More Obama climate fascism: No disaster funds for YOU!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
For Obama's FEMA, if you don't believe in climate change and have a natural disaster hit your state, NO FEDERAL EMERGENCY FUNDS FOR YOU!!!:ack-1:

In the 2000's, climate change is being used by government to leverage control of taxpayer money.

IWF - FEMA Gets Into the Thought-Police Business No Disaster-Preparedness Funds for States Whose Governors Don t Believe in Global Warming

Time for people to go back and read THIS >>>

Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Because there we merry well are and the progressives will soon be pushing for video camera's in every bedroom if you don't embrace the dictatorship of science!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
So deniers can cling to their PC speech codes, or cling to the federal teat, but they can't cling to both.

That's going to be a tough choice for stalinist moochers like the deniers. Mooching and stomping on free speech are their two most favorite things in the world, and they have to give up one. Pass the popcorn.
I wonder if we declined to pay taxes until our government woke up and stopped this envirowacko crap how it would go over....(snicker)

that is what it's going to take to get this Tyrant Fascist administration/government off our backs

but they elected the tyrant so now they get to pay. One WAY or another
So deniers can cling to their PC speech codes, or cling to the federal teat, but they can't cling to both.

That's going to be a tough choice for stalinist moochers like the deniers. Mooching and stomping on free speech are their two most favorite things in the world, and they have to give up one. Pass the popcorn.

It's sad that you see nothing wrong with using government funds to compel people to support a particular agenda.

You're fascist to the bone.
Bri, which are you going to choose, your subsidies or your Stalinism?

That's going to leave a lot of deniers struggling. It's like asking them to choose which child is their favorite.
Important for people to know that our government is rigging the election process with BS like this..............the Constitution doesn't mean dick to these people!!!:2up:

When you start hearing people say that "people who don't believe in global warming should be punished!!" = a major WTF??!!
So deniers can cling to their PC speech codes, or cling to the federal teat, but they can't cling to both.

That's going to be a tough choice for stalinist moochers like the deniers. Mooching and stomping on free speech are their two most favorite things in the world, and they have to give up one. Pass the popcorn.

^ EnviroMarxists hate being called out
Bri, which are you going to choose, your subsidies or your Stalinism?

That's going to leave a lot of deniers struggling. It's like asking them to choose which child is their favorite.

What "subsidies?" The AGW cult is getting all the government subsidies. The one who prevent sceptics from publishing are the Stalinists. Denying taxpayer funds to people unless they support the global warming con is the very essence of Stalinism. It's also the essence of liberalism.

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