More jewry- on the tax payers dime


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
The juden are going to try and squeeze every last shekel out of the so called holocaust. The old guy probably doesn't even understand why he is being arrested or remember anything about the alleged event. But the Jews gotta have their goyim blood libel.. :cuckoo:
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The juden are going to try and squeeze every last shekel out of the so called holocaust. The guy probably doesn't even understand why he is being arrested or remember anything about the alleged event. But the jews gotta have their goyim blood libel.. :cuckoo:

ROFLMAO at--------idiot who imagines that everyone in the world is
demented as is he------and the jerk he worships
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.

lots of people see the federal beauracracy as OVER-STUFFED ---
let's get rid of the postal service------do we really have to pay
thousands of mailmen to carry shop sale sheets around?
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.

lots of people see the federal beauracracy as OVER-STUFFED ---
let's get rid of the postal service------do we really have to pay
thousands of mailmen to carry shop sale sheets around?
Is that supposed to be an appropriate response to my question. It's nothing but Gish Gallop
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.

lots of people see the federal beauracracy as OVER-STUFFED ---
let's get rid of the postal service------do we really have to pay
thousands of mailmen to carry shop sale sheets around?
Is that supposed to be an appropriate response to my question. It's nothing but Gish Gallop

the response was not directed to YOUR "question" ------it was directed to
the stable-blob called Gdjjr
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.

lots of people see the federal beauracracy as OVER-STUFFED ---
let's get rid of the postal service------do we really have to pay
thousands of mailmen to carry shop sale sheets around?
Is that supposed to be an appropriate response to my question. It's nothing but Gish Gallop
It appeared directly below my post.
This money is well spent. Time is running out to bring these monsters to justice.
The OP is sickening as are some others here. These scum bags are bitching about the size of government and expenditures to bring war criminals to justice. My guess is that they would not even notice if it were not about Jewish genocide.
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.

The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.
Si, Gdjjr, nothing to say in your defense.?
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ??
Didn't read the article- imagine that-

Berger was drafted in 1943 when he was 17 years old, at the height of the war, and was enlisted in the navy. In 1945, he was seconded to the Neuengamme prison camp near Hamburg as a guard. Neuengamme was in fact a complex of as many as 80 camps and subcamps that were relatively low security. Berger was at a subcamp near Meppen. Jews, Poles, Russians, Danes, Dutch, Latvians, French, Italians and political opponents of the Nazis were imprisoned in the camps and it is believed that some of the prisoners, mostly Russians, were the victims of medical experiments or were gassed to death. Many prisoners also reportedly died from malnutrition and abuse as well as from actual starvation when the allies began to bomb the railroads and roads that provided food to the camps.

The camps were run by the SS, but the guards, which included women for women inmates, were drawn from a number of branches of the military services as well as from the police. Berger was therefore not SS even though the prosecution kept referring to Neuengamme as an SS camp, and he was not even armed except possibly for a brief period when the prisoners were being moved to the main camp near Hamburg as the war was ending. The prosecution claimed that the prisoners were forced to work outside digging defensive trenches during the winter of 1945 “to the point of exhaustion and death… Berger was part of the SS machinery of oppression that kept concentration camp prisoners in atrocious conditions of confinement.”

And the really good part-

In fact, the largest loss of life of the Neuengamme prisoners took place when 9,000 of them were being evacuated in late April 1945 on the passenger liners Deutschland and Cap Arcona and two large commercial steamers the Thielbeck and Athen. The British bombed the ships, possibly thinking that they were full of fleeing government officials, killing at least 7,100 prisoners and crew.

In his justification for revoking citizenship and expatriating Berger, Rosenbaum claimed that the man had made two mistakes: “Mr. Berger made his choice to enlist in 1943 in the German military” and he then made another choice “not to request a transfer when he was assigned to a sub-camp overseeing prisoners…” Both claims are not completely credible as Berger was drafted and, as a low-ranking enlisted man being ordered to take up a position, he was hardly in control of where he was sent and what he would be called upon to do. If he had objected at that point in the war he might have been shot.

One also has to wonder about modern day war crimes and what Eli Rosenbaum would do about them. Israel has just killed its 10,000th Palestinian since 2000. In Gaza alone, Israeli snipers shooting unarmed demonstrating Arabs in the past year have killed more than 200 and injured 8,000. The favored sniper tactic has become shooting the Palestinians in their knees. One leading sniper boasts that on one day alone he shot forty-two knees, mostly of teenagers, crippling them for the rest of their lives. “I remember the knee in the crosshairs, bursting open” said another marksman. Will Eli Rosenbaum, once he runs out of potential victims and stops chasing “Nazis,” be representing the interests of those severely injured in Gaza to punish the Israeli war criminals and bring justice?

Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.
The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.
He was 19 years old. His country was at war, you vindictive piece of shit. Tell you what, we'll persecute the descendants of the Nazis if we match it with persecution of the descendants of the Bolsheviks. And since the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered 11 times as many Russian Christians as Christian Nazis slaughtered German Jews let's ensure the vengeance-taking is commensurate.
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.
The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.
He was 19 years old. His country was at war, you vindictive piece of shit. Tell you what, we'll persecute the descendants of the Nazis if we match it with persecution of the descendants of the Bolsheviks. And since the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered 11 times as many Russian Christians as Christian Nazis slaughtered German Jews let's ensure the vengeance-taking is commensurate.
for an understanding of the term WHITE SUPRMACIST-----read the writings of black sociologists
sociologists ---circa 1960 and onward
Meet Eli Rosenbaum, the Justice Department's Nazi Hunter

American taxpayers still paying for World War 2

How long are the tax payers going to put up with this crap?

The most recent victim of the Department of Justice’s HRSP and Rosenbaum is a 94 year-old man living in Tennessee named Friedrich Karl Berger, who was recently ordered by Memphis federal judge Rebecca Holt to be returned to Germany. Holt ruled that he was deportable under the 1978 Holtzman Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act due to his “willing service as an armed guard of prisoners at a concentration camp where persecution took place” which constituted rendering voluntary assistance to a Nazi-sponsored persecution.
The article is worth reading- but, biased opinions are just that.
So in your view, he should be left alone to live out his life, while never being held accountable, for participating in mass murder of Jews because it costs you something ?? Good to know.
He was 19 years old. His country was at war, you vindictive piece of shit. Tell you what, we'll persecute the descendants of the Nazis if we match it with persecution of the descendants of the Bolsheviks. And since the Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered 11 times as many Russian Christians as Christian Nazis slaughtered German Jews let's ensure the vengeance-taking is commensurate.
for an understanding of the term WHITE SUPRMACIST-----read the writings of black sociologists
sociologists ---circa 1960 and onward
So what you are saying then is that you, personally, are unable to define "white supremacists" in a way that we will all go, "Oh, yeah, those people." In other words, just like the concoction "enemies of the people" invented by the Judeo-Bolsheviks as a tool to commit genocide, "white supremacist" is an imaginary, made up bogeyman. Isn't it obvious to you why you people are so deeply hated everywhere and always? It's really a shame you people lack the capacity for self-reflection. You would be mortified when you saw what you are.

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