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Most Mysterious Ancient Structures That Remain Unexplained

Some believe much of our ancient past has been distorted by archaeologists. For example, some believe the pyramids weren’t built by Egyptians and are much older than what establishment archaeologists claim.

It's nice to forget for a second about politics ....and talk about our past.

The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza, were built thousands of years before than mainstram researches suggest.

And I totally believe that.

What do you think they were used for?

I don't know. There are theories that it was... a power plant? ...free energy source? :dunno:

One thing is for sure, the Great Pyramid was not a tomb.
Is this one of those things were it ends up aliens had to have helped our ancient ancestors do all this stuff? It's chauvinism to think we are so advanced and our ancestors were too stupid to do great things.

I agree, mostly; some of the specualtion is clearly just weird, but that doesn't make a lot of the mystery any less awesome and admirable. It's proof of what cultures can achieve if they had long enough perioods of peace and weren't having to worry about being invaded and looted by foreign warlords all the time. They only thing in modern history that approaches that sort of peace for many countries, especially in the West, has been technological advances and nuclear weapons.
LOL why would aliens that just traveled from a trillion miles away build with rocks?

This is the equivalent of a brilliant computer tech sitting in a sandbox in their office trying to build a better microchip
This has always been my question to the ancient alien loons.
Some believe much of our ancient past has been distorted by archaeologists. For example, some believe the pyramids weren’t built by Egyptians and are much older than what establishment archaeologists claim.

It's nice to forget for a second about politics ....and talk about our past.

The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza, were built thousands of years before than mainstram researches suggest.

And I totally believe that.

Actually it is Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities that tightly controls what the mainstream researchers are allowed to say or research regarding the sites of the ancient pyramids. Any archaeologist that does not carefully tow the party line simply will not be permitted to to gain access. And it is strictly pay to play.

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