Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Jerusalem (AFP) - Most Palestinians believe the renewal of peace talks with Israel was a mistake and over two thirds think the negotiations will fail, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.
Peace talks are joke. We release prisoners and get nothing in return

Then why do you take so many prisoners?:dunno:

Your whining is typical of the selective whining that oozes from Islamic terrorist huggers.
Israel had made efforts both by way of releasing Islamic terrorists from her prisons and by ceding land in exchange for peace. But it’s never enough for the “Palestinian” Arab beggars and squatters.

As suggested by the article below, so-called "Palestinian" Arabs are of little use to the Arab world except as fodder for maintaining Arab/moslem fascism.

Palestinian Authority's Double Standards on Prisoners

Palestinian Authority's Double Standards on Prisoners :: Gatestone Institute

While the Palestinian Authority continues to demand the release of Palestinians from Israeli jails, it has long been ignoring the fact that thousands of Palestinians are languishing in prisons in several Arab countries.

The families of the prisoners held by Israel at least know where their sons are and most visit them on a regular basis.

But in the Arab world the story is completely different.

The daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi recently revealed that dozens of Palestinians have been held in Kuwaiti prisons since 1991. The families of these prisoners do not know anything about their conditions.

That Palestinians are being held in prison in an Arab country is not surprising. What is not understood is the Palestinian Authority's position.

According to the report, the Palestinian Authority has never approached the Kuwaitis concerning the fate of the prisoners.

The more pertinent question is why are you such a horses' ass?
Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Jerusalem (AFP) - Most Palestinians believe the renewal of peace talks with Israel was a mistake and over two thirds think the negotiations will fail, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.

A function of Israeli Mentality is to claim that others are whining when they are the masters of the whine. About the only thing in your post that has any basis in reality is the fact that one of the requsites of a Palestinian State would be viability, but the simple fact of the matter is that Israel has done almost everything in it's power to make that impossible. Not only do the roads and the settlements carve up the land into small isolated districts but also the Israelis with their settlements and aparthied wall control over 70% of the areas water thus making agriculture a virtually impossible enterprise !!!
You show me nothing with your posts but an anti-Palestinian phobia.
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Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Jerusalem (AFP) - Most Palestinians believe the renewal of peace talks with Israel was a mistake and over two thirds think the negotiations will fail, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.
"Self inflicted ills"? Man, your thought process is really FUBAR!

The Pals position is the result of realizing Israel breaks every deal they enter into and their word don't mean shit!
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Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Jerusalem (AFP) - Most Palestinians believe the renewal of peace talks with Israel was a mistake and over two thirds think the negotiations will fail, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.

Yes, while Israel continually reaches out for peace, the Palestinians don't want peace at all which is why they have always stalled seeking peace.

Poll: Majority of PA Muslims Support Suicide Bombings
Survey shows dangers of turning a blind eye to Palestinian Authority-sponsored religious hatred, casts doubt on prospects for peace.

Majority of PA Muslims Support Suicide Bombings - Middle East - News - Israel National News
Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.

A function of Israeli Mentality is to claim that others are whining when they are the masters of the whine. About the only thing in your post that has any basis in reality is the fact that one of the requsites of a Palestinian State would be viability, but the simple fact of the matter is that Israel has done almost everything in it's power to make that impossible. Not only do the roads and the settlements carve up the land into small isolated districts but also the Israelis with their settlements and aparthied wall control over 70% of the areas water thus making agriculture a virtually impossible enterprise !!!
You show me nothing with your posts but an anti-Palestinian phobia.

Yep. The “Eternal Victim Mentality” AKA ”Palestinian Mentality” seems to be a communicable disease.

Consider: “You love life, We love Death”.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement for a productive and fruitful life, especially in connection with welfare cheats who have no incentive for building a productive society. Unfortunately, ”Palestinian Mentality” speaks volumes about the human condition of ignorance and a politico-religious perspective which devalues life. Those who are unfettered by a moral compass and who place such little value on life can be expected to throw their children to the trash heap. Oh, the dangers of a politico-religious ideology that is so closely tied to violence and regression.

I can’t recall the massive number of opinion pieces, op-eds, commentaries and articles that spoke to the sheer lunacy of Israel ceding land to islamic terrorists and their enablers as it relates to Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. For a brief moment, the “Pal”-Arabs had an opportunity to step back, reassess and evaluate an opportunity to show the world that they could meet adversity and build a productive society. What happened: The area, under Pal/Arab stewardship has become a no-mans land of wanton terrorist vs terrorist bloodshed and murder.

The overwhelming consensus among the various opinions dealing with Gaza and the ”Palestinian Mentality” was that the Gaza greenhouses, the fertile lands created by Israel, and the economic benefits created by the Israelis would all be lost. They were. The Pal/Arabs wasted no time in looting, burning and rendering all those Israeli improvements nil.

Why should the "Pal"-Arabs spend even a moment actually working for a living when there is an entire U.N. funded welfare agency dedicated to maintaining their invented "nationality"?

You show me nothing in your posts but incessant whining.
Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Jerusalem (AFP) - Most Palestinians believe the renewal of peace talks with Israel was a mistake and over two thirds think the negotiations will fail, according to a poll released Wednesday.

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.
"Self inflicted ills"? Man, your thought process is really FUBAR!

The Pals position is the result of realizing Israel breaks every deal they enter into and their word don't mean shit!

Another one suffering from ”Palestinian Mentality”.

Not to worry, sweety. The UN welfare checks will continue to drench the Arab beggars and squatters with those Infidel checks.
Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

A function of “Palestinian Mentality” is to forever claim victimhood for their self-inflicted ills, pratfalls and self-imposed disasters.

The attitudes expressed by “Palestinian” Arabs are not surprising. I suspect there is a certain realization on their part that statehood carries many obligations, one of which is viability. It’s unlikely that an armed islamic terrorist encampment could survive as a viable entity. Absent a dedicated UN welfare agency to prop up this disaster, the “Palestinians” would quickly find themselves unable to cope with the maintenance of civil affairs.
"Self inflicted ills"? Man, your thought process is really FUBAR!

The Pals position is the result of realizing Israel breaks every deal they enter into and their word don't mean shit!

Another one suffering from ”Palestinian Mentality”.

Not to worry, sweety. The UN welfare checks will continue to drench the Arab beggars and squatters with those Infidel checks.

Indeed, yet another burden that Israel gave to the world.
"Self inflicted ills"? Man, your thought process is really FUBAR!

The Pals position is the result of realizing Israel breaks every deal they enter into and their word don't mean shit!

Another one suffering from ”Palestinian Mentality”.

Not to worry, sweety. The UN welfare checks will continue to drench the Arab beggars and squatters with those Infidel checks.

Indeed, yet another burden that Israel gave to the world.


Stop it, just stop it Tinmore. You're beginning to match Sherri's stupidity on Israel related issues :lol:
"Self inflicted ills"? Man, your thought process is really FUBAR!

The Pals position is the result of realizing Israel breaks every deal they enter into and their word don't mean shit!

Another one suffering from ”Palestinian Mentality”.

Not to worry, sweety. The UN welfare checks will continue to drench the Arab beggars and squatters with those Infidel checks.

Indeed, yet another burden that Israel gave to the world.

Of course, "I blame the Jooooos".

It never occurred to your that the Islamic terrorist haven in "Palestine", could have chosen to build a productive society with those billions upon billions of Infidel welfare dollars.

But hey, money for weapons and ammo to fight the jihad just falls off the Infidel tree.

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.
Another one suffering from ”Palestinian Mentality”.

Not to worry, sweety. The UN welfare checks will continue to drench the Arab beggars and squatters with those Infidel checks.

Indeed, yet another burden that Israel gave to the world.


Stop it, just stop it Tinmore. You're beginning to match Sherri's stupidity on Israel related issues :lol:

I know if I were Tin-less, I'd hate to have someone think that cliché' ridden, barely readable nonsense was my creation.
Another one suffering from ”Palestinian Mentality”.

Not to worry, sweety. The UN welfare checks will continue to drench the Arab beggars and squatters with those Infidel checks.

Indeed, yet another burden that Israel gave to the world.

Of course, "I blame the Jooooos".

It never occurred to your that the Islamic terrorist haven in "Palestine", could have chosen to build a productive society with those billions upon billions of Infidel welfare dollars.

But hey, money for weapons and ammo to fight the jihad just falls off the Infidel tree.

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

They had a productive society before Israel. They didn't get foreign aid before.
Indeed, yet another burden that Israel gave to the world.

Of course, "I blame the Jooooos".

It never occurred to your that the Islamic terrorist haven in "Palestine", could have chosen to build a productive society with those billions upon billions of Infidel welfare dollars.

But hey, money for weapons and ammo to fight the jihad just falls off the Infidel tree.

Pearls before swine, child. Your synapses are on a permanent cease fire.

They had a productive society before Israel. They didn't get foreign aid before.

Indeed, There has never been a "Palestinian" society.

And another Indeed.

A function of Israeli Mentality is to claim that others are whining when they are the masters of the whine. About the only thing in your post that has any basis in reality is the fact that one of the requsites of a Palestinian State would be viability, but the simple fact of the matter is that Israel has done almost everything in it's power to make that impossible. Not only do the roads and the settlements carve up the land into small isolated districts but also the Israelis with their settlements and aparthied wall control over 70% of the areas water thus making agriculture a virtually impossible enterprise !!!
You show me nothing with your posts but an anti-Palestinian phobia.

Yep. The “Eternal Victim Mentality” AKA ”Palestinian Mentality” seems to be a communicable disease.

Consider: “You love life, We love Death”.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement for a productive and fruitful life, especially in connection with welfare cheats who have no incentive for building a productive society. Unfortunately, ”Palestinian Mentality” speaks volumes about the human condition of ignorance and a politico-religious perspective which devalues life. Those who are unfettered by a moral compass and who place such little value on life can be expected to throw their children to the trash heap. Oh, the dangers of a politico-religious ideology that is so closely tied to violence and regression.

I can’t recall the massive number of opinion pieces, op-eds, commentaries and articles that spoke to the sheer lunacy of Israel ceding land to islamic terrorists and their enablers as it relates to Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. For a brief moment, the “Pal”-Arabs had an opportunity to step back, reassess and evaluate an opportunity to show the world that they could meet adversity and build a productive society. What happened: The area, under Pal/Arab stewardship has become a no-mans land of wanton terrorist vs terrorist bloodshed and murder.

The overwhelming consensus among the various opinions dealing with Gaza and the ”Palestinian Mentality” was that the Gaza greenhouses, the fertile lands created by Israel, and the economic benefits created by the Israelis would all be lost. They were. The Pal/Arabs wasted no time in looting, burning and rendering all those Israeli improvements nil.

Why should the "Pal"-Arabs spend even a moment actually working for a living when there is an entire U.N. funded welfare agency dedicated to maintaining their invented "nationality"?

You show me nothing in your posts but incessant whining.

And you show me nothing but a mind controled by it's own fantasy ridden phobias, and a complete lack of any sembalance of reality !!!
Now stop your obviscating and answer some of the questions that I have posed to you, here is an easy one for you , are these the same greenhouses and fertile lands in which Israel cut off the water ? That did not have anything to do with their failure now did it ? A simple yes or no will do , after that one go back and read my first post and see if you can deal with that in a rational way instead of whining about it.
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