More Global Warming Fraud

You wouldn't be such an ignorant fuck if you lived in California and your well ran dry. Now you have to sell a home that has no running water. Stupid fuck.

That's on you dipshit. You chose to live there. And 'Global Warming' had absolutely nothing to do with it anyway. Here's some friendly advice for ya, stop taking the word of a buffoon who once claimed he invented the Internet. Once you do that, you'll begin coming to your senses. You'll begin trying very hard to opt out of his pyramid scheme.

Deniers and liars. Liars just have to lie. Must be in their blood.

Former Veep Al Gore is now getting a bit of credit for his infamous 1999 claim that “I took the initiative in creating the Internet”: He’ll be one of the first inductees into the Internet Hall of Fame.

The names were announced Monday at the Internet Society’s Global INET 2012 conference in Geneva, Switzerland, and Gore was placed in the “Global Connectors” category for having “made significant contributions to the global growth and use of the Internet.”

The group’s description of Gore states: “Al Gore, the 45th Vice President of the United States, was a key proponent of sponsoring legislation that funded the expansion of and greater public access to the Internet. Instrumental in helping to create the ‘Information Superhighway,’ Gore was one of the first government officials to recognize that the Internet’s impact could reach beyond academia to fuel educational and economic growth as well.”

Read more: No invention Al Gore s Internet honor - Patrick Gavin -

Ha, you wingnuts are funny. You go on buying into Gore's pyramid scheme. That's your call. I won't stop you. But don't try and force your agenda on the rest of us by way of Government force. We will stop you from doing that.
If we have no zero scientific basis to say that - why is it that that is precisely what scientists DO say?

Actually, what they are saying is that there hasn't been any actual warming lately, but it's going to start again soon.

Forget politics - read the science and then decide what can or cnnot be claimed.

You should try that. Read the science and ignore the sensationalist conclusions, which are repeatedly drawn without logical merit.
If you research tempersture records, you'll find we actually know a lot about tenperatures going back centuries.

And that shows how much of a fucking idiot you are. Because the truth is that we have no such thing. What we have is a series of records over the past 150ish years, with degrading accuracy as you go back further in time. Considering the fact that current AGW theory relies on extrapolating long term trends based off extremely small variances, temperature records from the beginning of the 20th century are effectively worthless.

Any decent science source will explain how that works.

You don't actually know how it works, do you? Let me explain it to you....

What we have is a temperature record that goes back roughly 150 years. The accuracy of that record effectively degrades the further back you go, because advances in technology have refined and enhanced the precision by which we can measure temperature. Of course, differences of a few tenths of a degree are largely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. But in terms of tracking trends over time which exist on scales less than a degree, those inaccuracies become of utmost importance.

Everything before the "official" record is an extrapolation. These extrapolations are achieved by hypothesizing various proxies and correlating data, and then attempting to extrapolate those secondary metrics. One of the most well known of those is the hypothesized correlation between "average" temperature and atmospheric CO2 content. Based on this assumption, scientists will look for ways to estimate atmospheric CO2 content at historic times, and from there will estimate average temperature based on previously calculated correlations between the two. Perhaps you've heard of studies relating to ice cores?

The problem in all of this is that it all begs its own question. You're using an assumption that there is current global warming with certain causes, and then using those calculations to estimate historic temperatures, and then turning around and using those calculations as evidence that warming has occurred. Logically, this is equivalent of assuming that global warming is caused by increased variance in human genetics across the global population, assigning correlative markers based on the past few decades, estimating the rate of increasing complexity of human genetics, then scraping some ancient neanderthal bones to test them for genetic variance, estimating global temperatures based on the hypothesis that human genetic variability is correlated with temperature, and finally concluding that the temperature record of 100,000 years ago confirms that the earth is currently getting warmer and that it correlates precisely with increased human genetic variability.

Again - how is it that you don't know what everyone else learned a decade ago?

A decade ago, you learned that the world was warming, because someone told you that. Two decades ago I learned how to apply the scientific method to study things and how to apply logic to information to extrapolate sound conclusions. Bet you didn't know that it wasn't too long ago that "the science is settled" about the impending glacial period that the Earth would fall into during our lifetime.

Part of the problem is that when it comes to climate science people are taught the conclusions, and very little effort is put into teaching people to actually do the leg work to justify those conclusions. Yes, you learned a decade ago that the world is warming, and that we know this because we know the temperatures from thousands of years ago. So now, all these climate scientists out there tell everyone that the world is warming. Because that's what they were taught in school. They do all this research that tracks how much the world is warming, because that's where the grant money comes to pay their bills. And when they finish tracking the warming, they tell us again that the world is warming. Because that is what they were taught in school. They "adjust" the old temperature record to better align with changes in atmospheric CO2 content, because that's what they were taught in school.
Real science will always trump AGW religious scripture.

And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.

It certainly would be...if it weren't true.

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”

In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists Debunk Their Science - Forbes
As i've said before, you fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to. You're free to do what you gotta do. Go live in the woods, start building that Ark in preparation of Gore's end-times flood, or whatever. But leave the rest of us alone. Most now want less Government in their lives. They don't want more. The Global Warming scam is dead. Deal with it.

I would tell you to go pollute your own planet but that would be stupid cause that's the point.

So it's settled then. You're going off the grid, grabbing that tent, and building that Ark. Cool. Good luck.

This is the reason the GOP hates Global Warming. Republicans want freedom/choice. This is going to take us as a collective society to solve this problem. That means government, regulations and taxes!

My dad gets so mad that he has to recycle but me 10 miles away I don't have to. I keep telling him not to worry. They are testing it out on him and when they realize how much it helps, they'll start making all of us do it. Which isn't a bad thing. We are such overpopulators and pollutors we need to be regulated.
Really, TAXES solves AGW...

Don't make me laugh. This is the worst thing about AGW in general - none of the so called measures that they are talking about or will ever talk about do anything whatsoever to change the overall output of CO2 through the world.

Essentially, this extra government and control does NOT address global warming. Until there is something that actually shows a promise of affecting AGW there is no reason whatsoever to force out industries, submit our freedoms and our wealth to these measures. It is asinine.

BAM! Spot On. Most now know it's all a Communist Globalist political agenda. It's about more control and money. Gore and his cronies stand to make $Billions. His massive future fortune solely depends on people continuing to buy into his pyramid scheme.

You righties are so dumb. Even Newt admitted your side has been lying/denying because the corporations aren't going to like the solution. Going green is going to cost them and they'd rather just take their chances and keep burning fossil fules.

Some think they would actually like a mass extinction. One of my right wing friends says this is the year the Bildenbergers were going to kill off a huge % of the human population. He pointed to the flu we have this year that is killing kids, Ebola and the wars in the middle east. And he explained all the benefits they would get from millions of poor people dying. I have to admit, the planet will be better off.

Just realize that in the movies when they talk about a stupid lazy selfish society that does itself in either by nukes/war or by destroying the planet, you are one of the cockroaches that is part of the problem. You are certainly not the kind of person who would come up with a solution for how we are going to stop the path we are going down.

First step is squash the deniers. Make it so a politician can't get elected if they deny global warming is real, man created and needs to be solved. Unfortunately we still have 1/2 of our government (GOP) denying global warming because the oil companies pay them to. But not even all of the GOP still deny it. Just most of you. It's a lie you keep shamelessly telling. Either that or you really believe that bullshit? Really? Retard.
Real science will always trump AGW religious scripture.

And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.

It certainly would be...if it weren't true.

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”

In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists Debunk Their Science - Forbes
I have a dream that someday, right wingers will learn about context.

The full paragraph that you quoted - as translated from the source is:

First off, we have developed countries the atmosphere of the world community quasi expropriated. But one must say clearly: We distribute through climate policy de facto the world's wealth around. That the owners of coal and oil which are not enthusiastic, is obvious. One has to free himself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has to do with environmental policy, with problems such as forest dieback and ozone hole, almost nothing.

Check out the source for more stunning revelations taken in context.

Klimapolitik verteilt das Weltverm gen neu Klimaschutz hat mit Umweltschutz kaum mehr etwas zu tun sagt der konom Ottmar Edenhofer. Der n chste Weltklimagipfel in Canc n sei eigentlich ein Wirtschaftsgipfel bei dem es um die Verteilung der Ressourcen gehe. Interview Bernhard P tter - Nachrichten -
Actually, what they are saying is that there hasn't been any actual warming lately, but it's going to start again soon.


Meanwhile the glaciers are still melting, the Arctice ice is still diminishing, sea levels are still rising, and storms are still increasing in intenisty. So we can see the theory becoming reality with our own eyes. I have been to parts of the world that are being overtaken by ocean. I've been to places that are plowing their crops into the earth because the droughts have made farming impossible.

It's no longer just a theory.

It does make me laugh that you talk about reading science - when less than 1% of scientific papers published on these topics support your conclusions.

So if you have read science - you have also ignored it. Despite your amazing training and insight and expertise.
Real science will always trump AGW religious scripture.

And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.

It certainly would be...if it weren't true.

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”

In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists Debunk Their Science - Forbes
I have a dream that someday, right wingers will learn about context.

The full paragraph that you quoted - as translated from the source is:

First off, we have developed countries the atmosphere of the world community quasi expropriated. But one must say clearly: We distribute through climate policy de facto the world's wealth around. That the owners of coal and oil which are not enthusiastic, is obvious. One has to free himself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has to do with environmental policy, with problems such as forest dieback and ozone hole, almost nothing.

Check out the source for more stunning revelations taken in context.

Klimapolitik verteilt das Weltverm gen neu Klimaschutz hat mit Umweltschutz kaum mehr etwas zu tun sagt der konom Ottmar Edenhofer. Der n chste Weltklimagipfel in Canc n sei eigentlich ein Wirtschaftsgipfel bei dem es um die Verteilung der Ressourcen gehe. Interview Bernhard P tter - Nachrichten -

Looks like I killed this thread. Nothing ends a discussion with a right winger faster than context.
The Great Global Warming Swindle is over. Most know it's a Communist Globalist scam. Less are buying into Gore's pyramid scheme. The Earth warms, the Earth cools. That's the way it is, and always will be.

We don't need more Government intrusions in our lives because of irrational fear. If Gore's end-times predictions happen, so be it. I know i'm not gonna live in fear of it. I would advise people to move on and not to live in fear. It's a beautiful day. Live each day to the fullest. When the world ends, it ends. It is what it is.
And yet real science backs climate change science.

Of the 60 largest scientific organisations on earth - 59 back climate change, and 1 is neutral. NOT ONE agrees with you.

Funny that, isn't it?

More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.

It certainly would be...if it weren't true.

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”

In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists Debunk Their Science - Forbes
I have a dream that someday, right wingers will learn about context.

The full paragraph that you quoted - as translated from the source is:

First off, we have developed countries the atmosphere of the world community quasi expropriated. But one must say clearly: We distribute through climate policy de facto the world's wealth around. That the owners of coal and oil which are not enthusiastic, is obvious. One has to free himself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has to do with environmental policy, with problems such as forest dieback and ozone hole, almost nothing.

Check out the source for more stunning revelations taken in context.

Klimapolitik verteilt das Weltverm gen neu Klimaschutz hat mit Umweltschutz kaum mehr etwas zu tun sagt der konom Ottmar Edenhofer. Der n chste Weltklimagipfel in Canc n sei eigentlich ein Wirtschaftsgipfel bei dem es um die Verteilung der Ressourcen gehe. Interview Bernhard P tter - Nachrichten -

Looks like I killed this thread. Nothing ends a discussion with a right winger faster than context.

You wish. Your problem is you have nothing to discuss. The science says you're wrong so you alter empirical data sets and reprogram your computer models to make up even more fantasy scenarios. All in an effort to frighten the natives so that they will roll on their backs and let you rape them. The people aren't stupid....which is sad for you.
More unfounded "facts" posted by the AGW cult continue to show they are desperate to make up numbers to support their government funded religion..

A massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.......funny stuff.

It certainly would be...if it weren't true.

IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer, speaking in November 2010, advised that: “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”

In Their Own Words Climate Alarmists Debunk Their Science - Forbes
I have a dream that someday, right wingers will learn about context.

The full paragraph that you quoted - as translated from the source is:

First off, we have developed countries the atmosphere of the world community quasi expropriated. But one must say clearly: We distribute through climate policy de facto the world's wealth around. That the owners of coal and oil which are not enthusiastic, is obvious. One has to free himself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has to do with environmental policy, with problems such as forest dieback and ozone hole, almost nothing.

Check out the source for more stunning revelations taken in context.

Klimapolitik verteilt das Weltverm gen neu Klimaschutz hat mit Umweltschutz kaum mehr etwas zu tun sagt der konom Ottmar Edenhofer. Der n chste Weltklimagipfel in Canc n sei eigentlich ein Wirtschaftsgipfel bei dem es um die Verteilung der Ressourcen gehe. Interview Bernhard P tter - Nachrichten -

Looks like I killed this thread. Nothing ends a discussion with a right winger faster than context.

You wish. Your problem is you have nothing to discuss. The science says you're wrong so you alter empirical data sets and reprogram your computer models to make up even more fantasy scenarios. All in an effort to frighten the natives so that they will roll on their backs and let you rape them. The people aren't stupid....which is sad for you.

Yes, it's all about fear. Al Gore's whole $Billion Empire depends on people continuing to buy into his Global Warming pyramid scheme. Many others' future fortunes depend on it too.

It should no longer be taught in our schools. I'm sick of Communist Globalist assholes scaring the children with their end-times nonsense. Just get it out of the schools. The kids have enough problems just growing up. It's time to move past the irrational fear mongering. Time for the sun to set on Gore's pyramid scheme.
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The science says you're wrong

That's nonsense, of course - of the 60 major international scientific organisations on earth, some 95% back climate change, and actually less than 1% of scientific papers published since 2000 back your position.

So no - the science does NOT say that we are wrong.

btw. It's worth keeping in mind that recent polls have more than 80% of people in Europe confirming climate change, with some even stronger results in Asia and South America.
It should no loner be taught in our schools. I'm sick of Communist Globalist assholes scaring the children with their end-times nonsense. Just get it out of the schools. The kids have enough problems just growing up. It's time to move past the irrational fear mongering. Time for the sun to set on Gore's pyramid scheme.

Yes....I think this became clear when almost every CONSERVATIVE party and politician on earth have confirmed that climate change is real.

Would you like to see those statements?
The science says you're wrong

That's nonsense, of course - of the 60 major international scientific organisations on earth, some 95% back climate change, and actually less than 1% of scientific papers published since 2000 back your position.

So no - the science does NOT say that we are wrong.

btw. It's worth keeping in mind that recent polls have more than 80% of people in Europe confirming climate change, with some even stronger results in Asia and South America.

Appeals to Authority are logic fails. Try again. Oh, and for the record, they ALL receive their funding from the government so their very incomes and in many cases their professional reputations are entirely dependent on the fraud continuing. Over 150 BILLION dollars pissed down that rat hole and what have they produced? Tell us. What has been created or produced with all of that money?

The equivalent of 32 billion dollars got us nuclear power, and that during a world war. You guys have had no wars to contend with and what have you produced for all that money?
The science says you're wrong

That's nonsense, of course - of the 60 major international scientific organisations on earth, some 95% back climate change, and actually less than 1% of scientific papers published since 2000 back your position.

So no - the science does NOT say that we are wrong.

btw. It's worth keeping in mind that recent polls have more than 80% of people in Europe confirming climate change, with some even stronger results in Asia and South America.

The Earth warms, the Earth cools. It's been doing that long before there were Humans around. And it will continue to do it long after Humans are gone. So the irrational fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

If you truly do fear Gore's end-times predictions, than just go off the grid, live in a tent, and build an Ark. But leave the rest of us alone. We don't want more Government intrusions in our lives. We already have enough of that. So just do what you gotta do personally, but leave the rest of us alone.
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It should no loner be taught in our schools. I'm sick of Communist Globalist assholes scaring the children with their end-times nonsense. Just get it out of the schools. The kids have enough problems just growing up. It's time to move past the irrational fear mongering. Time for the sun to set on Gore's pyramid scheme.

Yes....I think this became clear when almost every CONSERVATIVE party and politician on earth have confirmed that climate change is real.

Would you like to see those statements?

Climate Change happens. Not a new revelation. But more Government intrusions in Peoples' lives isn't the answer. The irrational fear mongering is completely unnecessary. I don't buy into Gore's end-times predictions. And i won't be forced to.

And they absolutely should get it out of the schools. Scaring the children this way is shameful. But hey, you want to buy into Gore's pyramid scheme, so be it. Just don't think you can force the rest of us to by way of Government force. It's not gonna happen.
Oh, and for the record, they ALL receive their funding from the government so their very incomes

My word, you post some nonsense!!

Firstly, and as you MUST know:

1 - not all research agencies receive money from governments
2 - those that do, such as universities, are in Europe funded in a system designed to make political interference possible - heads of unit are the only people who decide what research is conducted. Govt plays no role, and cannot play a role in determining what is researched.
3 - conservative governments would be unlikely to fund left wing research
4 - if research was being faked, the results would differ markedly from place to place, whereas actually we only see minor variations.
5. If the automotive or oil industries were was going to access research - why would they buy research that showed them to be at fault?

My god man - how can you NOT understand this??!!
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The Earth warms, the Earth cools. It's been doing that long before there were Humans around. And it will continue to do it long after Humans are gone. So the irrational fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

And yet basically all scientists, all conservative governments and even the oil industry disagree with you.

So could you be wrong, do you think?
The Earth warms, the Earth cools. It's been doing that long before there were Humans around. And it will continue to do it long after Humans are gone. So the irrational fear mongering is completely unnecessary.

And yet basically all scientists, all conservative governments and even the oil industry disagree with you.

So could you be wrong, do you think?

What do they disagree with me on?
What do they disagree with me on?

Everything, basically.

Governments like Angela Merkel in Germany and David Cameron in the UK (along with maybe 20 other conservative governments) all confirmed that human acitivity plays a role in climate change several years ago.

And you'd think they had access to decent science and advice, wouldn't you?

Why not listen to what they have to say?

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