More gun violence by whites...stay tuned.

1# We need honestly and admittance
2# We need to work together to improving our country

The longer we avoid doing so the worse things will be.

admitting what?

How can racist whites (like yourself) and decent blacks work together for a common goal? That is like a domestic terrorist trying to make the government infrastructure stronger.
I don't hate blacks; quite the opposite I want to solve our problems within the inner-cities. You just don't want to admit it as pride won't allow you.

A history of reading some of your previous post convinces me otherwise
I find it hypocritical of majority of the people here get on poet for pointing out some "facts" as many of you like to do when you post threads about black on black violence. Majority of you, most notably Squeeze, Matthew, Lonestar, all like to make threads simply bashing. Soon as poet makes a thread labeling it the same way the aforementioned people label theirs, then the whole USMB gets involved. I don't see the same fervor when racist like Matthew make threads and referring to blacks as "negroes" or as I've seen one member here say it without being punished by mods "N*gger."

I think folks are missing the big picture here regarding the social double standards regarding crime within the black community and white community. Society definitely has a tendency of sugarcoating crime perpetuated by white males as "mentally deficient" or "sexually disturbed" when it comes to white males raping women. What I get here is that as soon as someone post fact regarding white males perpetuating a crime which is more common among white males of a particular age and/background, most you respond with the attitude of: "But look at black people. Look at the statistics!"

In retrospect, instead of challenging the man many of you just turn it into "but black people do thus and so." Not much of a debate there.
the fact thatv these guys were white doesn't mean a damn thing .they didn't commit a crime based on race they committed a crime based on ideology !! the fact that they are Muslim is what matters.
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Neil MacInnis, New River Valley Mall Shooting Suspect, Taken Into Custody

Yet another one.
My question is why are white men, usually mentally disturbed, lashing out, and shooting up everyone from movie goers in Colorado, to first grade school children in Connecticut?

Yet, folks here want to "wax philosophical" about "black on black" crime, welfare, handouts, "free stuff", fatherless homes, and plantation mentalities. But I'm a racist for mentioning the obvious.
Black | Terrorists | MadameNoire | Black Women's Lifestyle Guide | Black Hair | Black Love
I find it hypocritical of majority of the people here get on poet for pointing out some "facts" as many of you like to do when you post threads about black on black violence. Majority of you, most notably Squeeze, Matthew, Lonestar, all like to make threads simply bashing. Soon as poet makes a thread labeling it the same way the aforementioned people label theirs, then the whole USMB gets involved. I don't see the same fervor when racist like Matthew make threads and referring to blacks as "negroes" or as I've seen one member here say it without being punished by mods "N*gger."

I think folks are missing the big picture here regarding the social double standards regarding crime within the black community and white community. Society definitely has a tendency of sugarcoating crime perpetuated by white males as "mentally deficient" or "sexually disturbed" when it comes to white males raping women. What I get here is that as soon as someone post fact regarding white males perpetuating a crime which is more common among white males of a particular age and/background, most you respond with the attitude of: "But look at black people. Look at the statistics!"

In retrospect, instead of challenging the man many of you just turn it into "but black people do thus and so." Not much of a debate there.

link to all my racist posts
I question all of humanity. Here is what I personally want to know.

When Trayvon Martin was killed by a Hispanic, people were on that story like bees on honey! When a black man was killed by a racist teenager (ran him over), everyone was on it. But when a black man kills another black man, no one cares. Wheres the outrage? Why isn't that being treated like any other murder? Why is it when a non black kills a black, everyone cries out racism. Forget the racism. Focus on the murderer and give justice. If I was killed by a white man, the story would be there for months, maybe years. But If I was killed by another African American, no one would care and if it did hit the news, they wouldn't mention the race.

Its true that blacks are more likely to die at the hands of another black. Why hasn't anything been done to stop this?

The majority of homicides involving all races are intra racial, those are not newsworthy stories. An altercation resulting in someone losing their life between people of two different ethnicities normally has an underlying story that will attract attention.

I could be wrong. Just my opinion.

1# Thousands of black kids(young adults) blowing each other away a year isn't news? What is wrong with you people? I ask that honestly.

2# But we didn't hear about all the attacks on whites after trayvon; not the hammer attack or the one in st.louis. O'noo's, and certainly, we didn't hear about the flush mobs or beat down whitey events that occur all too often.

Can we agree that we need to work to end the killing and to report fairly on hate crimes?

So what do you propose? Continuing to post the same old tired statistics week in and week out?
I find it hypocritical of majority of the people here get on poet for pointing out some "facts" as many of you like to do when you post threads about black on black violence. Majority of you, most notably Squeeze, Matthew, Lonestar, all like to make threads simply bashing. Soon as poet makes a thread labeling it the same way the aforementioned people label theirs, then the whole USMB gets involved. I don't see the same fervor when racist like Matthew make threads and referring to blacks as "negroes" or as I've seen one member here say it without being punished by mods "N*gger."

I think folks are missing the big picture here regarding the social double standards regarding crime within the black community and white community. Society definitely has a tendency of sugarcoating crime perpetuated by white males as "mentally deficient" or "sexually disturbed" when it comes to white males raping women. What I get here is that as soon as someone post fact regarding white males perpetuating a crime which is more common among white males of a particular age and/background, most you respond with the attitude of: "But look at black people. Look at the statistics!"

In retrospect, instead of challenging the man many of you just turn it into "but black people do thus and so." Not much of a debate there.

link to all my racist posts

Squeeze you want me to do my homework and go back and post all that bull shit you say?
I find it hypocritical of majority of the people here get on poet for pointing out some "facts" as many of you like to do when you post threads about black on black violence. Majority of you, most notably Squeeze, Matthew, Lonestar, all like to make threads simply bashing. Soon as poet makes a thread labeling it the same way the aforementioned people label theirs, then the whole USMB gets involved. I don't see the same fervor when racist like Matthew make threads and referring to blacks as "negroes" or as I've seen one member here say it without being punished by mods "N*gger."

I think folks are missing the big picture here regarding the social double standards regarding crime within the black community and white community. Society definitely has a tendency of sugarcoating crime perpetuated by white males as "mentally deficient" or "sexually disturbed" when it comes to white males raping women. What I get here is that as soon as someone post fact regarding white males perpetuating a crime which is more common among white males of a particular age and/background, most you respond with the attitude of: "But look at black people. Look at the statistics!"

In retrospect, instead of challenging the man many of you just turn it into "but black people do thus and so." Not much of a debate there.
the fact thatv these guys were white doesn't mean a damn thing .they didn't commit a crime based on race they committed a crime based on ideology !! the fact that they are Muslim is what matters.

No. The fact that they are Muslim does not matter..

I am worried about the aryan nation or klan, Mexican Mafia, and the bloods and crips more than Muslims who are terrorist.
Is this why our cities where ever there's a large populations of blacks are war zones? War zones of blacks killing other blacks. For no other reason besides to kill.

Poet, what kind of future do you wish for your people?

Ha Ha!!
What do people matter to poet, they are mere pawns driving his totalitarian dogma.
Ideology is everything
People are nothing
Freedom is slavery

We are living in dangerous times, surrounded by dangerous people.

Gotta love it. How "people' think they can speak for me, when I speak for myself quite well. Actually, I've been a "people person", my entire life. The life of the party, actually.
Poit Poit Poit Poit!
Is a legend in his own mind
Don't you know it?
the fact thatv these guys were white doesn't mean a damn thing .they didn't commit a crime based on race they committed a crime based on ideology !! the fact that they are Muslim is what matters.

No. The fact that they are Muslim does not matter..

I am worried about the aryan nation or klan, Mexican Mafia, and the bloods and crips more than Muslims who are terrorist.
Because the msm tells you so?
Poor indoctrinated dumb fuck.

You dummy. There are more than 100,000 gangs in this country. MS-13 is one of the most deadly gangs. Me being black and living in L.A I can fall victim to any one of these gangs. Muslims in Cali have been speaking out on my campus against violence having interfaith discussions and denouncing the recent attackers violence you dumbass

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