More democrat violence: republican home shot at

they seem to be today. the left is appealing to 10% of their base. that would be an extreme base if only 10% are in that group.

yet, that is where he is spending the bulk of our time and resources.
I don't think appealing to women's rights is extremist. Nor is repairing infrastructure or planning alternatives to an oil-based economy because the oil is running out and saving the planet from ourselves.
The future of America depends on all of us having equality and freedom that's what makes America great. That includes women, immigrants, people of color and sexual minorities. No one should be discriminated against. I stand by that as a democratic platform, the Republicans cannot say the same thing.
Absolutely they can. Your idea of equality and freedom are not what everyone else thinks. You sound like a conservative.
I don't think appealing to women's rights is extremist. Nor is repairing infrastructure or planning alternatives to an oil-based economy because the oil is running out and saving the planet from ourselves.
You're not appealing to women's rights, you're appealing to abortion, full stop. Are you appealing to the right of women of all ages to be free from men in their locker rooms and bathrooms, their freedom to compete in sports with other women and not men? democrats talk a big game about infrastructure, then pass gargantuan spending bills loaded down with everything, including the kitchen sink, and somehow very little actually fixes the infrastructure. I mean, I remember we gave Obama billions of dollars to fix the infrastructure because he promised there were thousands of shovel ready jobs just begging for funding. Guess not.
Absolutely they can. Your idea of equality and freedom are not what everyone else thinks. You sound like a conservative.
I just wish the new Republicans would be more conservative, instead of the extremists they are.
I just wish the new Republicans would be more conservative, instead of the extremists they are.

ReNaziCans have embraced extremism. This nut job shows up at Pelosi's home. Her husband is hospitalized and Cons try to make it a Homosexual Encounter gone wrong. Yet whensome idiot fires at the of another ReNaziCan's parents we are suppose to be all kinds of upset. Only when one their candidates is endangered to they rise up in anger.

How we that that attack wasn't some pissed off lover? Do we know that the mother gave piss poor blowjobs? Was the dad buggering a child?

No pity. No nothing. Slinging mud means you get splattered with it as well.
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That's the Thingy.You ain't about to see this DePape dude in
his underwear.Or Paul Pelosi either.Nor any Police Body cam
videos.Or any Videos.Or Hear the 911 call.
Because the Leftist bunch moves quickly when they get
caught outright Twisting the Truth.
They go from twisting mode to flat out Lying Mode to
maybe If you get don't shut up about it,YOU will be
arrested.For don't what Journalist and Reporters are supposed
to do.That is Being Skeptical.
Which is now the new normal.To dissallow ANY Skepticism.
A once standard for Good Reporting.Now it's off limits.
One could get fired,maybe jailed for going against a MSM
Narrative.This is Stalinism.
For some odd reason, I have a feeling something was amiss with Pauile and DePape.......maybe something that would violate his DUI probation......hmmmm.
Coming from the party of abortion until moment of natural childbirth, ya know, FUCK OFF.
I've never heard of last minute abortions, at that point it's simply an early delivery. Most late term abortions occur after the 20th week checkup when the parents to be discover there is something terribly wrong with the fetus the woman is carrying. Yes you're condemning married couples many of whom already have children of this crime you're trying to make it out to be. Do some research and you'll find out the facts. Quit believing all the lies your side keeps telling about abortion.
ReNaziCans have embraced extremism. This nut job shows up at Pelosi's home. Her husband is hospitalized and Cons try to make it a Homosexual Encounter gone wrong. Yet whensome idiot fires at the of another ReNaziCan's parents we are suppose to be all kinds of upset. Only when one their candidates is endangered to they rise up in anger.

How we that that attack wasn't some pissed off lover? Do we know that the mother gave piss poor blowjobs? Was the dad buggering a child?

No pity. No nothing. Slinging mud means you get splattered with it as well.
Extremism is what's going to cost the democrats many seats.
Extremism is what's going to cost the democrats many seats.
Ditto ! Republicans are even more extreme, true fascists in every sense, not satisfied until they take away everyone's rights except their own and they enact real tyranny ending democracy in this country.
Ditto ! Republicans are even more extreme, true fascists in every sense, not satisfied until they take away everyone's rights except their own and they enact real tyranny ending democracy in this country.
Your democracy is slowly being stolen now, right under your eyes.
You have fascist overload......take a Midol.
Your democracy is slowly being stolen now, right under your eyes.
You have fascist overload......take a Midol.
LOL, since you mention it, you might be the one who needs a Midol. I am fine and I'm not blinded by all the lies that are out there.
You're not appealing to women's rights, you're appealing to abortion, full stop. Are you appealing to the right of women of all ages to be free from men in their locker rooms and bathrooms, their freedom to compete in sports with other women and not men? democrats talk a big game about infrastructure, then pass gargantuan spending bills loaded down with everything, including the kitchen sink, and somehow very little actually fixes the infrastructure. I mean, I remember we gave Obama billions of dollars to fix the infrastructure because he promised there were thousands of shovel ready jobs just begging for funding. Guess not.
There political history makes it impossible for them to run from it now.
I've never heard of last minute abortions, at that point it's simply an early delivery. Most late term abortions occur after the 20th week checkup when the parents to be discover there is something terribly wrong with the fetus the woman is carrying. Yes you're condemning married couples many of whom already have children of this crime you're trying to make it out to be. Do some research and you'll find out the facts. Quit believing all the lies your side keeps telling about abortion.
Facts ? Well your side had plenty of time to defend yourselves with your so called fact's, but you didn't so what were the people to believe ? Silence in the near term was an admittance to you agreeing with the word's used against you, but in the last hour you want to come out defending something in this sort of way. ... ROTFLMBO 🤣.

When heard the charge's, your party should have jumped in with these so called fact's against those said charge's, but you didn't. Now you want to jump, but in a shady sort of desperate way. Keep at it, but the momentum is now against your team in this election.. Better luck next time.

Now tell us how many unwanted babies were aborted where the mom just couldn't handle the fact that she was pregnant ? How many abortion's came at a later stage even though the babies were healthy and fine ??? Tell us those stats please. Be honest now.

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