Most Palestinians see fresh peace talks as error

Oh, the melodrama.

I'll leave it to you to make excuses for "Pal"-Arab incompetence. The greenhouses I referred to are the ones vandalized and looted by "Pal" degenerates.

Do you mean these?

Israel shuts off water, dries Gaza greenhouses

Indeed. Why would Israel be responsible for maintenance and costs of supplying water to infrastructure they longer own?

Why don't you volunteer for those tasks.

Indeed I am not asking the Israelis to be responcible. What I am asking is that YOU be responcible for your posting. You posted that it was the fault of the Palestinians that the greenhouses were made valueless when we know that it truely was the result of Israeli actions !!!
Indeed. Why would Israel be responsible for maintenance and costs of supplying water to infrastructure they longer own?

Why don't you volunteer for those tasks.

Indeed I am not asking the Israelis to be responcible. What I am asking is that YOU be responcible for your posting. You posted that it was the fault of the Palestinians that the greenhouses were made valueless when we know that it truely was the result of Israeli actions !!!

Well, you may know that the vandalizing and destruction of the Gaza greenhouses was the result of Israeli actions but you know only falsehoods and misinformation.

Here's your homework assignment. Do a web search with the term: palestinians destroy Gaza greenhouses.

I'll expect a spell checked report.

Off you go. Scoot!

Indeed I am not asking the Israelis to be responcible. What I am asking is that YOU be responcible for your posting. You posted that it was the fault of the Palestinians that the greenhouses were made valueless when we know that it truely was the result of Israeli actions !!!

Well, you may know that the vandalizing and destruction of the Gaza greenhouses was the result of Israeli actions but you know only falsehoods and misinformation.

Here's your homework assignment. Do a web search with the term: palestinians destroy Gaza greenhouses.

I'll expect a spell checked report.

Off you go. Scoot!

Well seeing as how you steadfastly refuse to deal with any of the questions and issues that I bring up, I will return the favor. Also it is pretty arrogant of you to talk to people the way you do but that is something I have noticed about the Zionist Culture not only are they addicted to whining but they are some of the most arrogant people I have ever met.
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Well, you may know that the vandalizing and destruction of the Gaza greenhouses was the result of Israeli actions but you know only falsehoods and misinformation.

Here's your homework assignment. Do a web search with the term: palestinians destroy Gaza greenhouses.

I'll expect a spell checked report.

Off you go. Scoot!

Well seeing as how you steadfastly refuse to deal with any of the questions and issues that I bring up, I will return the favor. Also it is pretty arrogant of you to talk to people the way you do but that is something I have noticed about the Zionist Culture not only are they addisted to whining but they are some of the most arrogant people I have ever met.

That's funny, because I fell the EXACT same way about pro - Palestinians.
Peace talks are joke. We release prisoners and get nothing in return

Then why do you take so many prisoners?:dunno:

I agree. Terrorists should be killed on the spot, not be jailed.

I hear ya.

Weren't you just complaining in another thread about vigilante justice.

Here we go...

"Do you support 'justice' served by an angry mob?
What is the century you live in?"

Perhaps I am confused, but it sounds like you endorse racism and apartheid to me?
Then why do you take so many prisoners?:dunno:

I agree. Terrorists should be killed on the spot, not be jailed.

I hear ya.

Weren't you just complaining in another thread about vigilante justice.

Here we go...

"Do you support 'justice' served by an angry mob?
What is the century you live in?"

Perhaps I am confused, but it sounds like you endorse racism and apartheid to me?

Yes, you are definitely confused.
Well, you may know that the vandalizing and destruction of the Gaza greenhouses was the result of Israeli actions but you know only falsehoods and misinformation.

Here's your homework assignment. Do a web search with the term: palestinians destroy Gaza greenhouses.

I'll expect a spell checked report.

Off you go. Scoot!

Well seeing as how you steadfastly refuse to deal with any of the questions and issues that I bring up, I will return the favor. Also it is pretty arrogant of you to talk to people the way you do but that is something I have noticed about the Zionist Culture not only are they addisted to whining but they are some of the most arrogant people I have ever met.

I thought the above might be your response. Your bluster and chest-heaving was suddenly muted when you were confronted with information that contradicted your false claims.

"Zionist culture"? I hold no religious belief so your silly "Zionist culture" comment is a waste of time.

So far, you've managed to get nothing at all right.

Well seeing as how you steadfastly refuse to deal with any of the questions and issues that I bring up, I will return the favor. Also it is pretty arrogant of you to talk to people the way you do but that is something I have noticed about the Zionist Culture not only are they addisted to whining but they are some of the most arrogant people I have ever met.

I thought the above might be your response. Your bluster and chest-heaving was suddenly muted when you were confronted with information that contradicted your false claims.

"Zionist culture"? I hold no religious belief so your silly "Zionist culture" comment is a waste of time.

So far, you've managed to get nothing at all right.

No you are the one who is wrong, Not only do you refuse to answer the issues that I have raised but you also refuse to acknowledge Israel's Culpability in this matter.
Also a person who claims to have all of the answer should realize that Zionism is not a religious culture but a political culture. Maybe you are the one who needs to check your facts !!!
It mentioned Palestine is for the Jewish people and the surrounding countries for the arabs. It is in the San Remo Mandate. Also in the video. I wouldn't call Dore Gold a clown. A clown he is not. How about coming over to the other side. Go on, it will be a weight off your mind when you do. You know we are right and you are simply wrong and very very confused. :lol:

Where does it say that Palestine was exclusively for the Jews?


Posting a link to the same liar lover and over does not answer the question.

Posting a link to the same liar lover and over does not answer the question.





How can you call Laws passed by the League of Nations lies?

Incredible pfftinmore, just incredible. With every post you make you dig yourself deeper and deeper into poop.

Posting a link to the same liar lover and over does not answer the question.





How can you call Laws passed by the League of Nations lies?

Incredible pfftinmore, just incredible. With every post you make you dig yourself deeper and deeper into poop.

I asked about that and received no answer.
Peace talks are joke. We release prisoners and get nothing in return

Then why do you take so many prisoners?:dunno:

Your whining is typical of the selective whining that oozes from Islamic terrorist huggers.
Israel had made efforts both by way of releasing Islamic terrorists from her prisons and by ceding land in exchange for peace. But it’s never enough for the “Palestinian” Arab beggars and squatters.

As suggested by the article below, so-called "Palestinian" Arabs are of little use to the Arab world except as fodder for maintaining Arab/moslem fascism.

Palestinian Authority's Double Standards on Prisoners

Palestinian Authority's Double Standards on Prisoners :: Gatestone Institute

While the Palestinian Authority continues to demand the release of Palestinians from Israeli jails, it has long been ignoring the fact that thousands of Palestinians are languishing in prisons in several Arab countries.

The families of the prisoners held by Israel at least know where their sons are and most visit them on a regular basis.

But in the Arab world the story is completely different.

The daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi recently revealed that dozens of Palestinians have been held in Kuwaiti prisons since 1991. The families of these prisoners do not know anything about their conditions.

That Palestinians are being held in prison in an Arab country is not surprising. What is not understood is the Palestinian Authority's position.

According to the report, the Palestinian Authority has never approached the Kuwaitis concerning the fate of the prisoners.

The more pertinent question is why are you such a horses' ass?

I think there are at least 170,000 Christian Palestinians.

The more pressing pertinent QUESTION is,why are You such a :mad: Asshole

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