Diamond Member
Missed Chance is a study by Moscow military historian Mikhail Meltyukhov over a theory of planned Soviet invasion of Germany in the Summer of 1941.
"Even more importantly, for the first time, Lenin acknowledged that the Red Army offensive into Poland in July 1920 aimed not only at the sovietisation of Poland, but also at taking the military campaign further westwards, in particular, to Germany and England. This intention was unknown to earlier historians working on the subject. Lenin believed that the Red Army offensive would ignite the spark of revolution across Europe, as it advanced, drawing fresh recruits into its ranks, as it had during the Russian Civil War. In this way, the Polish-Soviet War could be used as the initial engagement in a war against the capitalist Allied states, for the overthrow of the Versailles settlement, admitting, This was a most important turning point not only in the politics of Soviet Russia but also in world politics... now we said we have become stronger, and we will respond with a counterattack to each of your attempts at attack... you risk that each of your attacks will expand the territory of the Soviet Republic."
all what you ´d know the predatory nature of Moscow colonialism ...
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