More liberal lunacy, Gates: we should tax robots

Gouging business owners for technological advances is robbery.

So far as I'm concerned it's fair trade for stealing those workers careers.
Entitlement bullshit. It's extortion
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Ok, so you've covered the selfish portion of your argument... now how about you answer the bigger problem of unemployment, wages and wealth inequality as it effects us as a nation in relation to robots and this discussion
Selfish? It's my fucking money.

And taxing robots does NOTHING to create jobs for those displaced. It's just another cash cow for greedy poliricians.
Gouging business owners for technological advances is robbery.

So far as I'm concerned it's fair trade for stealing those workers careers.
Entitlement bullshit. It's extortion
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Do you have robots that replaced workers?
Gouging business owners for technological advances is robbery.

So far as I'm concerned it's fair trade for stealing those workers careers.
Entitlement bullshit. It's extortion
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Do you have robots that replaced workers?
Of course not but I buy from suppliers that do.

I believe employers have a responsibility to employ this nation's citizens in order to make their products or provide their services. Any move to reduce employees needs to be countered with financial penalties.

We forced my employer to retain almost all of the meter readers when they moved to automated meter reading ten years ago.

I believe employers have a responsibility to employ this nation's citizens in order to make their products or provide their services. Any move to reduce employees needs to be countered with financial penalties.

We forced my employer to retain almost all of the meter readers when they moved to automated meter reading ten years ago.
Inneficient and quite the strong arming. Congrats
Bringing manufacturing back to the USA, if not for the worker to have a good paying job, then why even bother with bringing them back here? Is that what "Making America Great again" means to all of Trump voters?

Truly, it's a waste of time bringing manufacturing home if it will only be mostly robotics doing the job.

And this is where manufacturing is heading.

the USA needs to find a new niche, in the global market, that requires human beings, so we can get people in to new and better paying career jobs.

I don't know what that is....but if manufacturing is moving towards robotics then we better think of something quick!

As far as taxing robots, I don't know how I feel about it, I would need to read up on the studies on it to see the pros and the cons and the necessity concerns...

if not a small tax on robots thn the people who are left with the jobs, will be taxed at higher rates
It's all your damn penalties, fees, extra taxes and union contracts that have forced companies out of certain states or even the country, and the use of more automation. Just like a Dem, blame everyone but yourselves for problems you, yourselves help create.

I believe employers have a responsibility to employ this nation's citizens in order to make their products or provide their services. Any move to reduce employees needs to be countered with financial penalties.

We forced my employer to retain almost all of the meter readers when they moved to automated meter reading ten years ago.
It's all your damn penalties, fees, extra taxes and union contracts that have forced companies out of certain states or even the country, and the use of more automation. Just like a Dem, blame everyone but yourselves for problems you, yourselves help create.

If Companies were willing to treat employees reasonably and fairly, Unions would never have been necessary in the first place.

We have literally been able to produce documents where my employer lists ALL employees (Representex or not) below the top two pay grades as "Financial Liabilities" to be "limited in number and scope of authority, as iften as possible". In fact they threw out a study they'd commissioned by an independent consultant (at a cost of $8 million) because it suggested more employees in a less centralized organization, with more power to directly impact customers.
It's all your damn penalties, fees, extra taxes and union contracts that have forced companies out of certain states or even the country, and the use of more automation. Just like a Dem, blame everyone but yourselves for problems you, yourselves help create.

If Companies were willing to treat employees reasonably and fairly, Unions would never have been necessary in the first place.

We have literally been able to produce documents where my employer lists ALL employees (Representex or not) below the top two pay grades as "Financial Liabilities" to be "limited in number and scope of authority, as iften as possible". In fact they threw out a study they'd commissioned by an independent consultant (at a cost of $8 million) because it suggested more employees in a less centralized organization, with more power to directly impact customers.
Unions served a good purpose 40 years ago. Now they are antiquated entities that are no longer needed
Got done with my income tax earlier this week and I could have bought a new car for what I paid in income tax during 2016. At this time of year the last thing I want to hear or read about are increased/new taxes and tariffs that directly hit me or eventually are passed along to consumers.
You and I have discussed unions before, and you know you will not change my mind on the shear idiocy I, and others like me, see. Due to your occupation as a union boss, you refuse to see, as the union is your cash cow. Understandable, but keeps you blind.
Anyone advocating that business not "own" their jobs, is, well, I just have no words. And it is idiot lawyers and the blackmailing that has kept companies from refusing such asinine agreements, that has found them removing themselves from such situations the only way they know how- by moving to right to work states or just leaving the country all together.
It's all your damn penalties, fees, extra taxes and union contracts that have forced companies out of certain states or even the country, and the use of more automation. Just like a Dem, blame everyone but yourselves for problems you, yourselves help create.

If Companies were willing to treat employees reasonably and fairly, Unions would never have been necessary in the first place.

We have literally been able to produce documents where my employer lists ALL employees (Representex or not) below the top two pay grades as "Financial Liabilities" to be "limited in number and scope of authority, as iften as possible". In fact they threw out a study they'd commissioned by an independent consultant (at a cost of $8 million) because it suggested more employees in a less centralized organization, with more power to directly impact customers.
Unions served a good purpose 40 years ago. Now they are antiquated entities that are no longer needed

Come and work for my employer for a,year, then see if you think the Union is or isn't necessary....

Over the last 10 years this company has reached record profitability 7 times. Over that same period..... Average Union pay raise (per year) 2.15%. Average non-union, non Executive pay raise.... 0.87%. Average Executive pay raise.... 8.25%. They've decreased non-union, non-executive staff by almost 30%. Increased contractors by almost 100%. Union staffing has remained relatively stable.

Now tell me you'd want to be a non-union employee of this Company.
I guarantee you, you never figure into the equation exactly their costs per employee, such as rising healthcare costs the company picks up, their costs per employee for the attorneys they have to keep on staff to handle the union, rising costs of regulations, rising costs on property taxes, shipping, etc, etc, etc. .
Unions served a good purpose 40 years ago. Now they are antiquated entities that are no longer needed

Come and work for my employer for a,year, then see if you think the Union is or isn't necessary....

Over the last 10 years this company has reached record profitability 7 times. Over that same period..... Average Union pay raise (per year) 2.15%. Average non-union, non Executive pay raise.... 0.87%. Average Executive pay raise.... 8.25%. They've decreased non-union, non-executive staff by almost 30%. Increased contractors by almost 100%. Union staffing has remained relatively stable.

Now tell me you'd want to be a non-union employee of this Company.
Great, lets lose all our fucking jobs to China and India by taxing ourselves out of the fucking market. Gates why don't you personally just gift $40 billion to the government you dumb fuck.

THIS is why we elected a NON establishment man president, the working class is fed up with these fucking morons.
I guarantee you, you never figure into the equation exactly their costs per employee, such as rising healthcare costs the company picks up, their costs per employee for the attorneys they have to keep on staff to handle the union, rising costs of regulations, rising costs on property taxes, shipping, etc, etc, etc. .

If employers would treat their employees as partners rather than serfs, Unions would never have been required. Unfortunately, throughout history employers have sought to gain tremendously at the expense of their employees. That made/makes Unions necessary, and always will.

All too often both sides seek to gain at the expense of the other. Thankfully we've had a pretty good Union - Employer relationship where I work for the last 50 years. Unfortunately that seems to be breaking down now. Hopefully it can be repaired, for everyone's sake.
So far as I'm concerned it's fair trade for stealing those workers careers.
Entitlement bullshit. It's extortion
Why do you care about robot taxes? Do you realize how many jobs are going to be lost to robots over the next couple years? If you thought companies going overseas was bad just wait till the robots take over. It's going to be billionaires and robots running everything as the middle class slides into poverty and unemployment spikes. If you have a better idea on how to deal with this situation and a way to create jobs and increase wages for the middle class then please enlighten us.
I care because I run a business and simply doing so should not make me, or any other business owner, the personal piggy bank for Washington's greed.
Ok, so you've covered the selfish portion of your argument... now how about you answer the bigger problem of unemployment, wages and wealth inequality as it effects us as a nation in relation to robots and this discussion
Selfish? It's my fucking money.

And taxing robots does NOTHING to create jobs for those displaced. It's just another cash cow for greedy poliricians.
If there is no cost advantage for business owners to go robot over human then jobs are saved. Do you really not understand that?

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