Moscow To Unveil Post-Soviet Lenin, Stalin Memorials


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
bronze busts of Koba (the worst in the history mass-killer) , Lenin whats coming next for Muscovy , reopening of GULAG, Kurapaty?


MOSCOW -- Russia's capital is set to unveil a series of bronze busts of Soviet leaders, including rare post-Soviet Russian memorials to Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin.

The seven sculptures will be added to the recently opened Alley Of Rulers composition with its 33 pre-revolutionary leaders in a square near the Military Uniform Museum.

The memorials are due to be introduced at a ceremony on September 22 attended by Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky and lawmakers, including flamboyant ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov."Moscow To Unveil Rare Post-Soviet Lenin, Stalin Memorials
There are many former living citizens of earth to which hell was a no-brainer for them upon their death. Stalin is one such person.

One can erect as many statues as they want, promote him with a revisionist beam of positive light every day, it won't change a bloody thing, and may lead to resentment from those who know better.
Statues and memorials have been used for millennia to promote the agenda of rulers. It is a glorification of themselves and inasmuch as rulers enjoy the loyalty of the masses such public art will bolster a population. Just as white southerners in America like to erect and display statues of those who fought the USA to protect slavery, so too Russians who remember when the Soviet Union was strong and respected by friend and foe alike will want to memorialize Lenin and Stalin. Some countries move on and learn from their past. There are no statues of Hitler in Germany or Austria.
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.

Reagan was a buffoon. Gorbachev was the one that dismantled the Soviet Union. Putin has delusions of reconstructing it. He even does these weird things like buzzing US warships at sea. Even this idiot has to understand the difference between Russia spending $100 billion/yr on defense as compared to the US spending $700 billion/yr on defense. And Russia would have to face all 28 members of NATO. They have no chance. Putin is like Kim Jong Un-stable, they both have the delusions of vast powers that don't exist.
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.

Reagan was a buffoon. Gorbachev was the one that dismantled the Soviet Union. Putin has delusions of reconstructing it. He even does these weird things like buzzing US warships at sea. Even this idiot has to understand the difference between Russia spending $100 billion/yr on defense as compared to the US spending $700 billion/yr on defense. And Russia would have to face all 28 members of NATO. They have no chance. Putin is like Kim Jong Un-stable, they both have the delusions of vast powers that don't exist.
Yes; you are again correct.
You did not comment on how Trump is Putin's man who must have pleased his Russian friend when he criticized NATO, calling it obsolete.
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.
The Pope got the ball rolling for the demise of the USSR in 1979 when he visited Poland before Reagan was in the picture.
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.
he came into the power with Muscovite so called "Liberals" , this was his job in SP, before "the family" gave him the president job ...




no, he never was an operative , its a myth ....
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.
... no, he never was an operative , its a myth ....
Get your facts straight.
"DRESDEN, Germany Russian President Vladimir Putin returns Tuesday to the German city where he once spied for the KGB to hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel about Iran and Russia's expanding ties with Europe's biggest economy. Putin has said little publicly about exactly what he did during his stint in Dresden in former East Germany, where he worked from 1985 to 1990, other than personal reminiscing about friendships, raising his two daughters and gaining weight on German beer. His tour ended with East Germany's collapse and a crowd of resentful citizens besieging KGB headquarters."
Putin set to visit Dresden, scene of his work as KGB spy, to tend relations with Germany - iht,europe,Germany Russia - Europe - International Herald Tribune
Putin is trying hard to regain that ol' Soviet feeling. He pines for when they were 'the other' Superpower.
Yes; I'm sure you are correct. Bear in mind that Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer dedicated to the Soviet Union which imploded under the Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost. (I am aware that Americans believe it was done by Ronald Reagan in Berlin by saying, "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall" but I hold a different view.)

The KGB ran the Soviet Union for the Communist Party functionaries and in the absence of the Politburo at the time of the collapse, the KGB took over the whole apparatus. The Soviet Socialist Republics were lost and so were the puppet regimes in Eastern Europe. He had been a KGB operative in Dresden when East Germany gave up the ghost. What a fall the Soviet Union suffered. Putin is trying to bring back those heady days when Russia ruled half of Europe. Putin wants to make Russia great again.
... no, he never was an operative , its a myth ....
Get your facts straight.
"DRESDEN, Germany Russian President Vladimir Putin returns Tuesday to the German city where he once spied for the KGB to hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel about Iran and Russia's expanding ties with Europe's biggest economy. Putin has said little publicly about exactly what he did during his stint in Dresden in former East Germany, where he worked from 1985 to 1990, other than personal reminiscing about friendships, raising his two daughters and gaining weight on German beer. His tour ended with East Germany's collapse and a crowd of resentful citizens besieging KGB headquarters."
Putin set to visit Dresden, scene of his work as KGB spy, to tend relations with Germany - iht,europe,Germany Russia - Europe - International Herald Tribune

a KGB spying against another Commie land, you must be joking...

KGB General Oleg Kalugin about Vova Putler

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