Mr. Crumb: The TV Dream


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a narrative sardonic vignette about lifestyle dancing, inspired by the provocative Slacker! Thanks for reading (and enjoy),


My name's Mr. Crumb. I live in California. I daydream about meeting a fantastic imaginative celebrity woman who'll pop out of my magical TV in my house. That's my fantasy. She's just gonna pop out of my TV while I'm watching her on TV. Do I look crazy, man?


This is my TV --- a classic late-'80s Sony Trinitron. It cost me a pretty penny at the time it was the thing in the market, but then again, I purchased it with hard-earned paperboy money in New Jersey. Now I watch TV on this Sony TV in my California suburban beach house in Pacific Beach. I live on Opal Street, and this is my Sony TV.


Living on Opal Street is terrific, since it's just a small walk to the Pacific Ocean. I sometimes surf. I watch crime movies like Kalifornia and The Newton Boys. However, most of the time I watch soap operas at home on my Sony Trinitron in this idyllic California area on Opal Street. Ain't life grand?


I think this is the celebrity fantasy woman who'll pop out of my TV one fine day --- a soap super-star. She's terrific. Well, I don't know what she's actually like, but I think she's pretty great on her soap on TV, which I watch on my fantastic Trinitron. I consider myself a good Christian, so I doubt when this beauty'll pop out of my TV one day magically that she'll be the AntiChrist.


One night, while sleeping, I had a strange dream in which this fantasy-woman was guiding me through a thick forest filled with thick but silly water-art. There were strange teletubby-like creatures, and I wondered if my guide was telling me I'm heading to Hell or Satan. When I awoke, I decided to watch the Teletubbies on my Trinitron.


Actually, what I just told you was a complete nonsensical delusion. It's true I live in California and it's true I watch TV a lot, but I'm married to this other woman, a fashion designer, and I work from home as an online math tutor, and my wife comes home late at night and eats the TV-dinners I prepare for her on our miraculous Sony microwave. This is my actual life.


So why did I, Mr. Crumb, relate to you this strange delusional tale of mystical proportions? Maybe I'm just worried that someday, there'll be absolutely nothing worth a darn description on American TV. That's paranoia.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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