actual impeachment.

The Bill of Attainder clause in the Constitution was specifically added to prevent a partisan Congress from abusing impeachment powers. Once again, the Founder Fathers cockblocked you.

I remind you that trump will not be indicted while in office....but if he were not so called president....he would be going to jail with his former lawyer...
For what, exactly?

Violation of Federal Election laws for starts.....the SDNY has other charges they are examining...
Here is the problem for the Trump haters.

Pelosi and the gang will NEVER bring up impeachment. Never mind the fact they could never get 67 Senators to remove him. Pelosi doesn't have the nerve to do it. Clinton and others are likely telling her to keep the issue alive but no impeachment. Do you think Clinton, Yates and the rest of them want to be cross examined in a Senate trial. Give me a break. All of what you see is nothing more than political theatre to hurt Trump. But, in reality, Trump is in the clear.
They may not, but they SHOULD... even if he is not convicted in the Senate, even if the Democrats lose their asses in the next election.... they SHOULD, based on what the Mueller report shows in their facts and evidence, in plain sight.

To allow any president, to get away with this clear and present obstruction and abuse of power, is a slippery slope that NO PRESIDENT should be allowed to do.... even if not convicted because of the yellow belly Republican senators, it will curb our future Presidents and this president, lawless and un-American actions.

It's a major risk, and likely not good for the Democrats, but it is necessary, to save the democracy our founders gave us, with 3 equal branches of government, with a purpose for each.

The President has not faithfully, executed the Laws of this great Nation of ours, and must be called out on it.

Have you ever contemplated running for office?

That was an awesome display of fund raising rhetoric.
Here is the problem for the Trump haters.

Pelosi and the gang will NEVER bring up impeachment. Never mind the fact they could never get 67 Senators to remove him. Pelosi doesn't have the nerve to do it. Clinton and others are likely telling her to keep the issue alive but no impeachment. Do you think Clinton, Yates and the rest of them want to be cross examined in a Senate trial. Give me a break. All of what you see is nothing more than political theatre to hurt Trump. But, in reality, Trump is in the clear.
They may not, but they SHOULD... even if he is not convicted in the Senate, even if the Democrats lose their asses in the next election.... they SHOULD, based on what the Mueller report shows in their facts and evidence, in plain sight.

To allow any president, to get away with this clear and present obstruction and abuse of power, is a slippery slope that NO PRESIDENT should be allowed to do.... even if not convicted because of the yellow belly Republican senators, it will curb our future Presidents and this president, lawless and un-American actions.

It's a major risk, and likely not good for the Democrats, but it is necessary, to save the democracy our founders gave us, with 3 equal branches of government, with a purpose for each.

The President has not faithfully, executed the Laws of this great Nation of ours, and must be called out on it.

If trump can walk away unscathed after all the lies and obstruction....the rule of law is over in the US....
What would you do, how would you react? Say the FBI charged you with Armed Robbery. For 3years they went after all your known friends and family, bankrupted you with Lawyer fees etc.

At the end of all that they said "Sorry, there was NO Robbery after all". But we dont like it you got angry during the three years and lashed out verbally. President Trump behaved better than most would.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Congress cannot pass a Bill of Attainder.

Thus without an actual felony or misdemeanor conviction through the justice system, they cannot proceed with actual impeachment.

The Bill of Attainder clause in the Constitution was specifically added to prevent a partisan Congress from abusing impeachment powers. Once again, the Founder Fathers cockblocked you.

I remind you that trump will not be indicted while in office....but if he were not so called president....he would be going to jail with his former lawyer...
For what, exactly?

Violation of Federal Election laws for starts.....the SDNY has other charges they are examining...
Mueller said there are 13 to 14 investigation cases that they passed along to other prosecutors, the press and us, are only aware of 2 of them, and do not know what the other 11 to 12 are...?

It could be they have nothing to do with President Trump, but since it is all on the hush hush, we do not know, one way or the other.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Mueller doesn't get to rewrite the Constitution, bub.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!
The Mueller report reveals the incompetence of the Obama administration. That's the real crime.
Ah, so you read all 440 pages of the report. That must have taken you a lot of time.
It did take a lot of time, and this is why I have NOT been posting on this site as I usually do, because I was READING the report.

You should have stopped at the Trump Tower arranged meeting. The Mule obstructed by leaving out a major investgation-stopping fact.
Here is the problem for the Trump haters.

Pelosi and the gang will NEVER bring up impeachment. Never mind the fact they could never get 67 Senators to remove him. Pelosi doesn't have the nerve to do it. Clinton and others are likely telling her to keep the issue alive but no impeachment. Do you think Clinton, Yates and the rest of them want to be cross examined in a Senate trial. Give me a break. All of what you see is nothing more than political theatre to hurt Trump. But, in reality, Trump is in the clear.
They may not, but they SHOULD... even if he is not convicted in the Senate, even if the Democrats lose their asses in the next election.... they SHOULD, based on what the Mueller report shows in their facts and evidence, in plain sight.

To allow any president, to get away with this clear and present obstruction and abuse of power, is a slippery slope that NO PRESIDENT should be allowed to do.... even if not convicted because of the yellow belly Republican senators, it will curb our future Presidents and this president, lawless and un-American actions.

It's a major risk, and likely not good for the Democrats, but it is necessary, to save the democracy our founders gave us, with 3 equal branches of government, with a purpose for each.

The President has not faithfully, executed the Laws of this great Nation of ours, and must be called out on it.

If trump can walk away unscathed after all the lies and obstruction....the rule of law is over in the US....

I said the same thing after the Clinton e-mail fiasco. But, we survived.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Congress cannot pass a Bill of Attainder.

Thus without an actual felony or misdemeanor conviction through the justice system, they cannot proceed with actual impeachment.

The Bill of Attainder clause in the Constitution was specifically added to prevent a partisan Congress from abusing impeachment powers. Once again, the Founder Fathers cockblocked you.

I remind you that trump will not be indicted while in office....but if he were not so called president....he would be going to jail with his former lawyer...
For what, exactly?

Violation of Federal Election laws for starts.....the SDNY has other charges they are examining...
Mueller said there are 13 to 14 investigation cases that they passed along to other prosecutors, the press and us, are only aware of 2 of them, and do not know what the other 11 to 12 are...?

It could be they have nothing to do with President Trump, but since it is all on the hush hush, we do not know, one way or the other.

It is more phony hogwash on Russian sounding names. If Dimitry Reghestrocovich shows up at the border....he may get charged with hacking.
At the end of all that they said "Sorry, there was NO Robbery after all". But we dont like it you got angry during the three years and lashed out verbally. President Trump behaved better than most would.
Here's the honest to God, thing....

the report does not say there was no robbery at all....

that is what the right wing media is saying to you, what the president is brainwashing you with....

Just TRY to read some of the two reports, even if you can not take the time to read it all.... (I don't work, and I am anal when it comes to researching things and getting the facts, thus, I just do it... yet I certainly can understand that you want to read the report as much as going to the Dentist...) but just pick a couple of things to read about in it, and you will see that everything you are being told, is a lie.
No collusion...So the goalposts need to be moved to alleged obstruction.

SSDD...Move the fuck on.

View attachment 256913

Obstruction to an investigation into a crime that never happened? Hummm. I wonder how many folks have read Orwell's 1984 or Huxley's Brave New World. More to the point, I wonder how many people can even read these days? They sure do behave as a bunch of illiterate morons.
At the end of all that they said "Sorry, there was NO Robbery after all". But we dont like it you got angry during the three years and lashed out verbally. President Trump behaved better than most would.
Here's the honest to God, thing....

the report does not say there was no robbery at all....

that is what the right wing media is saying to you, what the president is brainwashing you with....

Just TRY to read some of the two reports, even if you can not take the time to read it all.... (I don't work, and I am anal when it comes to researching things and getting the facts, thus, I just do it... yet I certainly can understand that you want to read the report as much as going to the Dentist...) but just pick a couple of things to read about in it, and you will see that everything you are being told, is a lie.

No Collusion but the TT meeting (to entrap) setup by the Dems. To use in the "Insurance policy" plan. So NO, there was no "robbery". There was an attempted sting or a Coup in progress. All that follows is part of the fraud.

Perhaps a few rouge agents (Manafort?) tried to make $$$ off the winning horse. But nothing involving President Trump.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Mueller doesn't get to rewrite the Constitution, bub.
Criminalize in their articles of impeachment, they can consider such as a high crime or misdemeanor....

As example, there is no Crime in the criminal justice system, a law against the President Abusing his Power....

but Congress can consider Abuse of Power by a President, a high crime or misdemeanor, for their articles of impeachment....

as they did with Nixon, they considered and made Abuse of Power, as a high crime and misdemeanor, and had a few in their articles of impeachment, in their impeachment indictments against the sitting president.
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Mueller doesn't get to rewrite the Constitution, bub.

He quoted the Constritution.....Dick...
No collusion...So the goalposts need to be moved to alleged obstruction.

SSDD...Move the fuck on.

View attachment 256913

Obstruction to an investigation into a crime that never happened? Hummm. I wonder how many folks have read Orwell's 1984 or Huxley's Brave New World. More to the point, I wonder how many people can even read these days? They sure do behave as a bunch of illiterate morons.

I work and watch TV and read here or Yahoo. I have not opened a book since? 2001? And then was Fiction.......LOL! Ooops....I am one of them!
Here is the quote from the Mueller document

Under OLC's analysis, Congress can permissibly criminalize certain obstructive conduct
by the President
, such as suborning perjury , intimidating witnesses, or fabricating evidence ,
because those prohibitions raise no separation-of-powers questions. See Application of 28 U.S.C.
§ 458 to Presidential Appointments of Federal Judges, 19 Op. O.L.C. at 357 n.11. The
Constitution does not authorize the President to engage in such conduct, and those actions would
transgress the President's duty to "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. " U.S . CONST.
ART IT, §§ 3.

The lying POS needs to be handled!

Congress cannot pass a Bill of Attainder.

Thus without an actual felony or misdemeanor conviction through the justice system, they cannot proceed with actual impeachment.

The Bill of Attainder clause in the Constitution was specifically added to prevent a partisan Congress from abusing impeachment powers. Once again, the Founder Fathers cockblocked you.

I remind you that trump will not be indicted while in office....but if he were not so called president....he would be going to jail with his former lawyer...
For what, exactly?

Violation of Federal Election laws for starts.....the SDNY has other charges they are examining...
Trump didn't violate any election laws.
At the end of all that they said "Sorry, there was NO Robbery after all". But we dont like it you got angry during the three years and lashed out verbally. President Trump behaved better than most would.
Here's the honest to God, thing....

the report does not say there was no robbery at all....

that is what the right wing media is saying to you, what the president is brainwashing you with....

Just TRY to read some of the two reports, even if you can not take the time to read it all.... (I don't work, and I am anal when it comes to researching things and getting the facts, thus, I just do it... yet I certainly can understand that you want to read the report as much as going to the Dentist...) but just pick a couple of things to read about in it, and you will see that everything you are being told, is a lie.


trump did NOT fully cooperate with Mueller
trump lied his ASS off
trump told people to lie
trump fabricated evidence
trump intimidated witnesses

The report says all this and Barr says NO OBSTRUCTION.

You can bet your ass if you or I did all those things in an attempt to stop an investigation....we would be guilty!

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