Mosque shooting in New Zealand

The gunman stalked the mosque rooms firing repeatedly, stopping several times to re-load.

He then exited the mosque through the front door - after just under three minutes inside and headed into the street – firing random shots as cars drove past.
Mosque shooting: Christchurch gunman livestreamed shooting
This is the kind of man that drawing and quartering was designed for.
Yes, but he will end up in a cushy New Zealand jail cell, and a team of highly trained psychiatrists and psychologists will treat him, and eventually he may even be rehabilitated and allowed to go free.
Good on whatever Kiwi did it. It's about time that genocidal hate ideology got a dose of what they've subjected the entire to world for 1400 years.
A lot of innocent people died here, and more will likely die.

And you say 'good'?

Welcome to my ignore list, jack ass.
The fact that a non-Muslim did the shooting shouldn't make it any more heinous though. Muslims have been blowing up each other's mosques and committing mass murders against each other for as long as I remember.

I suppose all we'll hear from the left for the next three weeks will be this:

"Why do White western males hate Muslim women and children so much that they conduct such massacres?"
8:15pm: Police and the NZ Defence Force carried out a controlled explosion of two bags left in Auckland's Britomart this evening.

It was a precautionary measure and the bags were found to
Muslims on twitter are milking it for all it's worth, they don't get many chances like this.
The Muslim community finally got a tiny piece of the big shit sandwich it has been forcing us to eat since the 7th century.
Hilarity. As though the Allies didn't betray them after WW1. As though Shock and Awe never happened, as though rubble never stopped bouncing in Afghanistan.

Go on then. Spin it, for all it's worth.

Your moral equivalence and airs of grievance notwithstanding.
Good on whatever Kiwi did it. It's about time that genocidal hate ideology got a dose of what they've subjected the entire to world for 1400 years.

Two wrongs don't make a right, bru!!!


The fact that a non-Muslim did the shooting shouldn't make it any more heinous though. Muslims have been blowing up each other's mosques and committing mass murders against each other for as long as I remember.

I suppose all we'll hear from the left for the next three weeks will be this:


400000 dead in Syria; 30 in New Zealand. Which will dominate the news more?? Still isn't right of course.

How many Syrians were killed today?
Do not make amalgam against whites, westerners are not all mass shooters.
What is happening in our world? Forty more dead, according to the latest reports. "Thoughts and prayers" are not enough. Who are these people who attack synagogues, mosques, churches, and gun down people as they pray? I cannot help the families of those gunned-down in Pittsburgh or Christchurch, whose loved ones are not coming home, but can we raise our voices to ask why? Where are these people who would do these things coming from?
Not much information yet but it sounds pretty bad.
Witness: Many dead in New Zealand mosque shooting
When I first saw the news I told my wife I can not believe that the kiwis can commit such a atrocity, and it turns out I was right...they were aussies.

I'm sure the cons on here just like the commenters on foxnews website are super happy.

Super happy? Why would they be?

It's not as if Moslems are shooting up Jews in Paris. Which makes cnm super happy.

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