MSM Replays Rubio's water-swig 200 times


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
Atlanta, GA
TALLY: Non-biased MSNBC - 155; Evil FOX News - 12; CNN - 34.

This doesn't surprise me one bit. I've been beating this drum for years now. I just want to point this out for future reference: my fellow right-wingers, the next time someone who either claims to be a concerned Republican, or someone who is clearly a liberal, suggests that Republicans need to move away from being the party of old, angry white men, that they need to modernize and moderate in the face of shifting demographics, that we need to not be "the stupid party" and let someone who's young, obviously smart, and a decent man and talented politician be the face of the party, that we need to stop demagoguing people and issues that drive voters away...tell them to kiss your ass.

Politely, of course.

Look at how they're turning Rubio into a national punchline. Not everyone watched or wanted to watch the SOTU, much less either of the responses. But what is everyone going to take away from it? Not anything Our Dear Leader Obama said or promised; it's going to be that Rubio took a swig of water during his response. You'd think he picked his nose and then inspected the findings of it.
I don't get what all the hoopla is about.

So what the guy took a drink of water?

People really are fucking stupid.
The lamestream media is worthless
links in artilce at site

posted at 10:41 am on February 14, 2013 by Allahpundit

Say thanks to Jeff Poor and the Daily Caller for enduring the Ludovico-ish process needed to tally these numbers. The “200 times” figure comes with an asterisk:

Turns out Rachel Maddow alone accounted for more than half the replays by putting the clip of Rubio reaching for the water on a loop, tucked into a corner of the screen, for 13 minutes while she and Steve Kornacki were hashing out the particulars of his speech. (Seeing is believing.)

Jon Stewart once chided her and MSNBC for beating the “teabagger” joke into the ground, but in hindsight he should be glad she never resorted to a push-button morning-zoo-style soundboard for the T-word. She’s always been touted as a more civil, substantive alternative to Olbermann, and in fairness this episode bears that out. If Olby were still on the air, he would have run the clip for the full hour.

At Mediaite, Joe Concha looks at the tone of the coverage across various networks and wonders how it’s come to this:
Since old, white, stuffy Mitt Romney’s defeat in November, the media has lectured us on what kind of candidate the GOP needs to produce, which actually sounds similar to a remedy for a struggling baseball team: Republicans need to get younger, more diverse, stronger up the middle.

So what happens when a respected 41-year-old Cuban-American Republican U.S. Senator is put on the national stage?

The media turns him into a punch line. And if you’re like most Americans too busy to devote hours of time to watch the State of the Union and its rebuttal, the news you got this morning portrayed Rubio as Cindy in the infamous spelling bee episode of the Brady Bunch (Cindy aces all tests in school until a red light on a camera during a televised contest freezes her beyond repair).

Poor impression made.

Mission accomplished.

all of it here
Cable news replayed the clip of Rubio sipping water more than 200 times yesterday « Hot Air
sorry about the duplicate thread guys, I just got off work, didn't do a search
TALLY: Non-biased MSNBC - 155; Evil FOX News - 12; CNN - 34.

This doesn't surprise me one bit. I've been beating this drum for years now. I just want to point this out for future reference: my fellow right-wingers, the next time someone who either claims to be a concerned Republican, or someone who is clearly a liberal, suggests that Republicans need to move away from being the party of old, angry white men, that they need to modernize and moderate in the face of shifting demographics, that we need to not be "the stupid party" and let someone who's young, obviously smart, and a decent man and talented politician be the face of the party, that we need to stop demagoguing people and issues that drive voters away...tell them to kiss your ass.

Politely, of course.

Look at how they're turning Rubio into a national punchline. Not everyone watched or wanted to watch the SOTU, much less either of the responses. But what is everyone going to take away from it? Not anything Our Dear Leader Obama said or promised; it's going to be that Rubio took a swig of water during his response. You'd think he picked his nose and then inspected the findings of it.

I tell them to fuck off -- or blow me
sorry about the duplicate thread guys, I just got off work, didn't do a search

so, wait... we have multiple threads from the right about multiple plays from the left -- of a guy drinking water?
I have to wonder what it is some of y'all consider "news"... I really do.
Dems made an art form of the Politics of Personal Destruction

yep, they did it with every Republican candidate, Cain and women, Gingrich and his divorce, Romney and how much tax he paid, etc etc and the worst and most vile was what they did against a woman Vice Presidential candidate, Palin..

Now they are starting on Rubio and all he did was give a speech
Rubio, the Savior of the GOP.

Epic fail. You can't fix stupid. You can only tear it down and start from scratch.

Here's hoping Rubio stays thirsty and the GOP stays stupid.

Regards from Rosie
Rubio, the Savior of the GOP.

Epic fail. You can't fix stupid. You can only tear it down and start from scratch.

Here's hoping Rubio stays thirsty and the GOP stays stupid.

Regards from Rosie

wrong, only you Democrats look at politicians, as saviors..
the people in the gop see them for what they are, PEOPLE
Rubio, the Savior of the GOP.

Epic fail. You can't fix stupid. You can only tear it down and start from scratch.

Here's hoping Rubio stays thirsty and the GOP stays stupid.

Regards from Rosie

The idea that you are capable of identifying stupid is too hilarious for words.
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I wonder how many time Maddcow replayed Obama calling our military, CORPS-MAN

Anyone who watches those idiot over there has to come away braindead
Kind of revolting that the media didn't focus on Rubio's big honkin' lies too. But then, that is how our nutty conservative media works. And the conservative base adores Rubio's big honkin' lies, that's how they work.

Now, to all the pansies on this thread ... the conservatives, that is ... let me play the world's smallest violin here for you. Did your feefees get hurt because the media laughed at your guy doing something stupid? Awwww. Here's a clue then ... DON'T DO SOMETHING STUPID ON CAMERA. Were y'all complaining how the nasty media replayed the Dean scream? Do something that looks dumb, and the media will replay it.
Kind of revolting that the media didn't focus on Rubio's big honkin' lies too. But then, that is how our nutty conservative media works. And the conservative base adores Rubio's big honkin' lies, that's how they work.

Now, to all the pansies on this thread ... the conservatives, that is ... let me play the world's smallest violin here for you. Did your feefees get hurt because the media laughed at your guy doing something stupid? Awwww. Here's a clue then ... DON'T DO SOMETHING STUPID ON CAMERA. Were y'all complaining how the nasty media replayed the Dean scream? Do something that looks dumb, and the media will replay it.

wow, what honkin goofy post

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