Most illegal immigrants in US receive government benefits, costing taxpayers billions


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.

Illegal immigrants do not qualify for Obamacare but under federal law, hospitals and clinics are required to provide urgent medical care without regard to legal status. Pregnant women are entitled to prenatal and postpartum care under the Women, Infants and Children program. Infant delivery costs are paid for by Medicaid. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a federal-state immigrant insurance program cost $2 billion a year in emergency treatment, not including the $1.24 billion in infant delivery expenses.

Illegal immigrants are not entitled to food stamps, but families with U.S.-born children are. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 31% of such families use the SNAP program and more than 50% of Central American families in the U.S. use at least one welfare program.

Recognizing that many illegal workers fill jobs communities need, 26 states offer them *state-funded* benefits. New York state offers up to $300 a month in cash assistance. Eleven states offer free or subsidized medical and hospital care. California offers food stamps, legal services and benefits for those over 65 or disabled. Gov. Gavin Newsom recently asked for an extra $50 million from lawmakers to serve the state's illegal immigrant population.
1. We need to take care of Americans first. Homeless Americans, Veteran Americans, Poor Americans. We should not spend any money on immigrants legal or illegal until all Americans are covered.
2. We should not spend borrowed money on stuff we don't need. And we don't need immigrants who can't pay their own way. We should not give poor countries money until we stop borrowing money from China. Let those poor countries get their money directly from China instead of us borrowing from China to give to countries like Venezuela.
It's time we got smart in how we run our country. It's time to allow business men like Donald Trump free reign to fix our system. 4 more years of Donald and 8 years of Ivanka out to do it. It is time we stopped pussy footing around.
well it is difficult to see how the Ds will hand Trump a landslide win in 2020 without these kinds of D Stupid stunts.
How the hell do illegals receive anything??

They are illegals and entitled to nothing.
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether to count self-identified illegal immigrants in the 2020 census. Cities worry adding the citizenship question could undercount 6.5 million people. Their argument, however, isn't just about political power but billions of dollars in federal funds states expect.

The case underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of Central American families and unaccompanied minors.

"We're talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits over the next few years," said Dan Stein, director of the right-leaning think tank, Federation for American Immigration Reform. "The payout for the taxpayer is enormous and income to the Treasury is miniscule."

A FAIR study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are a net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth more than $100 billion a year, not including the cost of enforcing the border.

While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits, in practice many are not. More than 25,000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Children receive free education and most qualify for English lessons and free school breakfast and lunch.

Illegal immigrants do not qualify for Obamacare but under federal law, hospitals and clinics are required to provide urgent medical care without regard to legal status. Pregnant women are entitled to prenatal and postpartum care under the Women, Infants and Children program. Infant delivery costs are paid for by Medicaid. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found a federal-state immigrant insurance program cost $2 billion a year in emergency treatment, not including the $1.24 billion in infant delivery expenses.

Illegal immigrants are not entitled to food stamps, but families with U.S.-born children are. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 31% of such families use the SNAP program and more than 50% of Central American families in the U.S. use at least one welfare program.

Recognizing that many illegal workers fill jobs communities need, 26 states offer them *state-funded* benefits. New York state offers up to $300 a month in cash assistance. Eleven states offer free or subsidized medical and hospital care. California offers food stamps, legal services and benefits for those over 65 or disabled. Gov. Gavin Newsom recently asked for an extra $50 million from lawmakers to serve the state's illegal immigrant population.
1. We need to take care of Americans first. Homeless Americans, Veteran Americans, Poor Americans. We should not spend any money on immigrants legal or illegal until all Americans are covered.
2. We should not spend borrowed money on stuff we don't need. And we don't need immigrants who can't pay their own way. We should not give poor countries money until we stop borrowing money from China. Let those poor countries get their money directly from China instead of us borrowing from China to give to countries like Venezuela.
It's time we got smart in how we run our country. It's time to allow business men like Donald Trump free reign to fix our system. 4 more years of Donald and 8 years of Ivanka out to do it. It is time we stopped pussy footing around.

One of the purposes of the Census is to identify where the people live in our country in order to better direct our resources for services like police & fire & infrastructure, etc.

The only reason Republicans want the citizenship question to that they know many families will not fill it out if they or a family member may not be a citizen. They would reduce the count in certain states and thereby possibly reduce the number of US Representatives & thereby electoral votes.

When it comes to Republicans, you know they like to cheat. Probably why they support a cheat & fraud like Trump.

It os the same tyoe of cheazting that Republicansuse with the photo voter ID.
How the hell do illegals receive anything??

They are illegals and entitled to nothing.
Who hands out the social services goodies on a city, county and state level? They are by and large bureaucrats
with college degrees in social work. They are absolutely eager to give away your money to their clientele base which is what they call illegals, among other members of the underclass.

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