More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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The costs (never a worry for any climate nut ) to America due to new EPA rules >>>

•Lower U.S. Gross Domestic Product by $51 billion on average every year through 2030
•Lead to 224,000 fewer U.S. jobs on average every year through 2030
•Force U.S. consumers to pay $289 billion more for electricity through 2030
•Lower total disposable income for U.S. households by $586 billion through 2030

Meanwhile......China continues to derive 70% of its energy from coal with no plans to follow the US lead. Brilliant stuff :2up:

U.S. Global Warming Strategy: Jump Off Cliff, Ask China to Follow - Forbes

Is this why china is going to build 70gw of solar?

China may end up building 70GW of solar (doubt it), but it's not gonna get sold and they will end up using them as gigantic disco balls for the most part..
The costs (never a worry for any climate nut ) to America due to new EPA rules >>>

•Lower U.S. Gross Domestic Product by $51 billion on average every year through 2030
•Lead to 224,000 fewer U.S. jobs on average every year through 2030
•Force U.S. consumers to pay $289 billion more for electricity through 2030
•Lower total disposable income for U.S. households by $586 billion through 2030

Meanwhile......China continues to derive 70% of its energy from coal with no plans to follow the US lead. Brilliant stuff :2up:

U.S. Global Warming Strategy: Jump Off Cliff, Ask China to Follow - Forbes

Is this why china is going to build 70gw of solar?

Yo Matthew........ask me how hard Im laughing ???:D

I think these AGW people enjoy getting publically nuked!!! How else to explain it? Remember as a teenager, being at the beach and the social invalid would return from a swim and walk right across the blanket with his feet covered in sand??? These cheesedick types KNEW they were going to yelled at by the normal people in the crowd but it didn't matter........that kind of attention was better than no attention. Its how the social invalids operate.

hahahah owned

indeed.....that's what I love about this thread. The content decimates the canned crap thrown out by the AGW fascist k00ks. Fact, after fact, after fact illustrating that for all of the "consensus science" weve heard about over the last 20 years, its had ZERO impact in the real world on energy policy. Renewables, as compared to fossil fuels, are still a joke and will be for decades = they're not winning.:D
Ooooooops......more bad news for the k00ks >>>

Unprecedented July Cold - Arctic Sees Shortest Summer On Record

Pretty amazing that on almost a daily basis, I can find stuff that decimates ALL the k00k alarmist arguments!!! Well over 100 links on this thread!!

l O s E

Newsbytes: Greens Lose Battle As Germany Prepares To Lift Ban On Fracking | Watts Up With That?


Fracking is not the only battle the Greens lost in Germany they also lost this one:
Braunkohleabbau in Sachsen: Kampf gegen Umsiedlung des Ortes Pödelwitz - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Braunkohleabbau in Sachsen


"Braunkohle" = brown coal

Greenpeace besetzt Linken-Zentrale in Berlin wegen Braunkohle-Abbau - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace wirft der Linken eine unglaubwürdige Energiepolitik vor. Deshalb haben Dutzende Aktivisten die Parteizentrale in Berlin besetzt. Linken-Chefin Kipping reagiert gelassen.

Several dozens of Greenpeace activists occupied the party headquarters of the "Linken" which is an ultra left political party.
The banner says the Left is 100% trust-unworthy after they okayed more coal mining in Germany.
Germans are watching what Obummer is doing to Americans and their coal industry. Most of us remember that power plants were on top of the strategic bombing list during WW2 and Hitler would have rejoiced if Obama would have been the president instead of FDR during WW2.
There would have been no need to develop V2 rockets that could reach the US or designate all these U-boats to stem the flow of goods the US industry shipped to England
Hey is this? The Great Lakes are "dangerously cold" >>>

Don?t Be Fooled By Warm Weather ? Lake Temps Remain Dangerously Cold « CBS Chicago

Laughed my balls off when I saw this!! Moving close to July now and dang......the Great Lakes are damn near frozen!!!

Friggin' global warming!!!

Low this morning in the Chicago metro area was 50 degrees. June 9. What happened to the CO2 in the Northern Hemisphere that reached 400PPM and where is my warmth?
Hey is this? The Great Lakes are "dangerously cold" >>>

Don?t Be Fooled By Warm Weather ? Lake Temps Remain Dangerously Cold « CBS Chicago

Laughed my balls off when I saw this!! Moving close to July now and dang......the Great Lakes are damn near frozen!!!

Friggin' global warming!!!

Low this morning in the Chicago metro area was 50 degrees. June 9. What happened to the CO2 in the Northern Hemisphere that reached 400PPM and where is my warmth?

Slightly chilly in New York this am......have not come close to 90 degrees yet. Very weird.......growing up, there would have been at least one 4-5 day spell of over 90 by now. Temp has topped out at 86........fAiL

But ummm.......guess climate change hasnt reached New Yok yet!!:2up:
Hey is this? The Great Lakes are "dangerously cold" >>>

Don?t Be Fooled By Warm Weather ? Lake Temps Remain Dangerously Cold « CBS Chicago

Laughed my balls off when I saw this!! Moving close to July now and dang......the Great Lakes are damn near frozen!!!

Friggin' global warming!!!

Low this morning in the Chicago metro area was 50 degrees. June 9. What happened to the CO2 in the Northern Hemisphere that reached 400PPM and where is my warmth?

Slightly chilly in New York this am......have not come close to 90 degrees yet. Very weird.......growing up, there would have been at least one 4-5 day spell of over 90 by now. Temp has topped out at 86........fAiL

But ummm.......guess climate change hasnt reached New Yok yet!!:2up:

Well it has to reach Chicago before NY gets any. LOL

props to the following peeps for keeping this thread epic........

Polar Bear......SSDD.....FlaCalTenn......Bripat......Westwall.......Frank.......HenryBough.......JC456......Ian......Kosh.....Toddspatriot......
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And still not one link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

The AGW religion is strong, but if we do away with tenure in schools and do actual scientific research into what does drive climate, then we would be far better along.

As you can see the AGW cult hates real science and wants it suppressed to keep the cash cow rolling..
And still not one link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

The AGW religion is strong, but if we do away with tenure in schools and do actual scientific research into what does drive climate, then we would be far better along.

As you can see the AGW cult hates real science and wants it suppressed to keep the cash cow rolling..

lmao......Kosh nails it once again!!!

Ever notice that not a single climate crusader on this forum EVER questions why these bozo scientists screw with the data?


Because they are all a bunch of fake, phoney, frauds.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: They don't give a fuck about the environment.......the Saul Alinski playbook is their bible >>>

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

The fucks are 1,000 times more dangerous than the religious right ( who scare the bejesus out of me )

How can we have this much material to poke fun at and STILL they are cranking up the presses ??
Even to the point where the networks news are just making shit up to make Dem Politicians happy.

You could hep 'em -- ya know.. With all these examples you've logged, You could write the scariest sounding headlines for them.. Should start combining some of the "Best Of" for an anniversary edition of this thread..
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