MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: Majority of Likely Voters Fear Current Lawlessness – Want New Laws to Protect Police — Including 84% of Black Voters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Majority of Likely Voters Fear Current Lawlessness

Want New Laws to Protect Police

Including 84% of Black Voters

17 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
For months now Democrats, leftists, antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs have been terrorizing American cities.
Black Lives Matter, the activist group behind the riots has caused $1 billion in destruction in cities across the country.

Americans are terrified that their community may be next.
So it should not really be a surprise that a majority of likely voters want “Blue Lives Matter” laws to protect police in America.
** 68% of voters are concerned that deadly attacks on the police will lead to a shortage of police officers.​
** And 84% of blacks are concerned that a shortage of police officers may hurt their communities!​
This may explain President Trump’s inroads with African American voters!
Via Rasmussen Reports:
Most voters believe there is a war on police in America today and want to make attacks on cops punishable as a hate crime. Blacks worry most that these attacks will make their communities less safe.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters are concerned that deadly attacks on the police will lead to a shortage of police officers and reduce public safety where they live, with 44% who are Very Concerned. Thirty percent (30%) don’t share that concern, but that includes only 14% who are Not At All Concerned.​
Whites (63%) are bigger supporters of Blue Lives Matter laws than blacks (52%) and other minority voters (49%). But blacks (84%) are a lot more concerned than whites (66%) and other minorities (70%) about a potential shortage of police officers in their community.​

I do not fear the the mob. I fear more the corrupt legal system that would prosecute me for defending myself and my family when they attack me and I blow holes in them for doing so.
How stupid do democrats have to be to see what their party is doing and still vote for them?
Actually Black voters will be the first in line to be destroyed by BLM...They know it, even my neighbor has told me that too. That's why 84% fear these protest being in their name..
Along with the "Turner Diaries", you might also like the fiction series "Forgotten Forbidden America" by Thomas Watson. It is about the Second Civil War and the leaders of the federal government are the Democrats who are delusional.
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MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: Majority of Likely Voters Fear Current Lawlessness – Want New Laws to Protect Police — Including 84% of Black Voters

17 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
For months now Democrats, leftists, antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs have been terrorizing American cities.
Black Lives Matter, the activist group behind the riots has caused $1 billion in destruction in cities across the country.

Americans are terrified that their community may be next.
So it should not really be a surprise that a majority of likely voters want “Blue Lives Matter” laws to protect police in America.
** 68% of voters are concerned that deadly attacks on the police will lead to a shortage of police officers.​
** And 84% of blacks are concerned that a shortage of police officers may hurt their communities!​
This may explain President Trump’s inroads with African American voters!
Via Rasmussen Reports:
Most voters believe there is a war on police in America today and want to make attacks on cops punishable as a hate crime. Blacks worry most that these attacks will make their communities less safe.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters are concerned that deadly attacks on the police will lead to a shortage of police officers and reduce public safety where they live, with 44% who are Very Concerned. Thirty percent (30%) don’t share that concern, but that includes only 14% who are Not At All Concerned.​
Whites (63%) are bigger supporters of Blue Lives Matter laws than blacks (52%) and other minority voters (49%). But blacks (84%) are a lot more concerned than whites (66%) and other minorities (70%) about a potential shortage of police officers in their community.​

I do not fear the the mob. I fear more the corrupt legal system that would prosecute me for defending myself and my family when they attack me and I blow holes in them for doing so.
How stupid do democrats have to be to see what their party is doing and still vote for them?
Actually Black voters will be the first in line to be destroyed by BLM...They know it, even my neighbor has told me that too. That's why 84% fear these protest being in their name..
Along with the "Turner Diaries", you might also like the fiction series "Forgotten Forbidden America" by Thomas Watson. It is about the Second Civil War and the leaders of the federal government are the Democrats who are delusional.
that explains pelosi and bidens sudden switch,,,
MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: Majority of Likely Voters Fear Current Lawlessness – Want New Laws to Protect Police — Including 84% of Black Voters

17 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
For months now Democrats, leftists, antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs have been terrorizing American cities.
Black Lives Matter, the activist group behind the riots has caused $1 billion in destruction in cities across the country.

Americans are terrified that their community may be next.
So it should not really be a surprise that a majority of likely voters want “Blue Lives Matter” laws to protect police in America.
** 68% of voters are concerned that deadly attacks on the police will lead to a shortage of police officers.​
** And 84% of blacks are concerned that a shortage of police officers may hurt their communities!​
This may explain President Trump’s inroads with African American voters!
Via Rasmussen Reports:
Most voters believe there is a war on police in America today and want to make attacks on cops punishable as a hate crime. Blacks worry most that these attacks will make their communities less safe.
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of voters are concerned that deadly attacks on the police will lead to a shortage of police officers and reduce public safety where they live, with 44% who are Very Concerned. Thirty percent (30%) don’t share that concern, but that includes only 14% who are Not At All Concerned.​
Whites (63%) are bigger supporters of Blue Lives Matter laws than blacks (52%) and other minority voters (49%). But blacks (84%) are a lot more concerned than whites (66%) and other minorities (70%) about a potential shortage of police officers in their community.​

I do not fear the the mob. I fear more the corrupt legal system that would prosecute me for defending myself and my family when they attack me and I blow holes in them for doing so.
How stupid do democrats have to be to see what their party is doing and still vote for them?
Actually Black voters will be the first in line to be destroyed by BLM...They know it, even my neighbor has told me that too. That's why 84% fear these protest being in their name..
Along with the "Turner Diaries", you might also like the fiction series "Forgotten Forbidden America" by Thomas Watson. It is about the Second Civil War and the leaders of the federal government are the Democrats who are delusional.

Antifa & BLM are the best advertisement to re-elect prez Trump that prez Trump could get, & prez Trump did not even have to spend a penny to get it! Prez Obama got free election support by promising so called FREE medical coverage to the American citizenry but that one blew up in prez Obama's face & ended up giving prez Obama the lowest presidential rating since prez Carter.
You can stop this nonsense. Your spreading fear and hate isn't working anymore.

Which side is it, again, that is spreading hate, violence, destruction, and worse?

You can stop this nonsense. Your spreading fear and hate isn't working anymore.
Then why did Biden just throw BLM under the bus and talked about how great police are in his scripted town hall?

Because there is more good than bad about the BLM movement. And the FBI has already stated that the while nationals are more of a problem than the mythical Antifa is. That was announced Yesterday by the current FBI Director. I wonder just how long he's going to keep hiss job.
You can stop this nonsense. Your spreading fear and hate isn't working anymore.
Then why did Biden just throw BLM under the bus and talked about how great police are in his scripted town hall?

Because there is more good than bad about the BLM movement. And the FBI has already stated that the while nationals are more of a problem than the mythical Antifa is. That was announced Yesterday by the current FBI Director. I wonder just how long he's going to keep hiss job.

There is NOTHING good about a self proclaimed marxist group.
You can stop this nonsense. Your spreading fear and hate isn't working anymore.
Then why did Biden just throw BLM under the bus and talked about how great police are in his scripted town hall?

Because there is more good than bad about the BLM movement. And the FBI has already stated that the while nationals are more of a problem than the mythical Antifa is. That was announced Yesterday by the current FBI Director. I wonder just how long he's going to keep hiss job.
Any videos of these mythical “white supremacist” riots? All these riots have been Antifa/BLM, stop being a liar about it, you’re not fooling anyone.
You can stop this nonsense. Your spreading fear and hate isn't working anymore.
Then why did Biden just throw BLM under the bus and talked about how great police are in his scripted town hall?

Because there is more good than bad about the BLM movement. And the FBI has already stated that the while nationals are more of a problem than the mythical Antifa is. That was announced Yesterday by the current FBI Director. I wonder just how long he's going to keep hiss job.
Any videos of these mythical “white supremacist” riots? All these riots have been Antifa/BLM, stop being a liar about it, you’re not fooling anyone.

Do you mean the animals like the "Umbrella Man"? He was shown in vids in here already. But you characters sure got quiet when it was discovered he was a White Supremist. How may more of them are out there operating? There there are the Black Supremists doing the same thing. But you want to blame it all on the BLM, We have BLM here and it's all walks of life, all colors, creeds and religions. And every march has been peaceful. Even the Mayor and the Police Chief marched with them. When it came time to take a knee, even the Cops there for security, dropped to one knee. Stop with the Political Nonsense and do what is right.
Because there is more good than bad about the BLM movement.

To it's very core, the Black Lies Matter movement is a terrorist/criminal movement. Only a piece of criminal-loving filth such as yourself could even think of defending it, or claiming that thee is any good in it, much less that there is more good than evil.
Because there is more good than bad about the BLM movement.

To it's very core, the Black Lies Matter movement is a terrorist/criminal movement. Only a piece of criminal-loving filth such as yourself could even think of defending it, or claiming that thee is any good in it, much less that there is more good than evil.
Oh, yes, spread the hate and fear. Do more of it.
To it's very core, the Black Lies Matter movement is a terrorist/criminal movement. Only a piece of criminal-loving filth such as yourself could even think of defending it, or claiming that theee is any good in it, much less that there is more good than evil.
Oh, yes, spread the hate and fear. Do more of it.

Just telling the plain truth. It is Black Lies Matter/Antifa that is the primary source and vector of hate these days, along with violence and destruction. They are criminals and terrorists, and you, for taking their side against that of actual human beings, fully deserve to be known for the company that you keep.

If saying so is “hateful”, then so be it. I'd rather stand on “hateful” truth than on polite lies.

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