MORE LIBERAL INSANITY New York outlaws open doors & windows if you have the air conditioner on.

Sticking your head in the sand and using idiotic arguments to say Climate Change is not happening, doesn't make it so. The Climate change is way too severe to be natural, this has been well proven.

Bullshit. There have been far more extreme changes in climate than current temperatures would suggest.

And the weight of the evidence shows that there is no reason to assume that humans are the driving force behind Climate Change sine it has ALWAYS changed, as I said.

I sorry but the deniers have been given enough time to make a case. The debate is over, it is happening. Deniers were given over a decade to come up with a reasonable argument which was not full of holes. They failed.

No, that is not true. First of all, the use of the label 'deniers' has nothing to do with science, that is a political label used by the left to try and shame critics. Nothing more and it is the antithesis of science.

Secondly, the burden of proof is on the AGW proponents to PROVE their case which they have not done, all they have shown is a correlation of carbon dioxide increase alongside temperature increases up to 1998. That is not PROOF.

Third the Global Warming argument has been twisted around into a tautology that cannot be disproven as no one is claiming that Climate Change is not happening, but only that there is no proof that it is caused by human beings. There is no peer reviewed criteria for Climate Change being proven false. That is not science.

So debate finished, adults have to get on with how to lessen the impact of CC because at this stage we have actually gone to far to stop it.

The debate is finished only in your jack booted goose stepping lame brain.

Maybe you should go back to fucking sheep, Cowboy Ted.

Another prime example of a Conservative having no fucking idea what he is talking about.

The problem is that street level businesses are leaving their doors open while their air conditioners are blasting. It's meant to "attract" customers because when you walk past the store you are getting a blast of cold air.

It's incredibly wasteful and bad for the environment.

I'm glad they are doing this.

shut up. you go around acting like you know about Everything and anything. it's tiring and you're getting nasty about it
Swallow is always nasty about everything. He is better left on ignore.
I hated it when my parents used that tiresome line at the dinner table: "there are starving children in China mister so you will eat every bit of that"

Now local governments are in on the absurdity.

Another prime example of a Conservative having no fucking idea what he is talking about.

The problem is that street level businesses are leaving their doors open while their air conditioners are blasting. It's meant to "attract" customers because when you walk past the store you are getting a blast of cold air.

It's incredibly wasteful and bad for the environment.

I'm glad they are doing this.

shut up. you go around acting like you know about Everything and anything. it's tiring and you're getting nasty about it
Swallow is always nasty about everything. He is better left on ignore.
Eh, I save ignore for the morons. Sallow is no moron.

Another prime example of a Conservative having no fucking idea what he is talking about.

The problem is that street level businesses are leaving their doors open while their air conditioners are blasting. It's meant to "attract" customers because when you walk past the store you are getting a blast of cold air.

It's incredibly wasteful and bad for the environment.

I'm glad they are doing this.

shut up. you go around acting like you know about Everything and anything. it's tiring and you're getting nasty about it
Swallow is always nasty about everything. He is better left on ignore.
Eh, I save ignore for the morons. Sallow is no moron.
Swallow isn't a moron, he is a troll.

Another prime example of a Conservative having no fucking idea what he is talking about.

The problem is that street level businesses are leaving their doors open while their air conditioners are blasting. It's meant to "attract" customers because when you walk past the store you are getting a blast of cold air.

It's incredibly wasteful and bad for the environment.

I'm glad they are doing this.

shut up. you go around acting like you know about Everything and anything. it's tiring and you're getting nasty about it
Swallow is always nasty about everything. He is better left on ignore.

I've tried to keep them off ignore. but my gawd, they've come back and over ran this board with ugly like that spew and just nonsense threads on top of it
Pay the bill?! Electricity is highly subsidized and finite utility . We have enough problems with power in the summer wh/o these assholes blowing a/c out the window .

I'm sure u meatheads cheer the guys wh water the shit out of their lawn during a drought .

It's only finite because of you leftist loons that for whatever insane reason object to new power plants. Most of these shortages are totally manufactured by the loony left and the environazis.... they create these nutty laws to protect a frog or save the environment, then we end up with rolling blackouts and water shortages and end up living like some 3rd world shithole.

Another prime example of a Conservative having no fucking idea what he is talking about.

The problem is that street level businesses are leaving their doors open while their air conditioners are blasting. It's meant to "attract" customers because when you walk past the store you are getting a blast of cold air.

It's incredibly wasteful and bad for the environment.

I'm glad they are doing this.

shut up. you go around acting like you know about Everything and anything. it's tiring and you're getting nasty about it
Swallow is always nasty about everything. He is better left on ignore.

I've tried to keep them off ignore. but my gawd, they've come back and over ran this board with ugly like that spew and just nonsense threads on top of it

It is like Soros changed their pay to 'by word count' or something, lol.
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.

or the congress that passed it.
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.

Bush was a fool, so what does citing him prove? Nada
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.

Bush was a fool, so what does citing him prove? Nada
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.

Bush was a fool, so what does citing him prove? Nada

Oh I thought this post was about liberal insanity, and Bush was not a Dem.

Uhh... that wouldn't be "Liberalism". It might be leftism --- not Liberalism.

You like saying that, but you never can give examples of what you see as the difference or who is one or the other

I give oodles of examples of the differences and always have. As for who is one or the other, I don't need to do that for a definition so that's irrelevant. Liberalism is a philosophy -- not an astrological sign.

My go-to easy example has always been: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen via Affirmative Action laws, is leftism. Liberalism is passive rather than pro-active. It merely stands out of the way unless and until there's some kind of abuse going on.

I've offered that example literally from the first time I ever brought it up. Ignoring it doesn't wipe it out.

Uhh... that wouldn't be "Liberalism". It might be leftism --- not Liberalism.

You like saying that, but you never can give examples of what you see as the difference or who is one or the other

I give oodles of examples of the differences and always have. As for who is one or the other, I don't need to do that for a definition so that's irrelevant. Liberalism is a philosophy -- not an astrological sign.

My go-to easy example has always been: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen via Affirmative Action laws, is leftism. Liberalism is passive rather than pro-active. It merely stands out of the way unless and until there's some kind of abuse going on.

I've offered that example literally from the first time I ever brought it up. Ignoring it doesn't wipe it out.

Still no examples of a liberal versus a leftist, you are consistent, you never have one
Its common sense that you close your doors and windows when the AC is running. Only libs and dems would think a law is needed to make people do that.
There ya go projecting again. It is RIGHT WINGERS that complain about the government intruding and giving them grief if they leave their doors and windows open with the air conditioner running -- not liberals.

We're happy to see right wingers leave their windows and doors wide open.

Then the bills will take a lot of their money and they can't give it to their corrupt Republican politicians.

Uhh... that wouldn't be "Liberalism". It might be leftism --- not Liberalism.

You like saying that, but you never can give examples of what you see as the difference or who is one or the other

I give oodles of examples of the differences and always have. As for who is one or the other, I don't need to do that for a definition so that's irrelevant. Liberalism is a philosophy -- not an astrological sign.

My go-to easy example has always been: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen via Affirmative Action laws, is leftism. Liberalism is passive rather than pro-active. It merely stands out of the way unless and until there's some kind of abuse going on.

I've offered that example literally from the first time I ever brought it up. Ignoring it doesn't wipe it out.

Still no examples of a liberal versus a leftist, you are consistent, you never have one

What part of "Liberalism is a philosophy, not a person" is eluding you?

People are not labels. A given person may be Liberal in this, Conservative in that. This endless child-game of hanging labels on people to relentlessly pound square pegs into round holes so you can have your cookie-cutter "they all look alike to me" dumbed-down fantasy world where everything is a convenient black and white and everyone wears their assigned costume, forever, world without end amen, is one in which I do not, and will not, participate. Period.

It does not go unnoticed that you clamor for labels for other people yet melt down when they fall on you. Nomsayin', "Republican"? Can't have it both ways. If you reject labels on yourself, then you can't very well demand that others wear them.
Its common sense that you close your doors and windows when the AC is running. Only libs and dems would think a law is needed to make people do that.

It's common sense to drive slowly through a school zone too. By your reasoning, laws enforcing that should be repealed.
Another example of why the far left should never be in charge of anything, especially government..

Why? Because running your air conditioner with the windows open is a sacred RWnut ritual?

Yep. I'm paying the bill.
I'm in SW Florida have sliding doors that lead out to the lanai and pool. Leave them open all the time.
I also have a hot tub that I leave heated all year even though I don't use it.
We fall asleep every night leaving 1 or 2 tvs on.
Hell my electric bill is higher than my mortgage.

And you're PROUD of that. OK. Now we know your intelligence level.
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.

Bush was a fool, so what does citing him prove? Nada
Thank you for the non-answer. Why can't I have an incandescent bulb if I choose to?
Is someone coming in your house and checking your light bulbs?

The standard libtard response to their stupid over-reaching laws; 'Well if it doesn't affect you then stop complaining about it'.

They ignore the simple fact that some day someone might decide to come and enforce their stupid law, or that it will impact the choices made, such as in this case it is difficult to find cheap light bulbs any more.

And all of that ignores the simple point that nothing is wrong with incandescent bulbs so why would Congress ban them? Lobbyists for light bulb companies are wanting to reduce the competition from small companies so they get Congress to ban the cheapest alternative forcing the public to buy the expensive choices.

And the Democrat lap dogs will defend it to the death with any lie or obfuscation they can find simply because it was done by people with a 'D' after their names.

Yes they are that shallow and stupid.

Like I said Bush signed both laws on in 05 and another in 07 so take this up with him.

Greenhouse gases are going to affect everyone , so there you go, we need to lower them.

Bush was a fool, so what does citing him prove? Nada

Oh I thought this post was about liberal insanity, and Bush was not a Dem.
This entire thread is about liberal lunacy and most of the posts from the left defending this nonsense is a perfect example of that lunacy.

Uhh... that wouldn't be "Liberalism". It might be leftism --- not Liberalism.

You like saying that, but you never can give examples of what you see as the difference or who is one or the other

I give oodles of examples of the differences and always have. As for who is one or the other, I don't need to do that for a definition so that's irrelevant. Liberalism is a philosophy -- not an astrological sign.

My go-to easy example has always been: to declare "all men are created equal" is Liberalism; to then try to make it happen via Affirmative Action laws, is leftism. Liberalism is passive rather than pro-active. It merely stands out of the way unless and until there's some kind of abuse going on.

I've offered that example literally from the first time I ever brought it up. Ignoring it doesn't wipe it out.

Still no examples of a liberal versus a leftist, you are consistent, you never have one

What part of "Liberalism is a philosophy, not a person" is eluding you?

People are not labels. A given person may be Liberal in this, Conservative in that. This endless child-game of hanging labels on people to relentlessly pound square pegs into round holes so you can have your cookie-cutter "they all look alike to me" dumbed-down fantasy world where everything is a convenient black and white and everyone wears their assigned costume, forever, world without end amen, is one in which I do not, and will not, participate. Period.

It does not go unnoticed that you clamor for labels for other people yet melt down when they fall on you. Nomsayin', "Republican"? Can't have it both ways. If you reject labels on yourself, then you can't very well demand that others wear them.

So there are no liberals, there is only a liberal philosophy. That's so deep if I dove head first into it I would break my neck...

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