More light pollution from internet satellites

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
Companies are planning to launch tens of thousands of internet satellites into low-Earth orbit, which will create a “mega-constellation” of reflective objects that will ruin life for many astronomers using sophisticated telescopes.

it is estimated that the trails of the constellation satellites will be bright enough to saturate modern detectors on large telescopes. Wide-field scientific astronomical observations will therefore be severely affected.

Mega-constellations threaten "the uncontaminated view of the night sky from dark places, which should be considered a non-renounceable world human heritage," stated the International Astronomical Union.

Source: International Astronomical Union | IAU

Science and astronomy will take a back seat to social media selfies and cat videos. The idiots win again.
How many times will you have to be told not to believe everything you see on the internet.

Jumping Jesus you bed wetters can't find enough shit to bitch about here on earth????

Clean the shit off the streets in san fransicko first or shut the fuck up.


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