Mostly Peaceful Car with Anti-Trump Bumper Stickers Slams Into Trump Store


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Right coast, classified
Note I said car slammed into.
Just like guns, they become self aware.

A person driving a Volkswagen Jetta slammed into a store selling pro-Trump merchandise in Easton, Massachusetts, on Thursday afternoon, prompting an investigation from local law enforcement officials. . .

. . . A different local news station reported that the police “took the driver into custody and towed the car from the store.” “Just before he did that, there was a little boy with his mother shopping right in that spot,” Keith Lambert, the store’s owner, told a local news station. “The clerk was about to go to the bathroom and he would’ve gotten hit.”

. . . Alleged photos of the vehicle show at least one anti-Trump bumper sticker on it that features a picture of Trump, and reads, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

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I have a feeling the violence from the left is going to escalate quickly once they know for certain the SCOTUS will no longer recognize a Constitutional right to murder their kids.
It will be full on derangement & intimidation by the elections.
They just can't help themselves, they just follow what their powers tell them to do

This, protesting and threatening supreme court judges, letting blm run around for years shouting racist shit and burn and looting, trying to censor people who don't agree with them, all the Democrats screaming in the Florida court where they voted to ban redistricting based on race, blaming everyone else for their mistakes, being light on criminals which is causing more crimes, fire bombing pro life facilities, and so on.

The left has actually become what they used to claim the right was.
They actually endorse violence as a way of changing things.
I would like to know something about the driver as well as see the police report explaining how the crash happened

But the more damning the facts are the less likrly the news media is to report them
Note I said car slammed into.
Just like guns, they become self aware.

A person driving a Volkswagen Jetta slammed into a store selling pro-Trump merchandise in Easton, Massachusetts, on Thursday afternoon, prompting an investigation from local law enforcement officials. . .

. . . A different local news station reported that the police “took the driver into custody and towed the car from the store.” “Just before he did that, there was a little boy with his mother shopping right in that spot,” Keith Lambert, the store’s owner, told a local news station. “The clerk was about to go to the bathroom and he would’ve gotten hit.”

. . . Alleged photos of the vehicle show at least one anti-Trump bumper sticker on it that features a picture of Trump, and reads, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

His bumper sticker was prophetic.
Unfortunate that a Capitol police officer was not in the store to immediately shoot the window breaker in the head.
I have a feeling the violence from the left is going to escalate quickly once they know for certain the SCOTUS will no longer recognize a Constitutional right to murder their kids.
It will be full on derangement & intimidation by the elections.
They just can't help themselves, they just follow what their powers tell them to do

View attachment 659022
their powers are driving them into Hell

but since they don't beleive in Hell

never mind, i guess....

I think it was Mary at Fatima.. and/or some other worthy person who said that most people in Hell didn't believe in Hell. They believe now.. Being there is believing..

I know for certain that St Faustina was told that by Jesus Christ Himself, if I am not mistaken. She was taken by Him into Hell... See Diary #741
Note I said car slammed into.
Just like guns, they become self aware.

A person driving a Volkswagen Jetta slammed into a store selling pro-Trump merchandise in Easton, Massachusetts, on Thursday afternoon, prompting an investigation from local law enforcement officials. . .

. . . A different local news station reported that the police “took the driver into custody and towed the car from the store.” “Just before he did that, there was a little boy with his mother shopping right in that spot,” Keith Lambert, the store’s owner, told a local news station. “The clerk was about to go to the bathroom and he would’ve gotten hit.”

. . . Alleged photos of the vehicle show at least one anti-Trump bumper sticker on it that features a picture of Trump, and reads, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

Well, this one wasn't one of those well-regulated militia members.
Note I said car slammed into.
Just like guns, they become self aware.

A person driving a Volkswagen Jetta slammed into a store selling pro-Trump merchandise in Easton, Massachusetts, on Thursday afternoon, prompting an investigation from local law enforcement officials. . .

. . . A different local news station reported that the police “took the driver into custody and towed the car from the store.” “Just before he did that, there was a little boy with his mother shopping right in that spot,” Keith Lambert, the store’s owner, told a local news station. “The clerk was about to go to the bathroom and he would’ve gotten hit.”

. . . Alleged photos of the vehicle show at least one anti-Trump bumper sticker on it that features a picture of Trump, and reads, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

There's no right to own a car.
The more violence they do, the more people are going to vote them ALL out of office!!

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Hopefully they'll heed the message to back off.

It:s hard to tell with these people. Some of them are still Americans. We'll see if there's enough.

I wouldn't be shocked in the least, if 99% of political offices had Republicans or Libertarians in them after November.
I wish it were that easy. A third of the country will vote for Democrats "no matter what"
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