Mother of Slain State Dept. Official Tired of Being Lied To and Stonewalled by Obama


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
This is so sad :(
Mother of Slain State Dept. Official Tired of Being Lied To and Stonewalled by Obama Administration

Mother of slain State Dep't official is tired of being ignored by Obama Admin - YouTube

ANDERSON COOPER: Good evening. We begin tonight with a mother who is asking the toughest question a mother can. Why is my son dead? That is all Pat Smith wants to know. Her son, Sean Smith one of the Americans killed in the attack in Benghazi on September 11th, a month after, she watched her son's casket come off a cargo plane, a month after she says promised her answers, she says she is still waiting to hear. Still waiting for answers. Waiting for a call. Congress held hearings today. We'll talk about that shortly, but first, my conversation with Sean Smith's mom, Pat. I appreciate you being with us. I'm so sorry for your loss. What do you want people to know about Sean?

PAT SMITH: So good. He was my only child. He was good at what did and he loved it.

COOPER: He loved working with computers?

SMITH: Computers, radios.

COOPER: Did he always do that? Was he always good with computers?

SMITH: We'll, when he was a kid, computers weren't out yet. And then they were out and I got a computer and he started showing me how you could build a flame thrower by watching a computer and that is how it started.

SMITH: yes, he never told me that, he knew he was in a bunch of scary places. i didn't expect him to get blown up and to die.

COOPER: do you feel that you know what happened or are you still searching for answers. have you been in contact with the state department?

SMITH: that is a funny subject. i begged them to tell me what happened. i said i want to know all the details all of the details no matter what it is and i'll make up my own mind on it. and all the big shots over there told me that they promised me that they would tell me what happened. as soon as they figure it out. no one not one person has ever, ever gotten back to me other than media people and the gaming people.
I'm really not shocked. These people are running scared. How cold a and disrespectful can they be
Pooper Cooper needs to wait for the investigations to be completed.

Wow this women just lost her ONLY child and this is all you have to say.. You guys are something

I hope we get this SOB of a president out of office.. I bet you will be crying over his picture on Nov 7th ..
The adminnistration doesn't want negative coverage over this. The are trying to cover their asses big time.

Their State Department fucked up big time on this whole mess. It cost the lives of an ambassador and 4 others. No excuse will ever be good enough for the loss of those lives.

They had warning and the ambassador asked for more security. Kinda hard to defend incompetence on the part of the State Department but you can bet your ass that the administration will be trying to do Just that.

Oh and if this had happened under Bush you would hear every lefty on this board, the media and everywhere else screaming bloody murder.

Only problem is it ain't Bush's State Department. Its Barry's.
You see the left doesn't care about this woman, they only care about the ONE mother asking Romney NOT SPEAK about her dead son we HAD to have five threads on it

they all make me sick
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Pooper Cooper needs to wait for the investigations to be completed.

Wow this women just lost her ONLY child and this is all you have to say.. You guys are something

I hope we get this SOB of a president out of office.. I bet you will be crying over his picture on Nov 7th ..

did you say that when bush did this to the tillman's? did you?

or were you one of those hating on cindy sheehand?
Pooper Cooper needs to wait for the investigations to be completed.

Wow this women just lost her ONLY child and this is all you have to say.. You guys are something

I hope we get this SOB of a president out of office.. I bet you will be crying over his picture on Nov 7th ..

did you say that when bush did this to the tillman's? did you?

or were you one of those hating on cindy sheehand?

good grief, catch up with the here and NOW. this is about your DEAR LEADER

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