MTG responds to the Dem who was defending himself with a pen.

During the gearing Democrats literally called him and other witnesses liars...
Yeah, and?
I, like many others, watched the despicable behavior of these Democrats who berated and attempted to assassinate the character if US citizens who came forward to testify under oath and who signed legal affidavits regarding what they witnessed, under threat of criminal charges if they lied.
Liars have no character to assassinate.
Haven't the Dems hung their hopes and dreams on convicted liars like Cohen, and even voted for admitted plagiarist like Xiden? and lets face it, plagiarism is lying.
It must be a political paradise for politicians like this who will never have to actually do anything for their voters except shit on things.

What, specifically, has Biden done in 50 years in government.

List his accomplishments:

He beat Trump. If that's all he ever did it's enough.
You know he didn't
Of course he did. The only other alternative is the democrats are such ingenious vote riggers that even the smartest republicans can't figure out exactly how they did it. If democrats are just that much smarter than republicans we are better off with them in office anyway.

I figured out the leftists were going use COVID to steal the election early April 2019 when the first reports of changing voter laws started by the leftist media. Then I knew they were going to use the inner cities in the swing states to do it. Leftists run every facet of those elections. They could then play the disenfranchisement race card if they were called out. Then the media runs interference until Inauguration Day. All of this happened. I must be clairvoyant!
They were helping the police hold the door aganist her supporters isn't the flex she thinks it is. :lol:
They fixed that by murdering an unarmed woman.

Do not be jumping through broken windows you are not allowed to jump through...or break!!!
get in the cop's squad car and one won't die as well. and yet, riots occurred. why?

Yup, and yet was handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. With a man kneeling on his neck and to more on his back and legs for about 9 and 1/2 minutes. 2 and 1/2 of which he was un responsive. Not really even close to the same scenario. Oh ya George was unarmed as well.
Yep, hand cuffed why?

I get it he broke the law. Passing a fake 20 and trying to overturn a democratic election, ya not in the same universe.
The world is better off without Fentynal Floyd and worse off with Bumbling Biden.
It must be a political paradise for politicians like this who will never have to actually do anything for their voters except shit on things.

What, specifically, has Biden done in 50 years in government.

List his accomplishments:

He beat Trump. If that's all he ever did it's enough.
You know he didn't
Of course he did. The only other alternative is the democrats are such ingenious vote riggers that even the smartest republicans can't figure out exactly how they did it. If democrats are just that much smarter than republicans we are better off with them in office anyway.

I figured out the leftists were going use COVID to steal the election early April 2019 when the first reports of changing voter laws started by the leftist media. Then I knew they were going to use the inner cities in the swing states to do it. Leftists run every facet of those elections. They could then play the disenfranchisement race card if they were called out. Then the media runs interference until Inauguration Day. All of this happened. I must be clairvoyant!
They even admitted it in the Time magazine article...."a cabal of powerful people"
And idiots here still demand evidence.
By 2024, Biden will be geriatric, Pelosi will be geriatric, Maxine leatherface will be geriatric, Schummer will be geriatric, that old guy who pooped his pants on stage will be geriatric.
Then what?
You have Harris, Beta O Rourke, Smallwell, in bed with the Chinx. Literally. and AOC. All unlikeable fuckers.
Reps just need to pick good candidates who people can relate to, and they will win back control.
During the gearing Democrats literally called him and other witnesses liars...
Yeah, and?
I, like many others, watched the despicable behavior of these Democrats who berated and attempted to assassinate the character if US citizens who came forward to testify under oath and who signed legal affidavits regarding what they witnessed, under threat of criminal charges if they lied.
Liars have no character to assassinate.
Haven't the Dems hung their hopes and dreams on convicted liars like Cohen, and even voted for admitted plagiarist like Xiden? and lets face it, plagiarism is lying.
Ask the Dems.
Quick, get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow. They are floundering badly without it.
it is in Arizona, right now. shhhhhh don't tell no one, you wouldn't understand.
It is also in NH. It is also in any state that is audited next. GA. MI. WI. PA.

ROTFLMFAO, wanna bet?
No. I'll just wait.

Ewe do that, oh hold your breath as well.
Democrats are the ones holding their breath and bowels.

No we are laughing our asses off at the gullibility and stupidity of tRumptards!
They were helping the police hold the door aganist her supporters isn't the flex she thinks it is. :lol:
They fixed that by murdering an unarmed woman.

Do not be jumping through broken windows you are not allowed to jump through...or break!!!
get in the cop's squad car and one won't die as well. and yet, riots occurred. why?

Yup, and yet was handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. With a man kneeling on his neck and to more on his back and legs for about 9 and 1/2 minutes. 2 and 1/2 of which he was un responsive. Not really even close to the same scenario. Oh ya George was unarmed as well.
Yep, hand cuffed why?

I get it he broke the law. Passing a fake 20 and trying to overturn a democratic election, ya not in the same universe.
You are right, Floyd was not murdered, Babbitt was.

Not what the courts in Minnesota said!!!
They didn’t want to be dead

So the Righttards there are pussies as well!!!
They were helping the police hold the door aganist her supporters isn't the flex she thinks it is. :lol:
They fixed that by murdering an unarmed woman.

Do not be jumping through broken windows you are not allowed to jump through...or break!!!
get in the cop's squad car and one won't die as well. and yet, riots occurred. why?

Yup, and yet was handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. With a man kneeling on his neck and to more on his back and legs for about 9 and 1/2 minutes. 2 and 1/2 of which he was un responsive. Not really even close to the same scenario. Oh ya George was unarmed as well.
Yep, hand cuffed why?

I get it he broke the law. Passing a fake 20 and trying to overturn a democratic election, ya not in the same universe.
The world is better off without Fentynal Floyd and worse off with Bumbling Biden.

And tRump out of office, thank ewe for that!!!
They were helping the police hold the door aganist her supporters isn't the flex she thinks it is. :lol:
They fixed that by murdering an unarmed woman.

Do not be jumping through broken windows you are not allowed to jump through...or break!!!
get in the cop's squad car and one won't die as well. and yet, riots occurred. why?

Yup, and yet was handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. With a man kneeling on his neck and to more on his back and legs for about 9 and 1/2 minutes. 2 and 1/2 of which he was un responsive. Not really even close to the same scenario. Oh ya George was unarmed as well.
Yep, hand cuffed why?

I get it he broke the law. Passing a fake 20 and trying to overturn a democratic election, ya not in the same universe.
You are right, Floyd was not murdered, Babbitt was.

Not what the courts in Minnesota said!!!
They didn’t want to be dead

So the Righttards there are pussies as well!!!
Not sure what you’re talking about, Minneapolis is leftard
It must be a political paradise for politicians like this who will never have to actually do anything for their voters except shit on things.

What, specifically, has Biden done in 50 years in government.

List his accomplishments:

He beat Trump. If that's all he ever did it's enough.
You know he didn't

Ewe are correct, he SCHLONGED tRump!
Go back to your doctor. You need new meds.

From a cultist that believes the election was stolen!!
I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

ROTFLMFAO, not in tRumptard world!!!!

How about 81,000,000 to 74,000,000? Those are great numbers!! The greatest numbers ever in fact!!!
Spectrum. You are on it.
They were helping the police hold the door aganist her supporters isn't the flex she thinks it is. :lol:
They fixed that by murdering an unarmed woman.

Do not be jumping through broken windows you are not allowed to jump through...or break!!!
get in the cop's squad car and one won't die as well. and yet, riots occurred. why?

Yup, and yet was handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. With a man kneeling on his neck and to more on his back and legs for about 9 and 1/2 minutes. 2 and 1/2 of which he was un responsive. Not really even close to the same scenario. Oh ya George was unarmed as well.
Yep, hand cuffed why?

I get it he broke the law. Passing a fake 20 and trying to overturn a democratic election, ya not in the same universe.
You are right, Floyd was not murdered, Babbitt was.

Not what the courts in Minnesota said!!!
They didn’t want to be dead

So the Righttards there are pussies as well!!!
Not sure what you’re talking about, Minneapolis is leftard

The righttards should have been brave and stood up and let everyone know they are allowed to murder whomever they want!!!
It must be a political paradise for politicians like this who will never have to actually do anything for their voters except shit on things.

What, specifically, has Biden done in 50 years in government.

List his accomplishments:

He beat Trump. If that's all he ever did it's enough.
You know he didn't

Ewe are correct, he SCHLONGED tRump!
Go back to your doctor. You need new meds.

From a cultist that believes the election was stolen!!
I mean you just can't make this shit up!!!

ROTFLMFAO, not in tRumptard world!!!!

How about 81,000,000 to 74,000,000? Those are great numbers!! The greatest numbers ever in fact!!!
Spectrum. You are on it.

Still greatest numbers ever!!!
Not one lefty cuck asshole will respond to this.

What does that tell you?

That we're still laughing at your bitch act.

This is one serious whiny bitch thread, like all the other threads the Trump cultists are making. We had hoped the Trump cultists might eventually cry out all of their frustrations about being pathetic sore-losers, but they actually seem to be getting more hysterical as time passes.
They were helping the police hold the door aganist her supporters isn't the flex she thinks it is. :lol:
They fixed that by murdering an unarmed woman.

Do not be jumping through broken windows you are not allowed to jump through...or break!!!
get in the cop's squad car and one won't die as well. and yet, riots occurred. why?

Yup, and yet was handcuffed, with his hands behind his back. With a man kneeling on his neck and to more on his back and legs for about 9 and 1/2 minutes. 2 and 1/2 of which he was un responsive. Not really even close to the same scenario. Oh ya George was unarmed as well.
Yep, hand cuffed why?

I get it he broke the law. Passing a fake 20 and trying to overturn a democratic election, ya not in the same universe.
You are right, Floyd was not murdered, Babbitt was.

Not what the courts in Minnesota said!!!
They didn’t want to be dead

So the Righttards there are pussies as well!!!
Not sure what you’re talking about, Minneapolis is leftard

The righttards should have been brave and stood up and let everyone know they are allowed to murder whomever they want!!!
It must be a political paradise for politicians like this who will never have to actually do anything for their voters except shit on things.

What, specifically, has Biden done in 50 years in government.

List his accomplishments:

He IS the top of the liberal food chain, which means it's all downhill from here. That's got to be a good thing.