More Desantis nomsense slapped down

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I'm confused as to how this relates to free speech.
From the article in the OP.

The judges upheld a lower court’s ruling that the law violated employers’ constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression. They were also critical of DeSantis for “exceeding the bounds” of the US constitution by imposing political ideology through legislation.

The panel said the state could not be selective by only banning discussion of particular concepts it found “offensive” while allowing others.

“Florida may be exactly right about the nature of the ideas it targets. Or it may not,” Judge Britt Grant, an appointee of Donald Trump, wrote in the 22-page opinion. “Either way, the merits of these views will be decided in the clanging marketplace of ideas rather than a codebook or a courtroom.

“We reject this latest attempt to control speech by recharacterizing it as conduct. By limiting its restrictions to a list of ideas designated as offensive, the act targets speech based on its content. And by barring only speech that endorses any of those ideas, it penalizes certain viewpoints – the greatest first amendment sin.”
From the article in the OP.

The judges upheld a lower court’s ruling that the law violated employers’ constitutional rights to freedom of speech and expression. They were also critical of DeSantis for “exceeding the bounds” of the US constitution by imposing political ideology through legislation.

The panel said the state could not be selective by only banning discussion of particular concepts it found “offensive” while allowing others.

“Florida may be exactly right about the nature of the ideas it targets. Or it may not,” Judge Britt Grant, an appointee of Donald Trump, wrote in the 22-page opinion. “Either way, the merits of these views will be decided in the clanging marketplace of ideas rather than a codebook or a courtroom.

“We reject this latest attempt to control speech by recharacterizing it as conduct. By limiting its restrictions to a list of ideas designated as offensive, the act targets speech based on its content. And by barring only speech that endorses any of those ideas, it penalizes certain viewpoints – the greatest first amendment sin.”
As I understand it, DeSantis wanted to do away with requiring employers to give DEI training.

If I missed something beyond that, let me know.
As I understand it, DeSantis wanted to do away with requiring employers to give DEI training.

If I missed something beyond that, let me know.
To be honest I haven't really followed this to closely.

It seems DeSantis was trying to dictate to employers what they could train their employees and what they can't, but again, take that with a grain of salt.
Why do you think "diversity training" is in any way appropriate for an employer to mandate to his employees? How will that make them better at scrubbing toilets or picking cotton, examples given?
You must be a very limited individual if you dont undeerstand. They dont do it just to spend money.
As I understand it, DeSantis wanted to do away with requiring employers to give DEI training.

My understanding is just a bit softer, that he wants to prohibit employers from requiring employees to take training that is unjustifiably discriminatory against them.

From the article:
In a scathing ruling released late on Monday, a three-judge panel of the 11th circuit appeals court in Atlanta blasted DeSantis’s 2022 Stop Woke Act – which banned employers from providing mandatory workplace diversity training, or from teaching that any person is inherently racist or sexist – as “the greatest first amendment sin”.

What if an employer wanted to make all employees take a class, that teaches that black people are inherently inferior to white people? Should that be allowed? I imagine that even under current laws in nearly all states, any employer that did that would find himself on the losing end of a very nasty lawsuit from any black employee that took offense at such teaching. If such was otherwise allowed in Florida, I think the “anti-woke law” would prohibit it. I don't think that any employers actually want, these days to teach that to any of their employees, teachings similarly bigoted against white, Christian, males who are not degenerate sex perverts, are coming to be seen as acceptable, or even mandatory.

Employers are not allowed, under currently laws, to discriminate against people on the basis of race or religion; but this DEI crap appears to be, by willful intent, a way of getting around that to allow indirect harassment and discrimination on these very same bases.

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