Mossack Fonseca which has extensive ties with Clinton foundation Federal prosecutors announced charg

An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?
View attachment 233289

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says

Omg where does one start with the cartoon character zero college poster.
Mark meadows and knees news??
Total garbage.
So mr cartoon, why is the Clinton foundation rated A +and dons been fined and banned?
I guess you didn't get to this from your doublwide
FACT CHECK: Clinton Foundation Scores Higher as a Charity than the Red Cross?
And I missed what you did for the 911 families and African kids. There is a website for her achievements you know.
Slightly more than your cartoon characters achievements?
Clinton has been going to prison since the day she landed the SOS job ..... hows that working out ?
Actually, she has been PROTECTED from being indicted / going to prison from the time she became 1st Lady.

You obviously forgot about how her aide was seen going into the Police-taped office of Vince Foster after his 'suicide', walking out carrying a box of files, how those missing files were found in the Clinton WH Living Quarter with her fingers all over the box and files, but her claiming she had never seen them / knew nothing about them. She was allowed to get away with that BS / Lying during investigations back then, too.

Hillary Clinton's Fingerprints Among Those Found on Papers

'Investigators have been trying to determine how the records ended up in the White House. A White House assistant who discovered them said she found them on a table in a library known as the Book Room, to which very few people other than the First Family have access. ...the investigators who wrote the report have said their examination had been hampered by their inability to find the Rose firm billing records.'

...because the Billing Records that went missing and that Hillary claimed she never saw suddenly appeared in the Clinton WH Living Quarters.....what a coincidence.....

And btw, you do know that the original snowflakes were white boy pro slavery lads?
Please don't keep emphasizing your zero college
In the old days, people like The Clintons would be tried for treason and face the death penalty.

Today Liberal Sycophants throw money at them like they were strippers dancing at a seedy strip club.
have you seen their ticket sales?

those days are history as well.
I am shocked....totally shocked.

BTW, also shocked a couple of the class clowns decided the OP was funny....but had nothing to say.

Enjoy that delicious XMas cookie Fox just gave you because that's all it is.

Thank you. Maybe you can convince them to go on another speaking tour, charge 50 cents, I'm sure someone would attend....dumbass.

What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.
maybe not speak but you can type the shit out of it.
Omg where does one start with the cartoon character zero college poster.
Mark meadows and knees news??
Total garbage.
So mr cartoon, why is the Clinton foundation rated A +and dons been fined and banned?
I guess you didn't get to this from your doublwide
FACT CHECK: Clinton Foundation Scores Higher as a Charity than the Red Cross?
And I missed what you did for the 911 families and African kids. There is a website for her achievements you know.
Slightly more than your cartoon characters achievements?
So you are going to blindly reject the claims supported by evidence from NUMEROUS whistleblowers, whose stories / evidence has been sufficient to receive protection under the Whistleblower Act as well as the augmenting / complimenting evidence provided in the form of testimony under oath before Congress and the US IG's reports?

'The Con / Scam Artists have a great Charity Rating score (which they most probably BOUGHT) and their own web site singing their praises, so they must be Legit.'


The FBI has found enough substantial evidence to continue their on-going Investigation into the Cllinton's Influence Peddling.

...and you want to see Trump's taxes so badly but want to ignore the whistleblower evidence showing mismanagement / illegal personal use of charity funds...
Court Excoriates Obama State Department/Justice Department for Possibly Acting in “Bad Faith” and Colluding “to Scuttle Public Scrutiny” of Clinton Private Email Server

Court Criticizes Current Justice Department for “Chicanery”

District Court Judge Lamberth Orders “Proposed Plan and Schedule for Discovery Within Ten Days”

Discovery Must Also Explore Whether Clinton Intentionally Used Private Email Server to “skirt FOIA”

Federal Judge Opens Discovery Into Clinton Email Usage - Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that, in a ruling excoriating both the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth has ordered both agencies to join Judicial Watch in submitting a proposed schedule for discovery into whether Hillary Clinton sought to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a private email system and whether the State Department acted in “bad faith” by failing to disclose knowledge of the email system. The decision comes in a FOIA lawsuit related to the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Specially, Lamberth ruled:

… the Court ORDERS the parties to meet and confer to plan discovery into (a) whether Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email while Secretary of State was an intentional attempt to evade FOIA; (b) whether the State Department’s attempts to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and (c) whether State has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s requests.

Terming Clinton’s use of her private email system, “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Lamberth wrote in his MEMORANDUM OPINION:

… his [President Barack Obama’s] State and Justice Departments fell far short. So far short that the court questions, even now, whether they are acting in good faith. Did Hillary Clinton use her private email as Secretary of State to thwart this lofty goal [Obama announced standard for transparency]? Was the State Department’s attempt to settle this FOIA case in 2014 an effort to avoid searching – and disclosing the existence of – Clinton’s missing emails? And has State ever adequately searched for records in this case?


At best, State’s attempt to pass-off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence. At worst, career employees in the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this Court.

Turning his attention to the Department of Justice, Lamberth wrote:

The current Justice Department made things worse. When the government last appeared before the Court, counsel claimed, ‘it is not true to say we misled either Judicial Watch or the Court.’ When accused of ‘doublespeak,’ counsel denied vehemently, feigned offense, and averred complete candor. When asked why State masked the inadequacy of its initial search, counsel claimed that the officials who initially responded to Judicial Watch’s request didn’t realize Clinton’s emails were missing, and that it took them two months to ‘figure [] out what was going on’… Counsel’s responses strain credulity. [citations omitted]

The Court granted discovery because the government’s response to the Judicial Watch Benghazi FOIA request for Clinton emails “smacks of outrageous conduct.”

Citing an email (uncovered as a result of Judicial Watch’s lawsuit) that Hillary Clinton acknowledged that Benghazi was a terrorist attack immediately after it happened, Judge Lamberth asked:

Did State know Clinton deemed the Benghazi attack terrorism hours after it happened, contradicting the Obama Administration’s subsequent claim of a protest-gone-awry?


Did the Department merely fear what might be found? Or was State’s bungling just the unfortunate result of bureaucratic redtape and a failure to communicate? To preserve the Department’s integrity, and to reassure the American people their government remains committed to transparency and the rule of law, this suspicion cannot be allowed to fester.

“The historic court ruling raises concerns about the Hillary Clinton email scandal and government corruption that millions of Americans share,” stated Judicial Watch Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch looks forward to conducting careful discovery into the Clinton email issue and we hope the Justice Department and State Department recognize Judge Lamberth’s criticism and help, rather than obstruct, this court-ordered discovery.”

An FBI Whistleblower has already exposed the facts that the FBI protected Hillary from any real investigation regarding Uranium One and how Special Witch Hunter Mueller hit Russian crimes associated with their attempts to buy Uranium One back in 2014.

Now, in the midst of an on-going FBI investigation into Hillary's Influence Peddling and the criminal Clinton Foundation, Whistleblowers - MORE THAN JUST ONE - 'dish more dirt' / EXPOSE MORE CRIME...

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence

(Now we understand why the FBI recently violated protective Whistleblower Legislation by raiding whistleblower homes/offices and attempting to confiscate their evidence before it could be presented to the House Intelligence Committee chaired by R-Grassly. Once the Democrats would take over control of that committee in January they would not need the FBI's help to keep this covered up, but since the Whistleblowers are coming out NOW, with the GOP still in control, they had to try to make this go away NOW!)


"Three people have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence of potential wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation, including misappropriation of funds and allegations of quid-pro-quo promises made to donors during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

a whistleblower submission filed with the FBI and IRS in August 2017 included internal legal reviews that the Clinton Foundation conducted between 2008 and 2011. Those reviews raised concerns about legal compliance and improper mingling of personal and charity business. One of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses."

The Clintons using 'charity' money for their own expenses?
View attachment 233289

One of the main indicators / hints at Clinton Influence Peddling they are currently investigating is how 'newly filed tax documents showed donations to the Clinton Foundation plunged in the wake of Hillary Clinton's loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election'.
- No more 'influence', no more 'favors', no more 'access' to BUY......

"Whenever we look at the possibility of 'pay to play' by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable."

Since the 1st whistleblower's evidence showed the FBI failed / refused to investigate Hillary thoroughly / properly - which a US IG report backed up, shouldn't someone else other than the FBI be tasked with investigating the Clintons NOW...and who will be investigating the FBI?

Despite all the bootlegging, murders, extortion, blackmail, intimidation, corruption, and crime, in the end it was finances - tax evasion - that brought down Al Capone.... Hillary and Bill should find that ironic...and a little frightening right now.


Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence, Meadows says

Any day now...any day now...any day now...

USMB - The champagne has gone flat, the cake is stale, but the tards are still wearing their party hats, waiting for the signal that will never come.

"I haven't gone to the bathroom in eighteen months", one creduloid who is literally full of shit stated. "I'm worried the indictment will come down while I'm taking a dump and I'll miss my chance to be the first to post about it."

As they talk in excited tones in their huddled groups, the eyes of the lonely chumps are constantly darting to their propaganda news sites, hoping against hope that today is finally the day.

"I heard an anonymous inside source has said an FBI agent said a judge has just signed a Tase on Sight (TOS) order for Hillary Clinton!", one dupe titters excitedly. "It's happening! It's finally happening!"

But, it isn't happening. It is never happening. And as the sun rises after another long lonely night's vigil and heartbreak, the saps wander blearily-eyed toward the nearest Dunkin Donuts with free wifi to recharge their pathetic souls with black coffee and day old crullers.

"It's being signed right now. I just know it, " one mutters to another as he checks his phone's signal strength.
No /Quid Pro Quo'? No 'Favors'? No 'Access'?


- Prolific fundraiser for Democratic candidates and contributor to the Clinton Foundation
- Traveled with Bill Clinton on a trip to Africa
- Chicago securities trader, who specialized in electronic investing
- Given a seat on the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) where he sat beside collection of nuclear scientists, former cabinet secretaries and members of Congress, tasked with giving Hillary advice on the use of tactical nuclear weapons and on other crucial arms control issues

Fernando had ZERO education, intelligence, expertise, or experience with TACTIACAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS or ARMS CONTROL issues.

He was LITERALLY the DUMBEST f*ng guy in the room at these meetings....but he sure could get Bill and Hillary a LOT of money!

How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board
It’s just a matter of time before her pay to play scheme is fully exposed.

When that happens, I hope she’s still alive to serve time in prison.
Enjoy that delicious XMas cookie Fox just gave you because that's all it is.

Thank you. Maybe you can convince them to go on another speaking tour, charge 50 cents, I'm sure someone would attend....dumbass.

What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.
maybe not speak but you can type the shit out of it.

Nice contribution.

No foundation rants?
No /Quid Pro Quo'? No 'Favors'? No 'Access'?


Vahid Alaghband
- Huge Clinton Foundation Donor
- Was busted violating US Sanctions against Iran
- Was Part of the Clinton Global Initiative....until that fact was too inconvenient for the Clintons
- The Clintons attempted to help but could not make this go away, so suddenly both Alaghband & Hillary began denying they knew each other, that he was a donor, and that he was a member of her CGI.

Clinton Foundation Donor Violated US Iran Sanctions (as usual, clueless Obama knows nothing)
Thank you. Maybe you can convince them to go on another speaking tour, charge 50 cents, I'm sure someone would attend....dumbass.

What does that even mean?

Sigh....are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?

Sorry. I don't speak moron.

They just launched a speaking tour.
maybe not speak but you can type the shit out of it.

Nice contribution.

No foundation rants?
i've come to find that it does no good to take you seriously. you just BLAH BLAH WHINE WHINE BLAH DOPE!!!

pretty much a macro-type poster.
"More than half of the Clinton Foundation’s major donors would be prevented from contributing to the charity under the self-imposed ban on corporate and foreign donors the foundation said this week it would adopt if Hillary Clinton won the White House, according to a new Washington Post analysis of foundation donations."

Well, she did not have to worry about keeping THAT promise since she LOST. Unfortunately for her, with no more Influence to sell the donations dried up...from just about everyone on that list she claimed she would no longer take money from if she had won.....

More than half of Clinton Foundation’s major donors would be barred under new rule

No Quid Pro Quo? No 'Access'?


181 (ONE HUDRED EIGHTY ONE) Donors to Hillary's 'Charity' were granted access to the State Department to Lobby her / the State Department!
- 181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department

E-mails found revealed Hillary was running the State Department like it was the HQ for the Clinton Foundation:

"A senior executive at the Clinton Foundation left nearly 150 messages for one of Hillary Clinton’s top aides at the State Department over a two-year period, according to newly released call logs.

The Clinton Foundation’s chief operating officer, Laura Graham, kept in close touch with Cheryl Mills, one of Clinton’s closest aides when she was secretary of state,
according to the logs analyzed by Fox News.

An August 2011 message the Clinton Foundation official left for the government worker references “our boss,” suggesting both women worked for the same person."

"The State Department said the constant contacts were proper — even though Clinton herself signed an agreement to steer clear of the foundation as secretary of state."

SHE LIED! (surprise, surprise...)
If the Clinton Foundation WAS used to launder foreign money paid to the Clintons in exchange for political favors, why WOULDN'T anyone want investigated and the Clintons punished?

Just like you guys want Trump executed for RIGGING THE 2016 POTUS ELECTION with PUTIN.
The whistle-blowers need to watch their backs to avoid getting injured in "botched robbery attempts." Hopefully multiple copies of the documents were made and stored safely and maybe even sent to Wikileaks.

This is breaking news! I wanted to avoid the robot audio, but here is one...

The 6,000 documents from the Crooked Clinton Foundation and if they can only get a hold of Crooked Hillary's private computer and retrieve those 33,000 deleted emails!

Lock her up!

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