More Fauci hypocrisy. Silent on Obama Super Spreader Party, condemns outdoor bike rally.

wore masks
This is a lie. I have seen photos and video of the event and there were no masks. BTW, vaccination does not ensure you do not have the virus or can spread it. Cases in point--a plane load of vaxxed TX democrats that spread the virus amongst themselves and the WH and a fully vaccinated Carnival cruise line ship that became infested with the virus. So much for your justification for democrat super spreader events presided over by Obummer and other democrats. Hypocrites.
He should have worn a mask.
He didn't wear a mask, because like you he is a hypocrite.
Now, where were you when your boy after released from hospital with COVID walked into the W.H.
Do you wear a mask in your home? He was home moron. He also didn't demand draconian lock downs and unnecessary masking mandates non-stop and then disregard his own mandates like you hypocritical democrats have.
This is a lie. I have seen photos and video of the event and there were no masks. BTW, vaccination does not ensure you do not have the virus or can spread it. Cases in point--a plane load of vaxxed TX democrats that spread the virus amongst themselves and the WH and a fully vaccinated Carnival cruise line ship that became infested with the virus. So much for your justification for democrat super spreader events presided over by Obummer and other democrats. Hypocrites.
Prove where I said super spreader events held by ANYBODY are ok.

Not one of those TX Dems ended up in hospital that I know of. Why? Because they were vaccinated, that's why.
Prove where I said super spreader events held by ANYBODY are ok.
When you attempt to justify and defend an event because it was held by one of your own.
Prove where I said super spreader events held by ANYBODY are ok.

Not one of those TX Dems ended up in hospital that I know of. Why? Because they were vaccinated, that's why.
So now you are saying that if a vaccinated person spreads covid, it is OK because he didn't go to the hospital? That line of thinking is absurd. I had covid. I am not vaccinated, but I had to quarantine because I could spread it. More democrat hypocrisy. Equal treatment is due not "rules for thee buy not for me" like the democrats believe--Pelosi, Lightfoot, Biden, Obama, Newsom, a plane load of TX democrats...
Could this clown make a bigger fool of himself? Why yes, he does it daily.

Fox is using Twitter as its source???


The Obamas scaled it way back and held it outside, dummy.
Fauci will say Anything to heighten his import but never as to dear Barry Racebait
He should have worn a mask. Now, where were you when your boy after released from hospital with COVID walked into the W.H. spewing virus particles all over the place? Thousands attended his hate ralles. All good, Ace?
You were proven to be a lying sack of shit, and the best ya got is ORANGE MAN BAD!

Dismissed, Clown.
You were proven to be a lying sack of shit, and the best ya got is ORANGE MAN BAD!

Dismissed, Clown.
You're a deranged cultist who has attempted to defend your boy Trump & his attempt to overthrow the election & destroy Democracy all because Biden handed his ass back to him& he's not fucking man enough to admit it. There's your man-child Trump, a neo Nazi with a persecution complex, a sociopath.

Continue on with your rants about Obama if it makes you feel better, Trump ball washer.
You were proven to be a lying sack of shit, and the best ya got is ORANGE MAN BAD!

Dismissed, Clown.
When's your boy going to hold his next hate rally spreading COVID all over the place as he basks in the glory of his death cult, asswipe.
You're a deranged cultist who has attempted to defend your boy Trump & his attempt to overthrow the election & destroy Democracy all because Biden handed his ass back to him& he's not fucking man enough to admit it. There's your man-child Trump, a neo Nazi with a persecution complex, a sociopath.

Continue on with your rants about Obama if it makes you feel better, Trump ball washer.
Trump is gone but he’s the liberal crutch that liberals bring up all the time because the man they elected is unnewsworthy.
Obama is mostly brought up by Obama
100 ehh? the report I saw said 200 guests not to mention staff to feed them.
All vaxxed and all tested.

How many of the hundreds of THOUSANDS of Sturgis attendees are vaxxed or tested?


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