MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS & NBC are all in decline for one reason

I did like it when Jesse Ventura made that kilmeade storm off the set. "Take my ball and go home" kilmeade. Spoiled little boy he is.
The bottom line is the old Dinosaur Liberal Media just can't be trusted. CNN and the rest have been proven to be liars and propagandists working for the Democratic Party. I take anything they report with a grain of salt. Their "Reports" are usually Anti-Conservative/Republican in some way. Or just more puff pieces on how wondeful the Democratic Party is. That stuff has definitely gotten old. It's great that we finally have other alternative Media Outlets to access. The Liberal Media is just stale at this point.
I used to watch fox, but they are so slanted against working class people its unreal. They side with big business always at the expense of the workers. Definitely anti middle class and rooting for the rich. The overuse of the "patriotic" GARBAGE is over the top too.

That's odd. I watch it everyday and I see reports all the time about how the little guy triumphs over obstacles all the time.
" MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS & NBC are all in decline for one reason "

i'll bite: is it because they didn't tap enough people's phones?
" MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS & NBC are all in decline for one reason "

i'll bite: is it because they didn't tap enough people's phones?

Be careful of what you joke about. The alphabet news channels have done some pretty rotten things in their angst to get the "story" out. Remember CBS while attempting to prove that new government regulation is needed because pick up trucks always catch on fire when they over turn in an accident. After wrecking several trucks and wasting tons of time the producer of the story told them to light the truck on fire and edit the film, so they did.

Some of you may not think this was such a terrible thing but it caused a firestorm in Washington and caused politicians to hold one worthless unnecessary hearing after another. Your wasted tax dollars because of a fake non story done by CBS news.

Another thing this story caused was increased cost for truck buyers from every domestic auto maker because they all had to change the way they had positioned gas tanks. Again because of a fake story by CBS News. Another thing why are they all seemingly in favor of more government regulation? Their job is to tell us the news, not make it up in hopes of getting us to sign on to a bigger uncle Sam.
"The concept of the Fourth Estate (or fourth estate) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. It now most commonly refers to the news media; especially print journalism."

"Thomas Carlyle attributed the origin of the term to Edmund Burke, who used it in a parliamentary debate in 1787 on the opening up of press reporting of the House of Commons of Great Britain."

"In American usage, the phrase "fourth estate" is contrasted with the "fourth branch of government", with "fourth estate" used to emphasize the independence of the press....."
"That's odd. I watch it everyday and I see reports all the time about how the little guy triumphs over obstacles all the time. "

I guess in between the stories about how grand corporate america is there might be a story about a little guy, but it goes against everything fox and murdoch stands for when they're not hacking into phone lines and such....
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I've Actually noticed the host of meet the press tone down his rhetoric since he took over the show. Before he became an anchor he acted like a partisan hack like the rest of them. Now I can actually tolerate watching him.

Now I'm expecting the rhetoric to infest this thread about Fox news so let me just say this...

Hannity is clearly hard right BUT he has multiple democrats on his show every night to offer opposing views. All n all I think Fox does a good job finding a middle ground to present news with a right leaning angle. I believe their ratings will back up my thoughts too.

The media used to be our watchdogs. Now they are lap dogs. We need more real journalism in this country.

Ps. I intentionally left out PBS

I guess I should watch Fox instead of CNN, then, between the hours of 7-8PM to see what THEY'RE talking about if not the current budget/debt ceiling debate. Let's see...does Fox even know we still have troops in Afghanistan? CNN covers that every evening. Is Fox still devoting most of its time to wedge issues that they hope will bring down Obama? What's the latest skinny on Acorn? With Glenn Beck gone, is anyone there still putting out RED ALERTS about the Commie/Caliphate partnership about to take over the USA? Just wunnerin...
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I will say there's little for networks to talk about other than painting the allegory of the caring Democrats vs. the Mean Republicans.

I've found that many liberals really dislike admitting that they're liberals. I don't mean that they would rather pretend to be conservative, but I think they hate admitting that they're liberals because that would suggest they're biased and partisan and perhaps even closed-minded to other ideologies. It's the Jon Stewart "restore sanity" BS. Of course "sanity" means "criticizing Republicans and Democrats who embarrass us". They love to decry conservatives for being incurious and hidebound by ideology, and conversely pretend that they have researched the facts and have come to what they feel is the smart, rational, logical conclusion, but that's not the case. They'd rather believe they're just smart and logical and truth-seekers rather than partisan hacks.
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I've Actually noticed the host of meet the press tone down his rhetoric since he took over the show. Before he became an anchor he acted like a partisan hack like the rest of them. Now I can actually tolerate watching him.

Now I'm expecting the rhetoric to infest this thread about Fox news so let me just say this...

Hannity is clearly hard right BUT he has multiple democrats on his show every night to offer opposing views. All n all I think Fox does a good job finding a middle ground to present news with a right leaning angle. I believe their ratings will back up my thoughts too.

The media used to be our watchdogs. Now they are lap dogs. We need more real journalism in this country.

Ps. I intentionally left out PBS

I'm sure you never listen to NPR either. You're rather funny, you accuse the MSM of bias and infer Hannity is fair and balanced Do you actually expect anyone to take you seriously?

I suggest you refrain from calling anyone a partisan hack; if you want to know why I refer you to your post above.

I can vouch for the truth when it comes to MSNBC.. 24/7 they spew hate against the Republicans. even have stupid tepid old harry reid doing it..

Horseshit. They don't even do news/talk shows 24/7. It all ends at 10PM, then do reruns. But I suggest you tear yourself away from the lovely ladies on Fox & Friends in the morning and instead tune into Morning Joe, which has only one lovely lady, Mika Brzezinski co-hosting with Joe Scarborough (a Republican), and who have recently hired on as a political analyst, Michael Steele to their mix which already includes Pat Buchanan and several other high profile Republican talking heads in their specific fields.
The old Liberal Media Dinosaur is on the verge of Extinction. Less & less people are watching,reading,or listening. The CNN,NBC,ABC,CBS Glory Days are just about over. Most people know not to take them too seriously anymore. They all work for the Democratic Party and most people know this. Alternative Media is the wave of the future. Some of the Dinosaurs will still be around but with much less influence. The Liberal Media time has passed for sure.

At least if they go, they'll do it for a valid reason, not because their "Dear Leader" is a corrupt liar (read: Rupert Murdoch).
CNN and the rest of the alphabet networks have been in bed with the Democratic Party for many years. Most Americans understand this now. Their influence is much less these days. They really are the 'Old Media' at this point.

If that's in fact true, then it logically follows is that they must be right. :lol:
I'm sure you never listen to NPR either. You're rather funny, you accuse the MSM of bias and infer Hannity is fair and balanced Do you actually expect anyone to take you seriously?

I suggest you refrain from calling anyone a partisan hack; if you want to know why I refer you to your post above.

I can vouch for the truth when it comes to MSNBC.. 24/7 they spew hate against the Republicans. even have stupid tepid old harry reid doing it..

Horseshit. They don't even do news/talk shows 24/7. It all ends at 10PM, then do reruns. But I suggest you tear yourself away from the lovely ladies on Fox & Friends in the morning and instead tune into Morning Joe, which has only one lovely lady, Mika Brzezinski co-hosting with Joe Scarborough (a Republican), and who have recently hired on as a political analyst, Michael Steele to their mix which already includes Pat Buchanan and several other high profile Republican talking heads in their specific fields.

I watch morning Joe moron.
MSNBC has the worst cable personalities in the history of Cable News. Thats one reason, the other obvious reason is that they make things up to make Republicans and regular white Americans look just plain dumb and naive. Just look at the you-tube views of all thier bloopers and blunders. The accusation of a white dude gun toting at an Obama rally pretty much sums up the intelligence and racist attitudes of MSNBC. and Bob Shaffer at CBS needs to drink more prune juice before interviewing conservative leaders.

Racist? Prune juice? How old are you? Nine? May you make it to twelve.
I'm sure you never listen to NPR either. You're rather funny, you accuse the MSM of bias and infer Hannity is fair and balanced Do you actually expect anyone to take you seriously?

I suggest you refrain from calling anyone a partisan hack; if you want to know why I refer you to your post above.

I can vouch for the truth when it comes to MSNBC.. 24/7 they spew hate against the Republicans. even have stupid tepid old harry reid doing it..

Horseshit. They don't even do news/talk shows 24/7. It all ends at 10PM, then do reruns. But I suggest you tear yourself away from the lovely ladies on Fox & Friends in the morning and instead tune into Morning Joe, which has only one lovely lady, Mika Brzezinski co-hosting with Joe Scarborough (a Republican), and who have recently hired on as a political analyst, Michael Steele to their mix which already includes Pat Buchanan and several other high profile Republican talking heads in their specific fields.

So Maddow, Mathews, Schultz, Cenk Uyger, Dylan Ratigan and Lawrence O'Donnell (whom all have hour long shows, not including the clearly liberal news hosts like Tamron, Andrea Mitchelle, and Thomas Roberts) are just impartial commentators on current events? No bias there?
I'm sure you never listen to NPR either. You're rather funny, you accuse the MSM of bias and infer Hannity is fair and balanced Do you actually expect anyone to take you seriously?

I suggest you refrain from calling anyone a partisan hack; if you want to know why I refer you to your post above.

I never claimed Hannity was himself fair. I said he has dems on his show. And I see no one is refuteing the fact that the other channels don't even attempt to put forth balance in their guest line up. And by the way I DO get msnbc on my basic cable package. FACT

antennea service I meant...basic yea

And "basic" cable or satellite (under $30) do NOT include cable news channels, unless that's changed very recently.
I can vouch for the truth when it comes to MSNBC.. 24/7 they spew hate against the Republicans. even have stupid tepid old harry reid doing it..

Horseshit. They don't even do news/talk shows 24/7. It all ends at 10PM, then do reruns. But I suggest you tear yourself away from the lovely ladies on Fox & Friends in the morning and instead tune into Morning Joe, which has only one lovely lady, Mika Brzezinski co-hosting with Joe Scarborough (a Republican), and who have recently hired on as a political analyst, Michael Steele to their mix which already includes Pat Buchanan and several other high profile Republican talking heads in their specific fields.

So Maddow, Mathews, Schultz, Cenk Uyger, Dylan Ratigan and Lawrence O'Donnell (whom all have hour long shows, not including the clearly liberal news hosts like Tamron, Andrea Mitchelle, and Thomas Roberts) are just impartial commentators on current events? No bias there?

you forgot the bitch who haughtily asked.. "so, do you have a degree in economics?" what is her name?

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