More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

Is there any organism that does not understand the mother tongue, English, in post #359?
How does one assess a problem wherein 90% of the victims (people who die) are already at death's door...where the average age of the victim's deaths is higher than the average life expectancy?

Of the Covid deaths of 2020, the vast majority of them would have been dead by now even if they had not contracted the virus. The same will be true a year from now.

One hesitates to say that these deaths - that is to say deaths of those who were already severely compromised - are "no big deal," but in fact they are no big deal.

Let me know when some young, healthy people contract the disease and die from it - and this does happen - but otherwise it should not be newsworthy, and it is only newsworthy now because the Press wanted to use it as a cudgel against President Trump. Now they are embarrassed to back off and be rational about the level of the "threat" to healthy Americans. Which is slight.
How would you keep people from coming into contact with others? Another lockdown? You're such a leftist.
I wouldn’t force anything. It wasn’t hard for me to hole up for a month and not catch covid. It was pretty damn easy. Especially with the government sending me checks to do so. Too bad it was such a tough task for so many others to do. So much for personal responsibility… when the public proves they can’t be responsible the next step is government regulation. We brought it upon ourselves
Spin it however you want buddy… just don’t expect to fool anybody with that nonsense
I spun nothing. I gave you facts.

Biden is combating COVID-19 BY WITHHOLDING LIFE-SAVING TREATMENTS from patients in states that refuse to push his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate... getting thousands of Americans fired during this declining economy who do not surrender their freedom to chose & comply with his mandate importing foreign virus-infected illegals, Exempting them from his vaccine mandate, and trafficking and dumping them all over the US
How does one assess a problem wherein 90% of the victims (people who die) are already at death's door...where the average age of the victim's deaths is higher than the average life expectancy?

Of the Covid deaths of 2020, the vast majority of them would have been dead by now even if they had not contracted the virus. The same will be true a year from now.

One hesitates to say that these deaths - that is to say deaths of those who were already severely compromised - are "no big deal," but in fact they are no big deal.

Let me know when some young, healthy people contract the disease and die from it - and this does happen - but otherwise it should not be newsworthy, and it is only newsworthy now because the Press wanted to use it as a cudgel against President Trump. Now they are embarrassed to back off and be rational about the level of the "threat" to healthy Americans. Which is slight.
Some healthy adults have died from the vaccine...

More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020​

I'm very confused. Last year, we had a gag order on people, industry and business--- stadiums closed, bars, restaurants, sports, concerts all verboten. No vaccine. Trump in office. Economy collapsing.

THIS YEAR, MORE people dead than last year despite 3/4ths of the country vaccinated! People still dying, the crisis goes on, oh no, here comes Delta, yet despite all that:
  • Schools open
  • People working
  • Business reopened
  • Stadiums full of people!
Yet what has changed? People still dying as much as ever, no end in sight. I just don't get what is different about last year vs. this year that last year we couldn't leave our houses but now life is almost back to normal despite us still having Covid and 2000 people dying a day! What changed?

'Americans who do not want to die have already been, vaccinated.'


“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
Too bad you weren't one of them
I wouldn’t force anything. It wasn’t hard for me to hole up for a month and not catch covid. It was pretty damn easy. Especially with the government sending me checks to do so. Too bad it was such a tough task for so many others to do. So much for personal responsibility… when the public proves they can’t be responsible the next step is government regulation. We brought it upon ourselves
So you hid while I donated platelets to help save lives. No. China brought it upon us. People had to work to deliver you food, energy, medicine. You’re such a narcissistic asshole.
I spun nothing. I gave you facts.

Biden is combating COVID-19 BY WITHHOLDING LIFE-SAVING TREATMENTS from patients in states that refuse to push his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate... getting thousands of Americans fired during this declining economy who do not surrender their freedom to chose & comply with his mandate importing foreign virus-infected illegals, Exempting them from his vaccine mandate, and trafficking and dumping them all over the US
All spin. Funny you don’t see that. Do you know what spin is?
So you hid while I donated platelets to help save lives. No. China brought it upon us. People had to work to deliver you food, energy, medicine. You’re such a narcissistic asshole.
I didn’t need food delivered. And if I did then there is certainly a way to do so in a way that wouldnt spread the virus. It’s not a difficult feat to not catch a virus in a month time… but it would require a unified effort to do so. Getting everybody to get on board is the impossible feat. It’s a shame
I’s impossible to study it in a lab without nature also studying it
while its being studied in a lab.

What? That makes no sense.

If nature could “study” the virus at the same time then there would be no point in a closed lab, would there?

The very purpose of a lab of this type is to study a virus/disease/bacteria with no outside contamination or possibility of a foreign agent skewing results.
If everybody complied and didn’t come in contact with others for a few weeks then there is no way for the virus to spread. Game over. Not enough people took it seriously and complied. Game continues forget about the long term covid cancer patients and such. Even if everyone lived in a bubble for 2 months straight---the long termers would come out and spread the virus.

And btw, even if every one in America stayed away from each other for a year---someone from another country would still keep infecting us again and again.

The virus isn't going away until most of us or all of us have been exposed and most have developed antibodies and even then..the virus would likely still keep coming.

Oh and if this isn't a happy thought..prehaps covid is like chicken pox and reactivates later in life causing things like Shingles.

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