Mrs. McMahon Appointed To The Donald's Cabinet

I dont think I would be too excited about such a pair, however, if it was between them and one of the establishment republicans, I might be tempted to go with that. For the same reasons.
Look, I honestly think that this country is very close to its breaking point. Drastic measures have to be taken and the first step is to shake the hell out of DC, Trump is going to shake it a little bit, but we need a full blown earthquake to get these idiots attention.

Not the thread for it but America is nowhere remotely close to reaching any sort of breaking point. "Make America Great Again" was good bait.

Put another way, when you look at the nation in 2020, you will see that not much will have changed; yet 40% of the nation will swear that we're "great" again.
Each individual will have a different view of what great again means.
I grew up in the 60s, back then you didnt have to be a rocket scientist to raise your family.
One of my friends fathers worked at a record store, didnt own it, he worked at it, his mom was a secretary somewhere. The lived in the same community as I did. ( my father actually made serious good money) Another family down the street from us had 12 kids,, TWELVE, ( I think they were Catholic and using condoms in the 60s would send you to hell. they have better condoms now) But the mother in that family did not work outside of the home, hell, she was freaking pregnant all the way through the 60s and into the 70s. The dad was a cashier at the Giant Food store. A cashier. They had the biggest style house in the community and he was able to afford to raise those 12 kids.
Today both mom and dad work, the bring in over 100k a year, they have one kid and live in a crap house, drive an old ragged out car and can barely make ends meet.
I want to go back to the 60s when people could actually afford to live, and I mean LIVE not just exist.

Where was that--if you don't mind me asking.
That was in Laurel Md. Anne Arundel County. (have to state the county because the city of Laurel is in AA county, prince georges and a bit in howard counties.
Most of the people in the area were employed by NSA, which is only about 5 miles or so down the road in Ft Mead. ( my Jr High school was in Ft Mead. McArthur Jr High.)

Must be more of those phantom jobs created by Uncle Sam (lol).

The short answer is this; Thank Wal*Mart for the way it is now although that is unfair to Wal*Mart; they were just the first to leverage their buying power and force manufacturing to reduce costs and jobs, drive down wages in every area they opened a store, totally shun unions, and use the public health system as part of their health plan. If Target had done it first, they would have been just as bare knuckled when it came to dealing with their suppliers, the municipalities, and employees.

Until we change the atmosphere, companies will continue to operate the same way. Rolling back OSHA and worker/environmental safety regulations are only going to make things worse; not better. You think the money that Wal Mart or Petco saves by not having to comply with so many regulations will find it's way into it's shopper's pockets? Ha! Maybe their investor's pockets but that's it. We're seeing that already with

And, no, tariffs will not do anything to change the atmosphere.
not so sure that putting the blame completely on Wal-Mart is now or ever has been actually true.
a business fills a need. If there was not incredible support for Wal-Marts style of business they would never have been able to grow like they did. remember, they only went public in the mid 80s, so thats a serious growth story. ( did you know that walmart just raised its minimum wage it will pay to I think 10 an hour?) Kohls is now the cheap kid on the block.
Not the thread for it but America is nowhere remotely close to reaching any sort of breaking point. "Make America Great Again" was good bait.

Put another way, when you look at the nation in 2020, you will see that not much will have changed; yet 40% of the nation will swear that we're "great" again.
Each individual will have a different view of what great again means.
I grew up in the 60s, back then you didnt have to be a rocket scientist to raise your family.
One of my friends fathers worked at a record store, didnt own it, he worked at it, his mom was a secretary somewhere. The lived in the same community as I did. ( my father actually made serious good money) Another family down the street from us had 12 kids,, TWELVE, ( I think they were Catholic and using condoms in the 60s would send you to hell. they have better condoms now) But the mother in that family did not work outside of the home, hell, she was freaking pregnant all the way through the 60s and into the 70s. The dad was a cashier at the Giant Food store. A cashier. They had the biggest style house in the community and he was able to afford to raise those 12 kids.
Today both mom and dad work, the bring in over 100k a year, they have one kid and live in a crap house, drive an old ragged out car and can barely make ends meet.
I want to go back to the 60s when people could actually afford to live, and I mean LIVE not just exist.

Where was that--if you don't mind me asking.
That was in Laurel Md. Anne Arundel County. (have to state the county because the city of Laurel is in AA county, prince georges and a bit in howard counties.
Most of the people in the area were employed by NSA, which is only about 5 miles or so down the road in Ft Mead. ( my Jr High school was in Ft Mead. McArthur Jr High.)

Must be more of those phantom jobs created by Uncle Sam (lol).

The short answer is this; Thank Wal*Mart for the way it is now although that is unfair to Wal*Mart; they were just the first to leverage their buying power and force manufacturing to reduce costs and jobs, drive down wages in every area they opened a store, totally shun unions, and use the public health system as part of their health plan. If Target had done it first, they would have been just as bare knuckled when it came to dealing with their suppliers, the municipalities, and employees.

Until we change the atmosphere, companies will continue to operate the same way. Rolling back OSHA and worker/environmental safety regulations are only going to make things worse; not better. You think the money that Wal Mart or Petco saves by not having to comply with so many regulations will find it's way into it's shopper's pockets? Ha! Maybe their investor's pockets but that's it. We're seeing that already with

And, no, tariffs will not do anything to change the atmosphere.
not so sure that putting the blame completely on Wal-Mart is now or ever has been actually true.
a business fills a need. If there was not incredible support for Wal-Marts style of business they would never have been able to grow like they did. remember, they only went public in the mid 80s, so thats a serious growth story. ( did you know that walmart just raised its minimum wage it will pay to I think 10 an hour?) Kohls is now the cheap kid on the block.
As I said, Wal mart was just the first...any store would have done the same thing.

Lower prices is good for the consumer. Not so good for their suppliers. Not so good for their competitors. Not so good for their employees.

And really not so good for the era of America you wish to bring back.

$10 an hour. Too bad 1/2 of it's employees are part time.

The shame, in my bleeding heart liberal view is this. They pay a cash dividend of $0.50 a share and have about 3B shares outstanding; $1.5B dollars they pay out in cash to share holders...every quarter::::::::Not every year.. Most of the shares are held by institutions who are long term players and are not likely to sell based on a dividend drop--they focus on long term growth. And it's not as if WMT has any serious competition in the retail sector as far as Wall Street goes.

What if they dropped it to $0.40 (150 million) or 45 cents (75 million) in cash they'd free up instantly without raising prices one penny. I'm not saying artificially raise the wages but hell a bonus program, driving up the profit sharing, maybe including the books if they have a college scholarship program.... And its' likely to cost them nothing.
Each individual will have a different view of what great again means.
I grew up in the 60s, back then you didnt have to be a rocket scientist to raise your family.
One of my friends fathers worked at a record store, didnt own it, he worked at it, his mom was a secretary somewhere. The lived in the same community as I did. ( my father actually made serious good money) Another family down the street from us had 12 kids,, TWELVE, ( I think they were Catholic and using condoms in the 60s would send you to hell. they have better condoms now) But the mother in that family did not work outside of the home, hell, she was freaking pregnant all the way through the 60s and into the 70s. The dad was a cashier at the Giant Food store. A cashier. They had the biggest style house in the community and he was able to afford to raise those 12 kids.
Today both mom and dad work, the bring in over 100k a year, they have one kid and live in a crap house, drive an old ragged out car and can barely make ends meet.
I want to go back to the 60s when people could actually afford to live, and I mean LIVE not just exist.

Where was that--if you don't mind me asking.
That was in Laurel Md. Anne Arundel County. (have to state the county because the city of Laurel is in AA county, prince georges and a bit in howard counties.
Most of the people in the area were employed by NSA, which is only about 5 miles or so down the road in Ft Mead. ( my Jr High school was in Ft Mead. McArthur Jr High.)

Must be more of those phantom jobs created by Uncle Sam (lol).

The short answer is this; Thank Wal*Mart for the way it is now although that is unfair to Wal*Mart; they were just the first to leverage their buying power and force manufacturing to reduce costs and jobs, drive down wages in every area they opened a store, totally shun unions, and use the public health system as part of their health plan. If Target had done it first, they would have been just as bare knuckled when it came to dealing with their suppliers, the municipalities, and employees.

Until we change the atmosphere, companies will continue to operate the same way. Rolling back OSHA and worker/environmental safety regulations are only going to make things worse; not better. You think the money that Wal Mart or Petco saves by not having to comply with so many regulations will find it's way into it's shopper's pockets? Ha! Maybe their investor's pockets but that's it. We're seeing that already with

And, no, tariffs will not do anything to change the atmosphere.
not so sure that putting the blame completely on Wal-Mart is now or ever has been actually true.
a business fills a need. If there was not incredible support for Wal-Marts style of business they would never have been able to grow like they did. remember, they only went public in the mid 80s, so thats a serious growth story. ( did you know that walmart just raised its minimum wage it will pay to I think 10 an hour?) Kohls is now the cheap kid on the block.
As I said, Wal mart was just the first...any store would have done the same thing.

Lower prices is good for the consumer. Not so good for their suppliers. Not so good for their competitors. Not so good for their employees.

And really not so good for the era of America you wish to bring back.

$10 an hour. Too bad 1/2 of it's employees are part time.

The shame, in my bleeding heart liberal view is this. They pay a cash dividend of $0.50 a share and have about 3B shares outstanding; $1.5B dollars they pay out in cash to share holders...every quarter::::::::Not every year.. Most of the shares are held by institutions who are long term players and are not likely to sell based on a dividend drop--they focus on long term growth. And it's not as if WMT has any serious competition in the retail sector as far as Wall Street goes.

What if they dropped it to $0.40 (150 million) or 45 cents (75 million) in cash they'd free up instantly without raising prices one penny. I'm not saying artificially raise the wages but hell a bonus program, driving up the profit sharing, maybe including the books if they have a college scholarship program.... And its' likely to cost them nothing.
I actually have shares in Wal-Mart. Bought them when they first went public, not excited about a lower dividend.
But its not so much the Wal-Mart making money issue that is the problem, its that Wal-Mart is family owned.
Corporations like Lowes, Home Depot, Hechengers (Remember them?) all built on the same exact platform that Wal-Mart did, large stores filled with everything you need for the home, lower prices and low wages (for the most part) and these big box stores put a whole lot of mom and pop hardware stores out of business. But for some reason, even today we dont hear about these places being a problem. Can that be explained?
So, there is something about Wal-Mart besides what the arguments are that cause problems with certain segments of the public.
I just dont think the real reason for the animosity toward Wal-Mart is being honestly conveyed.
Where was that--if you don't mind me asking.
That was in Laurel Md. Anne Arundel County. (have to state the county because the city of Laurel is in AA county, prince georges and a bit in howard counties.
Most of the people in the area were employed by NSA, which is only about 5 miles or so down the road in Ft Mead. ( my Jr High school was in Ft Mead. McArthur Jr High.)

Must be more of those phantom jobs created by Uncle Sam (lol).

The short answer is this; Thank Wal*Mart for the way it is now although that is unfair to Wal*Mart; they were just the first to leverage their buying power and force manufacturing to reduce costs and jobs, drive down wages in every area they opened a store, totally shun unions, and use the public health system as part of their health plan. If Target had done it first, they would have been just as bare knuckled when it came to dealing with their suppliers, the municipalities, and employees.

Until we change the atmosphere, companies will continue to operate the same way. Rolling back OSHA and worker/environmental safety regulations are only going to make things worse; not better. You think the money that Wal Mart or Petco saves by not having to comply with so many regulations will find it's way into it's shopper's pockets? Ha! Maybe their investor's pockets but that's it. We're seeing that already with

And, no, tariffs will not do anything to change the atmosphere.
not so sure that putting the blame completely on Wal-Mart is now or ever has been actually true.
a business fills a need. If there was not incredible support for Wal-Marts style of business they would never have been able to grow like they did. remember, they only went public in the mid 80s, so thats a serious growth story. ( did you know that walmart just raised its minimum wage it will pay to I think 10 an hour?) Kohls is now the cheap kid on the block.
As I said, Wal mart was just the first...any store would have done the same thing.

Lower prices is good for the consumer. Not so good for their suppliers. Not so good for their competitors. Not so good for their employees.

And really not so good for the era of America you wish to bring back.

$10 an hour. Too bad 1/2 of it's employees are part time.

The shame, in my bleeding heart liberal view is this. They pay a cash dividend of $0.50 a share and have about 3B shares outstanding; $1.5B dollars they pay out in cash to share holders...every quarter::::::::Not every year.. Most of the shares are held by institutions who are long term players and are not likely to sell based on a dividend drop--they focus on long term growth. And it's not as if WMT has any serious competition in the retail sector as far as Wall Street goes.

What if they dropped it to $0.40 (150 million) or 45 cents (75 million) in cash they'd free up instantly without raising prices one penny. I'm not saying artificially raise the wages but hell a bonus program, driving up the profit sharing, maybe including the books if they have a college scholarship program.... And its' likely to cost them nothing.
I actually have shares in Wal-Mart. Bought them when they first went public, not excited about a lower dividend.
But its not so much the Wal-Mart making money issue that is the problem, its that Wal-Mart is family owned.
Corporations like Lowes, Home Depot, Hechengers (Remember them?) all built on the same exact platform that Wal-Mart did, large stores filled with everything you need for the home, lower prices and low wages (for the most part) and these big box stores put a whole lot of mom and pop hardware stores out of business. But for some reason, even today we dont hear about these places being a problem. Can that be explained?
So, there is something about Wal-Mart besides what the arguments are that cause problems with certain segments of the public.
I just dont think the real reason for the animosity toward Wal-Mart is being honestly conveyed.

Okay...what are the "real' reasons?
That was in Laurel Md. Anne Arundel County. (have to state the county because the city of Laurel is in AA county, prince georges and a bit in howard counties.
Most of the people in the area were employed by NSA, which is only about 5 miles or so down the road in Ft Mead. ( my Jr High school was in Ft Mead. McArthur Jr High.)

Must be more of those phantom jobs created by Uncle Sam (lol).

The short answer is this; Thank Wal*Mart for the way it is now although that is unfair to Wal*Mart; they were just the first to leverage their buying power and force manufacturing to reduce costs and jobs, drive down wages in every area they opened a store, totally shun unions, and use the public health system as part of their health plan. If Target had done it first, they would have been just as bare knuckled when it came to dealing with their suppliers, the municipalities, and employees.

Until we change the atmosphere, companies will continue to operate the same way. Rolling back OSHA and worker/environmental safety regulations are only going to make things worse; not better. You think the money that Wal Mart or Petco saves by not having to comply with so many regulations will find it's way into it's shopper's pockets? Ha! Maybe their investor's pockets but that's it. We're seeing that already with

And, no, tariffs will not do anything to change the atmosphere.
not so sure that putting the blame completely on Wal-Mart is now or ever has been actually true.
a business fills a need. If there was not incredible support for Wal-Marts style of business they would never have been able to grow like they did. remember, they only went public in the mid 80s, so thats a serious growth story. ( did you know that walmart just raised its minimum wage it will pay to I think 10 an hour?) Kohls is now the cheap kid on the block.
As I said, Wal mart was just the first...any store would have done the same thing.

Lower prices is good for the consumer. Not so good for their suppliers. Not so good for their competitors. Not so good for their employees.

And really not so good for the era of America you wish to bring back.

$10 an hour. Too bad 1/2 of it's employees are part time.

The shame, in my bleeding heart liberal view is this. They pay a cash dividend of $0.50 a share and have about 3B shares outstanding; $1.5B dollars they pay out in cash to share holders...every quarter::::::::Not every year.. Most of the shares are held by institutions who are long term players and are not likely to sell based on a dividend drop--they focus on long term growth. And it's not as if WMT has any serious competition in the retail sector as far as Wall Street goes.

What if they dropped it to $0.40 (150 million) or 45 cents (75 million) in cash they'd free up instantly without raising prices one penny. I'm not saying artificially raise the wages but hell a bonus program, driving up the profit sharing, maybe including the books if they have a college scholarship program.... And its' likely to cost them nothing.
I actually have shares in Wal-Mart. Bought them when they first went public, not excited about a lower dividend.
But its not so much the Wal-Mart making money issue that is the problem, its that Wal-Mart is family owned.
Corporations like Lowes, Home Depot, Hechengers (Remember them?) all built on the same exact platform that Wal-Mart did, large stores filled with everything you need for the home, lower prices and low wages (for the most part) and these big box stores put a whole lot of mom and pop hardware stores out of business. But for some reason, even today we dont hear about these places being a problem. Can that be explained?
So, there is something about Wal-Mart besides what the arguments are that cause problems with certain segments of the public.
I just dont think the real reason for the animosity toward Wal-Mart is being honestly conveyed.

Okay...what are the "real' reasons?
I really have no idea, all I know is that around that same time period, the big home supply stores popped up with the exact same business model, they put mom and pops out of business just like Wal-Mart, they had low pay just like Wal-Mart essentially the same, they enjoyed essentially the same growth as Wal-Mart. The only difference I can see is that at the top of Wal-mart is a private family, not a mega corporation.
Other than corporate structure, they all share the same basic history and success, yet for some reason, Wal-Mart is singled out.
So I am being very honest when I say that the reason escapes me. Maybe the reasons that are being used are honest and real reasons? but why the free pass for the others that are run in the same manner.
again, only difference is Family owned VS corporate owned.
And then look at this, Sears, which was already huge, bought K-Mart, basically doubling their size, and if you have ever looked at the wages for Sears and K-Mart you would see the basically right in line with Wal-Mart, again, why Wal-Mart and not Sears Holding Corporation?
can you at least see why I am curious?
Must be more of those phantom jobs created by Uncle Sam (lol).

The short answer is this; Thank Wal*Mart for the way it is now although that is unfair to Wal*Mart; they were just the first to leverage their buying power and force manufacturing to reduce costs and jobs, drive down wages in every area they opened a store, totally shun unions, and use the public health system as part of their health plan. If Target had done it first, they would have been just as bare knuckled when it came to dealing with their suppliers, the municipalities, and employees.

Until we change the atmosphere, companies will continue to operate the same way. Rolling back OSHA and worker/environmental safety regulations are only going to make things worse; not better. You think the money that Wal Mart or Petco saves by not having to comply with so many regulations will find it's way into it's shopper's pockets? Ha! Maybe their investor's pockets but that's it. We're seeing that already with

And, no, tariffs will not do anything to change the atmosphere.
not so sure that putting the blame completely on Wal-Mart is now or ever has been actually true.
a business fills a need. If there was not incredible support for Wal-Marts style of business they would never have been able to grow like they did. remember, they only went public in the mid 80s, so thats a serious growth story. ( did you know that walmart just raised its minimum wage it will pay to I think 10 an hour?) Kohls is now the cheap kid on the block.
As I said, Wal mart was just the first...any store would have done the same thing.

Lower prices is good for the consumer. Not so good for their suppliers. Not so good for their competitors. Not so good for their employees.

And really not so good for the era of America you wish to bring back.

$10 an hour. Too bad 1/2 of it's employees are part time.

The shame, in my bleeding heart liberal view is this. They pay a cash dividend of $0.50 a share and have about 3B shares outstanding; $1.5B dollars they pay out in cash to share holders...every quarter::::::::Not every year.. Most of the shares are held by institutions who are long term players and are not likely to sell based on a dividend drop--they focus on long term growth. And it's not as if WMT has any serious competition in the retail sector as far as Wall Street goes.

What if they dropped it to $0.40 (150 million) or 45 cents (75 million) in cash they'd free up instantly without raising prices one penny. I'm not saying artificially raise the wages but hell a bonus program, driving up the profit sharing, maybe including the books if they have a college scholarship program.... And its' likely to cost them nothing.
I actually have shares in Wal-Mart. Bought them when they first went public, not excited about a lower dividend.
But its not so much the Wal-Mart making money issue that is the problem, its that Wal-Mart is family owned.
Corporations like Lowes, Home Depot, Hechengers (Remember them?) all built on the same exact platform that Wal-Mart did, large stores filled with everything you need for the home, lower prices and low wages (for the most part) and these big box stores put a whole lot of mom and pop hardware stores out of business. But for some reason, even today we dont hear about these places being a problem. Can that be explained?
So, there is something about Wal-Mart besides what the arguments are that cause problems with certain segments of the public.
I just dont think the real reason for the animosity toward Wal-Mart is being honestly conveyed.

Okay...what are the "real' reasons?
I really have no idea, all I know is that around that same time period, the big home supply stores popped up with the exact same business model, they put mom and pops out of business just like Wal-Mart, they had low pay just like Wal-Mart essentially the same, they enjoyed essentially the same growth as Wal-Mart. The only difference I can see is that at the top of Wal-mart is a private family, not a mega corporation.
Other than corporate structure, they all share the same basic history and success, yet for some reason, Wal-Mart is singled out.
So I am being very honest when I say that the reason escapes me. Maybe the reasons that are being used are honest and real reasons? but why the free pass for the others that are run in the same manner.
again, only difference is Family owned VS corporate owned.
And then look at this, Sears, which was already huge, bought K-Mart, basically doubling their size, and if you have ever looked at the wages for Sears and K-Mart you would see the basically right in line with Wal-Mart, again, why Wal-Mart and not Sears Holding Corporation?
can you at least see why I am curious?

Well, one thing I would mention is that Wal*Mart sells groceries which is something that Sears, Lowes, HD, never did. K-mart did but Sears purchased them long after they started. And once they drove all competition out of business, they too abandoned the market.

The New Walmart Effect: Store Closures Are Leaving Food Deserts in Their Wake

This is an old story but at the beginning of the year, it announced it was closing 154 stores; this after they drove every business out of town or at least made it very hard to be profitable.

Sears stayed out of the smaller markets so they didn't have that effect by and large. And while you'll find some Home Depots in Texas here is a good comparison. I just did a count on HD since I can't find an internet source; there seems to be 170 Home Depots. There are over 320 Wal Marts. HD isn't putting stores in places like Brady, TX where there is a Wal Mart SS. The closest HD is 2 hours away. The same can be said for numerous small towns in Texas.

Additionally, as far as I understand it, Lowes an HD use local talent to install their products like Air Conditioners, carpet, sprinklers... Wal Mart opened up automotive bays to even compete with the local garages.

Just some of the ways it's a different animal.

And then there is the simple fact that when you're the biggest, you're libel to get attention that others do not need to endure.

As I said, if Target had been able to roll out as many stores and build upward from there...

And this gets into the weeds somewhat but when you are the largest whatever, you have an outsized appearance on the landscape.
For a Racist Misogynist, Trump sure is appointing a lot of minorities and wymmins to his administration.

He appointing people to dismantle the EPA, the Education Department and HUD, not run them. It doesn't matter who takes them apart.

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Whatever Putin tells Donnie to do, Donnie will do.

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What a loon. Donald isn't the one who promised Putin more latitude after he was elected.
For a Racist Misogynist, Trump sure is appointing a lot of minorities and wymmins to his administration.

Not true. Remember if they are not dye in the wool progressives, they don't count.

Just ask Condaleeza Rice.
For a Racist Misogynist, Trump sure is appointing a lot of minorities and wymmins to his administration.

He's appointing people to dismantle the EPA, the Education Department and HUD, not run them. It doesn't matter who takes them apart.

Sent from my iPhone using
EPA helps prices go sky high with goofy regulations,Education have you seen or dealt with the shit kids are dealing with today? I do every single day. I would MUCH rather have state control. HUD aw you mean Carson will dismantle Obama's forcing white communities to take in hordes of negro criminals? That must suck for an Anti White.
If you're not amused by the incoming're not paying attention. That much is true. A wresting promoter as the head of SBA.

BA at Eastern Carolina... Sounds qualified.


More of that Coastal Elitism that cost your side the election.

You guys just can't turn it off, no matter how hard you try.
Here's an example of what I said in the other thread about liberals being awful people. Here they are mocking a woman when they know nothing about her. They are mean and spiteful people, and personally, I'm sick of their bad attitude.


Speak for your own ignorance, don't try to push it onto others.

I know quite a bit about Linda McMahon. I've even met her a number of times.

I don't think she's a "bad" person, or that she's going to hell, like some here do about their political opponents - but I do think she's an absolutely incompetent wanna-be politician.
How was she incompetent?
Linda is more than qualified.

Linda Marie McMahon
(née Edwards; born October 4, 1948) is an American professional wrestling magnate and a former Republican Party candidate.

She is notable for her career developing WWE with her husband Vince McMahon. McMahon was active with WWE (WWF until 2002) from 1980 to 2009.

During this time, the company grew from a small regional business in New York to a large multinational. McMahon and her husband became wealthy through the WWE's success, and the McMahon family name is now synonymous with the wrestling industry.

As President and later CEO of the company, she negotiated business deals, launched wrestling merchandise, signed wrestler contracts, and managed and wrote for WWE publications.

She also started the company's civic programs, Get REAL and Smackdown Your Vote.

More at link:

Linda McMahon - Wikipedia

My business professor back in college equated the SBA with a make-believe agency insofar as the assistance it gives to small businesses....coming from the world of make-believe; she should fit right in.
your business professor was correct. I dealt with the SBA years ago when we started a small business, they were beyond useless.
Gee, could that be the idea behind appointing a successful businesswoman to the position? Another bungling federal agency that needs straightening out so Trump picks someone who knows what it takes to build and run a successful business. Gosh, how undimocratic of him.
For a Racist Misogynist, Trump sure is appointing a lot of minorities and wymmins to his administration.

Not true. Remember if they are not dye in the wool progressives, they don't count.

Just ask Condaleeza Rice.

Yeah, didn't the left refer to her as Aunt Jemimah?

The nicer lefties did, the worse ones went with house ******.

And there is that.... these folks are nutz.

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