More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

Ah this is the other "Rush is dying thread" I was looking for.


Dream on libs. Note the last paragraph. From the article...

Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ‘very well’


There was certainly a dramatic impact on the advertising sales in the wake of Limbaugh’s comments, Metter noted, but he said that just drove the company to find new sources of ad revenues.

Metter, who repeatedly referred to the advertising boycott of Limbaugh as simply “the challenge,” said Premiere, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Media, focused its efforts on getting ads on air from entrepreneurial-based companies not handled by major ad agencies, such as LifeLock and LegalZoom.

“They’re not buying an ideology, they’re buying an audience,” Metter said. “And many of whom are advertising with our progressive radio hosts and our conservative radio hosts and everything in the middle. They’re not buying Rush’s ideology or Randi Rhodes’ ideology. They’re buying them because their audience buys tractors, their audience drinks soda, and their audience needs data backup. And that’s the place to get those types of customers. So we’re doing very, very well.”

They’re pacing ahead of this time last year, Metter said — and while January was a bit slow, the second quarter is picking up for the company that distributes Limbaugh and other talkers such as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

“Many of these companies, especially in this economy, need talk radio,” he said. “The endorsement of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Randi Rhodes and George Noory is gold to these guys. That builds their brands, makes their business. So where the challenge has been with regard to the controversy is we did have a little bit of a dip — a great deal of a dip in the second quarter last year after it happened — we’ve refocused and gone out after those entrepreneur based companies. And now, a year later, we’re doing very well.”

While Premiere’s Metter on Thursday said Limbaugh had bounced back substantially on the sales front, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey has previously blamed the company’s advertising losses on Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” because she called on Congress to mandate insurance coverage of birth control, which sparked a major advertising boycott. Cumulus, which has 40 radio stations that air Limbaugh’s program, has a contract with the talker through 2013.

The Rush Limbaugh Program is reportedly considering ending its affiliation agreement with Cumulus Media in response to Dickey laying the blame on advertising losses on the conservative talker. Limbaugh’s program is still the highest rated talk radio show in the country.

Rest of article at link:

Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ?very well? - Mackenzie Weinger -

OMFG TD, we're doing this again??

As it says right in the article, "Premiere Radio senior vice president and director of talk radio sales Dan Metter told the Talkers New York 2013 conference" -- he's the SELLER of the program, addressing potential buyers. WTF do you think he's going to say??

I told you this before the last time you trotted this out. :banghead:

Same thing over and over, expect different results...
Ah this is the other "Rush is dying thread" I was looking for.


Dream on libs. Note the last paragraph. From the article...

Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ‘very well’


There was certainly a dramatic impact on the advertising sales in the wake of Limbaugh’s comments, Metter noted, but he said that just drove the company to find new sources of ad revenues.

Metter, who repeatedly referred to the advertising boycott of Limbaugh as simply “the challenge,” said Premiere, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Media, focused its efforts on getting ads on air from entrepreneurial-based companies not handled by major ad agencies, such as LifeLock and LegalZoom.

“They’re not buying an ideology, they’re buying an audience,” Metter said. “And many of whom are advertising with our progressive radio hosts and our conservative radio hosts and everything in the middle. They’re not buying Rush’s ideology or Randi Rhodes’ ideology. They’re buying them because their audience buys tractors, their audience drinks soda, and their audience needs data backup. And that’s the place to get those types of customers. So we’re doing very, very well.”

They’re pacing ahead of this time last year, Metter said — and while January was a bit slow, the second quarter is picking up for the company that distributes Limbaugh and other talkers such as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

“Many of these companies, especially in this economy, need talk radio,” he said. “The endorsement of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Randi Rhodes and George Noory is gold to these guys. That builds their brands, makes their business. So where the challenge has been with regard to the controversy is we did have a little bit of a dip — a great deal of a dip in the second quarter last year after it happened — we’ve refocused and gone out after those entrepreneur based companies. And now, a year later, we’re doing very well.”

While Premiere’s Metter on Thursday said Limbaugh had bounced back substantially on the sales front, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey has previously blamed the company’s advertising losses on Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” because she called on Congress to mandate insurance coverage of birth control, which sparked a major advertising boycott. Cumulus, which has 40 radio stations that air Limbaugh’s program, has a contract with the talker through 2013.

The Rush Limbaugh Program is reportedly considering ending its affiliation agreement with Cumulus Media in response to Dickey laying the blame on advertising losses on the conservative talker. Limbaugh’s program is still the highest rated talk radio show in the country.

Rest of article at link:

Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ?very well? - Mackenzie Weinger -

OMFG TD, we're doing this again??

As it says right in the article, "Premiere Radio senior vice president and director of talk radio sales Dan Metter told the Talkers New York 2013 conference" -- he's the SELLER of the program, addressing potential buyers. WTF do you think he's going to say??

I told you this before the last time you trotted this out. :banghead:

Same thing over and over, expect different results...

So is it your new thesis that because he might have a reason to be less than perfectly honest or accurate, he must therefore be lying?

Logic aint yer strong suit, bucko.


USMB Wingnut Boycott #3:

Here's a choice comment from USMB long-timer 'Annie':

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
and the push for anti american censorship begins. things starting to look familiar to anyone? circa 1933?
DK how can people, excercising their first amendment right of free speech, be any more wrong than those who have a right to protest the war?

I have the right to boycott products, sponsors, etc. If I can get others to go along with me, is that not a right?

In effect it's the 'little guys' way of play George Soros.
Is she wrong, Liability?

Oh, beautiful - a current USMB member's conservative take!

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
and the push for anti american censorship begins. things starting to look familiar to anyone? circa 1933?
Only congress can censor people. The American people have always been able to assemble and organize and protest that which they disagree with. and the private sector is allowed to refuse the distribution of a film.

I say if you disagree with it. send a sensible letter to any theatre in the area you are planning to distribute it. Nothing very immature. no name calling. Just state you are concerned that they are lending their name to a movie that isnt accurate, state a few facts, and suggest they might be able to make more having another threater showing spiderman rather than this and sign off. and then get a bunch of friends to do the same.

Feel free to explain these conservative boycotts anytime, Liability! :lol:

Or keep hiding.
Ah this is the other "Rush is dying thread" I was looking for.


Dream on libs. Note the last paragraph. From the article...

Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ‘very well’


There was certainly a dramatic impact on the advertising sales in the wake of Limbaugh’s comments, Metter noted, but he said that just drove the company to find new sources of ad revenues.

Metter, who repeatedly referred to the advertising boycott of Limbaugh as simply “the challenge,” said Premiere, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Media, focused its efforts on getting ads on air from entrepreneurial-based companies not handled by major ad agencies, such as LifeLock and LegalZoom.

“They’re not buying an ideology, they’re buying an audience,” Metter said. “And many of whom are advertising with our progressive radio hosts and our conservative radio hosts and everything in the middle. They’re not buying Rush’s ideology or Randi Rhodes’ ideology. They’re buying them because their audience buys tractors, their audience drinks soda, and their audience needs data backup. And that’s the place to get those types of customers. So we’re doing very, very well.”

They’re pacing ahead of this time last year, Metter said — and while January was a bit slow, the second quarter is picking up for the company that distributes Limbaugh and other talkers such as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

“Many of these companies, especially in this economy, need talk radio,” he said. “The endorsement of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Randi Rhodes and George Noory is gold to these guys. That builds their brands, makes their business. So where the challenge has been with regard to the controversy is we did have a little bit of a dip — a great deal of a dip in the second quarter last year after it happened — we’ve refocused and gone out after those entrepreneur based companies. And now, a year later, we’re doing very well.”

While Premiere’s Metter on Thursday said Limbaugh had bounced back substantially on the sales front, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey has previously blamed the company’s advertising losses on Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” because she called on Congress to mandate insurance coverage of birth control, which sparked a major advertising boycott. Cumulus, which has 40 radio stations that air Limbaugh’s program, has a contract with the talker through 2013.

The Rush Limbaugh Program is reportedly considering ending its affiliation agreement with Cumulus Media in response to Dickey laying the blame on advertising losses on the conservative talker. Limbaugh’s program is still the highest rated talk radio show in the country.

Rest of article at link:

Distributor: Rush Limbaugh doing ?very well? - Mackenzie Weinger -

OMFG TD, we're doing this again??

As it says right in the article, "Premiere Radio senior vice president and director of talk radio sales Dan Metter told the Talkers New York 2013 conference" -- he's the SELLER of the program, addressing potential buyers. WTF do you think he's going to say??

I told you this before the last time you trotted this out. :banghead:

Same thing over and over, expect different results...

So is it your new thesis that because he might have a reason to be less than perfectly honest or accurate, he must therefore be lying?

Logic aint yer strong suit, bucko.


Oooh, you were so close. Then you went all "must"-y. Damn, missed it by that much.
OMFG TD, we're doing this again??

As it says right in the article, "Premiere Radio senior vice president and director of talk radio sales Dan Metter told the Talkers New York 2013 conference" -- he's the SELLER of the program, addressing potential buyers. WTF do you think he's going to say??

I told you this before the last time you trotted this out. :banghead:

Same thing over and over, expect different results...

So is it your new thesis that because he might have a reason to be less than perfectly honest or accurate, he must therefore be lying?

Logic aint yer strong suit, bucko.


Oooh, you were so close. Then you went all "must"-y. Damn, missed it by that much.

Good. So we're making incremental progress. I finally got you to acknowledge that just because he might have an agenda does NOT mean that he MUST be lying.

And if he might be telling the truth then it is possible that Rush will eventually come out pretty much unscathed from the orchestrated left wing bullshit "boycott."

Class dismissed.
So is it your new thesis that because he might have a reason to be less than perfectly honest or accurate, he must therefore be lying?

Logic aint yer strong suit, bucko.


Oooh, you were so close. Then you went all "must"-y. Damn, missed it by that much.

Good. So we're making incremental progress. I finally got you to acknowledge that just because he might have an agenda does NOT mean that he MUST be lying.

And if he might be telling the truth then it is possible that Rush will eventually come out pretty much unscathed from the orchestrated left wing bullshit "boycott."

Class dismissed.

"Finally"?? It was the only post on this article. :confused:

Let's look at it again, with specific highlights:

There was certainly a dramatic impact on the advertising sales in the wake of Limbaugh’s comments, Metter noted, but he said that just drove the company to find new sources of ad revenues.

Metter, who repeatedly referred to the advertising boycott of Limbaugh as simply “the challenge,” said Premiere, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Media, focused its efforts on getting ads on air from entrepreneurial-based companies not handled by major ad agencies, such as LifeLock and LegalZoom.

“They’re not buying an ideology, they’re buying an audience,” Metter said. “And many of whom are advertising with our progressive radio hosts and our conservative radio hosts and everything in the middle. They’re not buying Rush’s ideology or Randi Rhodes’ ideology. They’re buying them because their audience buys tractors, their audience drinks soda, and their audience needs data backup. And that’s the place to get those types of customers. So we’re doing very, very well.”

That's true about how the audience psychology works. It's exactly what I've been saying on this site and previous ones every time somebody trots out ratings for Fox Noise or Lush Rimjob. But notice how he's distancing Premiere from Limblob: "they're not buying an ideology". He's right.

They’re pacing ahead of this time last year, Metter said — and while January was a bit slow, the second quarter is picking up for the company that distributes Limbaugh and other talkers such as Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.

"A bit slow"... "picking up". Keeping it vague. I'll just highlight the rest of the vague hype in blue.

“Many of these companies, especially in this economy, need talk radio,” he said. “The endorsement of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Randi Rhodes and George Noory is gold to these guys. That builds their brands, makes their business. So where the challenge has been with regard to the controversy is we did have a little bit of a dip — a great deal of a dip in the second quarter last year after it happened — we’ve refocused and gone out after those entrepreneur based companies. And now, a year later, we’re doing very well.”

Again, mitigating the point with the inclusion of Rhodes and Noory so as to not be pinned down to association with Limblab.

And again, "a little dip" and "doing very well" are vague hyperbole with no numbers attached.

While Premiere’s Metter on Thursday said Limbaugh had bounced back substantially on the sales front, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey has previously blamed the company’s advertising losses on Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” because she called on Congress to mandate insurance coverage of birth control, which sparked a major advertising boycott. Cumulus, which has 40 radio stations that air Limbaugh’s program, has a contract with the talker through 2013.

The Rush Limbaugh Program is reportedly considering ending its affiliation agreement with Cumulus Media in response to Dickey laying the blame on advertising losses on the conservative talker. Limbaugh’s program is still the highest rated talk radio show in the country.

^^ "Oh yeah? We can't play in your backyard? Well maybe we'll take our ball and go home". Also known as "you can't fire me -- I quit!".

I don't see a damn thing in there that presents any evidence that Limblab isn't nosediving. "Bounced back substantially" can mean anything in the world. And "we're doing very well", especially where "we" refers to the entire syndicate, doesn't cut it.

To be fair, I've seen this article posted before and pointed out these same flaws before. Yet here it comes back again. Go figure. :dunno:
Last edited:
Oooh, you were so close. Then you went all "must"-y. Damn, missed it by that much.

Good. So we're making incremental progress. I finally got you to acknowledge that just because he might have an agenda does NOT mean that he MUST be lying.

And if he might be telling the truth then it is possible that Rush will eventually come out pretty much unscathed from the orchestrated left wing bullshit "boycott."

Class dismissed.

"Finally"?? It was the only post on this article. :confused:

Let's look at it again, with specific highlights:

That's true about how the audience psychology works. It's exactly what I've been saying on this site and previous ones every time somebody trots out ratings for Fox Noise or Lush Rimjob. But notice how he's distancing Premiere from Limblob: "they're not buying an ideology". He's right.

"A bit slow"... "picking up". Keeping it vague. I'll just highlight the rest of the vague hype in blue.

“Many of these companies, especially in this economy, need talk radio,” he said. “The endorsement of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Randi Rhodes and George Noory is gold to these guys. That builds their brands, makes their business. So where the challenge has been with regard to the controversy is we did have a little bit of a dip — a great deal of a dip in the second quarter last year after it happened — we’ve refocused and gone out after those entrepreneur based companies. And now, a year later, we’re doing very well

Again, mitigating the point with the inclusion of Rhodes and Noory so as to not be pinned down to association with Limblab.

And again, "a little dip" and "doing very well" are vague hyperbole with no numbers attached.

While Premiere’s Metter on Thursday said Limbaugh had bounced back substantially on the sales front, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey has previously blamed the company’s advertising losses on Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” because she called on Congress to mandate insurance coverage of birth control, which sparked a major advertising boycott. Cumulus, which has 40 radio stations that air Limbaugh’s program, has a contract with the talker through 2013.

The Rush Limbaugh Program is reportedly considering ending its affiliation agreement with Cumulus Media in response to Dickey laying the blame on advertising losses on the conservative talker. Limbaugh’s program is still the highest rated talk radio show in the country.

^^ "Oh yeah? We can't play in your backyard? Well maybe we'll take our ball and go home". Also known as "you can't fire me -- I quit!".

I don't see a damn thing in there that presents any evidence that Limblab isn't nosediving. "Bounced back substantially" can mean anything in the world. And "we're doing very well", especially where "we" refers to the entire syndicate, doesn't cut it.

To be fair, I've seen this article posted before and pointed out these same flaws before. Yet here it comes back again. Go figure. :dunno:

Good for you. Not only have you finally realized something, but you are not running away from the logical conclusion just because it offends your petty sensibilities.

I couldn't be more proud of you.

Good. So we're making incremental progress. I finally got you to acknowledge that just because he might have an agenda does NOT mean that he MUST be lying.

And if he might be telling the truth then it is possible that Rush will eventually come out pretty much unscathed from the orchestrated left wing bullshit "boycott."

Class dismissed.

"Finally"?? It was the only post on this article. :confused:

Let's look at it again, with specific highlights:

That's true about how the audience psychology works. It's exactly what I've been saying on this site and previous ones every time somebody trots out ratings for Fox Noise or Lush Rimjob. But notice how he's distancing Premiere from Limblob: "they're not buying an ideology". He's right.

"A bit slow"... "picking up". Keeping it vague. I'll just highlight the rest of the vague hype in blue.

Again, mitigating the point with the inclusion of Rhodes and Noory so as to not be pinned down to association with Limblab.

And again, "a little dip" and "doing very well" are vague hyperbole with no numbers attached.

While Premiere’s Metter on Thursday said Limbaugh had bounced back substantially on the sales front, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickey has previously blamed the company’s advertising losses on Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” because she called on Congress to mandate insurance coverage of birth control, which sparked a major advertising boycott. Cumulus, which has 40 radio stations that air Limbaugh’s program, has a contract with the talker through 2013.

The Rush Limbaugh Program is reportedly considering ending its affiliation agreement with Cumulus Media in response to Dickey laying the blame on advertising losses on the conservative talker. Limbaugh’s program is still the highest rated talk radio show in the country.

^^ "Oh yeah? We can't play in your backyard? Well maybe we'll take our ball and go home". Also known as "you can't fire me -- I quit!".

I don't see a damn thing in there that presents any evidence that Limblab isn't nosediving. "Bounced back substantially" can mean anything in the world. And "we're doing very well", especially where "we" refers to the entire syndicate, doesn't cut it.

To be fair, I've seen this article posted before and pointed out these same flaws before. Yet here it comes back again. Go figure. :dunno:

Good for you. Not only have you finally realized something, but you are not running away from the logical conclusion just because it offends your petty sensibilities.

I couldn't be more proud of you.


Yeah, I'll bet.
* * * *

Yeah, I'll bet.

You might. But I don't enter into bets with you dishonest types.

Sorry. Your application has been once again denied.

So... that bet that became a liability was an honest one then?
Good to know. :thup:

No bet of mine ever became a liability.

I did have this ONE bet that I would have lost but-for the fact that the other party to the bet got perma banned before it came to fruition. That was cool.

But other than that, no. Thanks for asking though, you dishonest hack.

"Finally"?? It was the only post on this article. :confused:

Let's look at it again, with specific highlights:

That's true about how the audience psychology works. It's exactly what I've been saying on this site and previous ones every time somebody trots out ratings for Fox Noise or Lush Rimjob. But notice how he's distancing Premiere from Limblob: "they're not buying an ideology". He's right.

"A bit slow"... "picking up". Keeping it vague. I'll just highlight the rest of the vague hype in blue.

Again, mitigating the point with the inclusion of Rhodes and Noory so as to not be pinned down to association with Limblab.

And again, "a little dip" and "doing very well" are vague hyperbole with no numbers attached.

^^ "Oh yeah? We can't play in your backyard? Well maybe we'll take our ball and go home". Also known as "you can't fire me -- I quit!".

I don't see a damn thing in there that presents any evidence that Limblab isn't nosediving. "Bounced back substantially" can mean anything in the world. And "we're doing very well", especially where "we" refers to the entire syndicate, doesn't cut it.

To be fair, I've seen this article posted before and pointed out these same flaws before. Yet here it comes back again. Go figure. :dunno:

Good for you. Not only have you finally realized something, but you are not running away from the logical conclusion just because it offends your petty sensibilities.

I couldn't be more proud of you.


Yeah, I'll bet.
Don't bet with Liability - he's a known welsher.
I've never been a big fan of boycotts, I don't think they work.

I agree. Thats why I boycott boycotts. But since I boycott boycotts, I can't really boycott the boycott. It's all very confusing. I have to be selective and have found it is easy to boycott places and things if you weren't going to go there or buy those things anyhow. This method allows me to not boycott the places and things I like.

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