mother beats cougar, saves five year old son!


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
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Mother saves son from cougar - Winnipeg Free Press

When Mark Impey heard his wife scream, he figured she encountered wasps. But he turned around to witness the cougar, its claws in Simon's head, dragging his son into the bush.

He raced toward his son but by the time he arrived, his wife had rushed the animal, attacking it with an metal water bottle with all her fury.

Mark Impey said Saturday that he thinks she hammered the cougar about 15 times in rapid sucession when it let Simon go.

"She saved Simon's life," Impey said. "If she was farther away, it would have been a different story."

never under estimate the power of a mother!
Mother saves son from cougar - Winnipeg Free Press

When Mark Impey heard his wife scream, he figured she encountered wasps. But he turned around to witness the cougar, its claws in Simon's head, dragging his son into the bush.

He raced toward his son but by the time he arrived, his wife had rushed the animal, attacking it with an metal water bottle with all her fury.

Mark Impey said Saturday that he thinks she hammered the cougar about 15 times in rapid sucession when it let Simon go.

"She saved Simon's life," Impey said. "If she was farther away, it would have been a different story."

never under estimate the power of a mother!

Isn't that the truth? I can see myself doing the same thing she did.
imagine when hes a teenager she cant guilt him twice as much...

"i fought a cougar for you and won, you really wanna start with me?"
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never under estimate the power of a mother!


Not good to mess with a momma's baby(babies) - never mind the species. :cool:

I think that cougar knew, it better get the hell out of there.
Cougars kill adult around here and it could have killed this lady and the boy but I think it knew it picked the wrong boy to mess with.:)
Cougars are after 5 year olds now?

Going after them kinda young these days.

Where's Chris Hanson when you need him?
we had a guy killed a few years ago by one and we have had other people attacked.
Reminds you have Where the Red Fern Grows.
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seems we may have cougars now...a mare was attacked....but we do already have bears....would be odd for a black bear to attack a mare.
they call this area cougar country! probably also why WSU mascot is a cougar. lol
where is old dan and little anne when you need him should have been your question article. :)
where is old dan and little anne when you need him should have been your question article. :)

I'm so glad you posted this because I was racking my brain trying to remember the dogs' name from that book. Man, it's been years since I've heard it mentioned.
where is old dan and little anne when you need him should have been your question article. :)

I'm so glad you posted this because I was racking my brain trying to remember the dogs' name from that book. Man, it's been years since I've heard it mentioned.

I loved the book and the movie! My mom actually has a signed copy, she painted a painting for rowls back in the 70's. He must have been living in wyomning at the time?:confused:
I will make my son read it, I bet they don't even read it in school anymore.
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