More proof Biden lost

No American presidential candidate in history ever received 70 million votes, EVER!
Joe Biden top that by more that 10 million vote. Donnie and the Neo-GOP are just following the Wannabe Dictator Handbook.

That was the certified totals from each state, not the media.
It's far better to recognize it and be powerless to stop it from happening than being the stupid fool who condescendingly laughs and doesn't believe there is any corruption taking place. I'd rather be aware and powerless than a blind fool like you any day of the week.
Except you claim to be aware of fraud, and not just powerless to stop it, but completely ignorant of who did it, or how it was done.

You're like the guy in a casino card game who wins hand after hand. And the casino insists he must be cheating.
Your fault, my fault, nobody's fault, the 2020 election will always be seen as stolen by near half the country.

I also believe it was but I also have the good sense to know when to let it go because it's not like there will ever be a do-over.

Indeed, states and municipalities where even the dem's gross cheating against each other has been proven will never see a do-over.

Not enough fraud to change the outcome is the pattern now.

The reason is those states and municipalities where fraud occurs don't want the public to know how they have lost control over their election systems.
62 judges have already thrown that garbage out of their courtrooms. Nearly half the country is under the spell of a cult master. 4 indictments and 91 felony charges say he won`t be running for anything except perhaps, the Canadian border. A convicted felon will not sit in the Oval Office again. Showing his golf buddies our Top Secret Iran war plans was another feather in his dunce cap, you think? Typically, espionage suspects are held without bail.
This is where you tell me about Hunter`s laptop. :abgg2q.jpg:
62 judges have already thrown that garbage out of their courtrooms. Nearly half the country is under the spell of a cult master. 4 indictments and 91 felony charges say he won`t be running for anything except perhaps, the Canadian border. A convicted felon will not sit in the Oval Office again. Showing his golf buddies our Top Secret Iran war plans was another feather in his dunce cap, you think? Typically, espionage suspects are held without bail.
This is where you tell me about Hunter`s laptop. :abgg2q.jpg:
Meh, barking up the wrong tree there Sport....I'd rather some other hopeful won the gop nomination.

That said your little lame tirade still does not change a thing as far as what people think, never will.
Single line ballots are deemed "under votes" and there were fewer of them in 2020 than in previous elections.

Jan 31, 2021 — Both the overvote rate and undervote rate decreased in 2020 compared to previous overvote and undervote rates for general elections.
Who told you that?
Many are barely talking about anything given they never have any significant details that can be actually proven or disproven. It’s just vague hand waving to justify their selfish beliefs that Trump won the election because they don’t like the feeling of losing.

Im just explaining why they use the term “fraud sufficient to change the outcome” and it’s because right wing literalists will jump down your throat if you say there was no voter fraud.
Well, what matters now is 2024. And although Republicans are doing their level best to snatch defeat from certain victory, I believe that there’s no way that dems prevail considering the level of pure fuck up they’ve been for the past three years.
Of course not…Why in the world would you watch ANYTHING not approved by Joe and Mika….
no idea who joe and mika are, and they are certainly less relevant for me than for you, you insipid loser.

no intelligent person needs to watch that idiotic piece of propaganda made by malignant frauds for gullible twats like you.
no idea who joe and mika are, and they are certainly less relevant for me than for you, you insipid loser.

no intelligent person needs to watch that idiotic piece of propaganda made by malignant frauds for gullible twats like you.
Well, what matters now is 2024. And although Republicans are doing their level best to snatch defeat from certain victory, I believe that there’s no way that dems prevail considering the level of pure fuck up they’ve been for the past three years.
You guys decided in 2020 that Trump won before the election even occurred.

Are you going to do that again? It’s a bad idea.
no idea who joe and mika are, and they are certainly less relevant for me than for you, you insipid loser.

no intelligent person needs to watch that idiotic piece of propaganda made by malignant frauds for gullible twats like you.
Morning hosts on MSNBC. Joe was a GOP Congressman from Fla before they went all wacko. Mika is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was Carters National Security advisor and helped broker the peace deal between Egypt and Israel.

Morning hosts on MSNBC. Joe was a GOP Congressman from Fla before they went all wacko. Mika is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was Carters National Security advisor and helped broker the peace deal between Egypt and Israel.

aha. thanks. why those two would be relevant for my choice of what to view or not will remain a mystery to me.
aha. thanks. why those two would be relevant for my choice of what to view or not will remain a mystery to me.
Like most all broadcast 24/7 news these days it's mostly opinion panels, sometimes they even report news.

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