More liberal lunacy, Gates: we should tax robots

The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates

Here's a novel idea. How about we LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS
I actually agree with both of the ideas in play here. America is known for its consumerism (read: greed)...if you really want to look to balance more of the budget, decrease our national debt, and have a more equal trade balance...the first things Americans need to do is stop "living large." Americans have things like multiple cars, multiple TVs, multiple computing devices, lavish furnishings, housing outside of their budget, etc...we need to target the people guilty of this and look to curtail their wild spending habits. I would say that one of the first things we should do is kill social security. People need to learn to save for the future...our current government assistance programs allow the ignorant masses to wildly spend without thinking about a rainy day. We need to accept a certain amount of population failure in order to change our radically greed-oriented culture.

I don't know much about how taxing automation would work out...but, at least as a temporary measure, and given the size of our deficit, I don't see any harm in trying it out.
Nothing is ever temporary when it comes to a new revenue source. Nor does spending decrease.
The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates

Here's a novel idea. How about we LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS
I actually agree with both of the ideas in play here. America is known for its consumerism (read: greed)...if you really want to look to balance more of the budget, decrease our national debt, and have a more equal trade balance...the first things Americans need to do is stop "living large." Americans have things like multiple cars, multiple TVs, multiple computing devices, lavish furnishings, housing outside of their budget, etc...we need to target the people guilty of this and look to curtail their wild spending habits. I would say that one of the first things we should do is kill social security. People need to learn to save for the future...our current government assistance programs allow the ignorant masses to wildly spend without thinking about a rainy day. We need to accept a certain amount of population failure in order to change our radically greed-oriented culture.

I don't know much about how taxing automation would work out...but, at least as a temporary measure, and given the size of our deficit, I don't see any harm in trying it out.
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The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates

Here's a novel idea. How about we LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS

How about both.

I'm of the opinion that any co.psny replacing workers with technology should be picking up.AT LEAST the amount of taxes that the displaced worker was paying.

I'm also in fact or of SLASHING the Federal budget to the bone.
Gouging business owners for technological advances is robbery.

No different of robbery than taxing cigarettes, alcohol, not having healthcare insurance just to name a few. If it's not taxation, it's regulations such as environmental standards that cost my industry a ton of money and problems.

Offshoring is a problem, but pales in comparison to automation. As businesses invest in automation, that slashes jobs greatly. So what are we supposed to do, just sit back and let it happen?

Not everybody has the talent or smarts to get into careers that require college or vocational training. What are we going to do with these people when robots take all their jobs? Well......we are going to have to support those people......more so than we already are.

So taxing automation is not all that bad of an idea to try and slow down the cancer.
Unions served a good purpose 40 years ago. Now they are antiquated entities that are no longer needed

Come and work for my employer for a,year, then see if you think the Union is or isn't necessary....

Over the last 10 years this company has reached record profitability 7 times. Over that same period..... Average Union pay raise (per year) 2.15%. Average non-union, non Executive pay raise.... 0.87%. Average Executive pay raise.... 8.25%. They've decreased non-union, non-executive staff by almost 30%. Increased contractors by almost 100%. Union staffing has remained relatively stable.

Now tell me you'd want to be a non-union employee of this Company.
A smart person moves on when jobs are not good for them. Dumb ones give a portion of their salary to someone else when they can't figure out how to do what's right for themselves.
Entitlement bullshit. It's extortion
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Ok, so you've covered the selfish portion of your argument... now how about you answer the bigger problem of unemployment, wages and wealth inequality as it effects us as a nation in relation to robots and this discussion
Selfish? It's my fucking money.

And taxing robots does NOTHING to create jobs for those displaced. It's just another cash cow for greedy poliricians.
If there is no cost advantage for business owners to go robot over human then jobs are saved. Do you really not understand that?
Do YOU really not understand the tax can not possibly be that high? Unless your ultimate goal is to run off all employers from the US.
The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates

Here's a novel idea. How about we LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS

How about both.

I'm of the opinion that any co.psny replacing workers with technology should be picking up.AT LEAST the amount of taxes that the displaced worker was paying.

I'm also in fact or of SLASHING the Federal budget to the bone.
Gouging business owners for technological advances is robbery.

No different of robbery than taxing cigarettes, alcohol, not having healthcare insurance just to name a few. If it's not taxation, it's regulations such as environmental standards that cost my industry a ton of money and problems.

Offshoring is a problem, but pales in comparison to automation. As businesses invest in automation, that slashes jobs greatly. So what are we supposed to do, just sit back and let it happen?

Not everybody has the talent or smarts to get into careers that require college or vocational training. What are we going to do with these people when robots take all their jobs? Well......we are going to have to support those people......more so than we already are.

So taxing automation is not all that bad of an idea to try and slow down the cancer.
Bravo Ray, we usually go head to head but I'll give you kudos when you get one right. Good to see you have some foresight on this one
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Ok, so you've covered the selfish portion of your argument... now how about you answer the bigger problem of unemployment, wages and wealth inequality as it effects us as a nation in relation to robots and this discussion
Selfish? It's my fucking money.

And taxing robots does NOTHING to create jobs for those displaced. It's just another cash cow for greedy poliricians.
If there is no cost advantage for business owners to go robot over human then jobs are saved. Do you really not understand that?
Do YOU really not understand the tax can not possibly be that high? Unless your ultimate goal is to run off all employers from the US.
Trumps tariff is taking care of that, right?
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Ok, so you've covered the selfish portion of your argument... now how about you answer the bigger problem of unemployment, wages and wealth inequality as it effects us as a nation in relation to robots and this discussion
Selfish? It's my fucking money.

And taxing robots does NOTHING to create jobs for those displaced. It's just another cash cow for greedy poliricians.
If there is no cost advantage for business owners to go robot over human then jobs are saved. Do you really not understand that?
Do YOU really not understand the tax can not possibly be that high? Unless your ultimate goal is to run off all employers from the US.
You still haven't addressed the problem of unemployment, wage growth and wealth inequality that will have tremendous impacts from automation.
Next up, taxing our pets?

Not joking but apartments in Houston region are now charging extra monthly for your pets and it is per pet and after the deposit...

So it would not surprise me that someone will one day want to tax pets and require you carry health insurance on them..

I believe employers have a responsibility to employ this nation's citizens in order to make their products or provide their services. Any move to reduce employees needs to be countered with financial penalties.

We forced my employer to retain almost all of the meter readers when they moved to automated meter reading ten years ago.
About as logical as retaining firemen when locomotives went to diesel power.
Next up, taxing our pets?

Not joking but apartments in Houston region are now charging extra monthly for your pets and it is per pet and after the deposit...

So it would not surprise me that someone will one day want to tax pets and require you carry health insurance on them..

It's a pretty good idea too. As a landlord, I can testify how pets can do thousands of dollars in damages. Sure, you can require tenants to have insurance for their pets, but who's got time to remember when their policy is up and chance that they don't cancel the insurance after they proved they had it.

Sounds to me like the landlords in Houston region are carrying the insurance for the tenants and charging them by the month for it.
The robot that takes your job should pay taxes, says Bill Gates

Here's a novel idea. How about we LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS

How about both.

I'm of the opinion that any co.psny replacing workers with technology should be picking up.AT LEAST the amount of taxes that the displaced worker was paying.

I'm also in fact or of SLASHING the Federal budget to the bone.
Gouging business owners for technological advances is robbery.

No different of robbery than taxing cigarettes, alcohol, not having healthcare insurance just to name a few. If it's not taxation, it's regulations such as environmental standards that cost my industry a ton of money and problems.

Offshoring is a problem, but pales in comparison to automation. As businesses invest in automation, that slashes jobs greatly. So what are we supposed to do, just sit back and let it happen?

Not everybody has the talent or smarts to get into careers that require college or vocational training. What are we going to do with these people when robots take all their jobs? Well......we are going to have to support those people......more so than we already are.

So taxing automation is not all that bad of an idea to try and slow down the cancer.
Bravo Ray, we usually go head to head but I'll give you kudos when you get one right. Good to see you have some foresight on this one

Thank you. I was thinking about this thread today when I went to Home Depot to buy a motion detector light. I waited in line for a couple of minutes because of the customer in front of me. When I got to the cashier, she said "you didn't have to wait, you could have used the self-checkout line for this one item." I replied "I could of, but eventually that would put you out of a job" and we both laughed as she agreed with me.

Maybe I'm just getting older or something, but I remember the days when lowest price didn't mean everything. When I was a kid, everything was delivered because most women were stay-at-home wives, and in most cases, they didn't drive or were a one car family. We used to have a milk man, a juice man, a rag man, a Charlie Chips man, a laundry man, and a man that delivered the groceries. Nobody pumped their own gasoline. You had an attendant do it.

All those people eventually lost their jobs because we chose the cheaper route which is go to the store and buy these items yourself. Now we don't even want to work, we want machines to do our jobs.

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