Moooch Obama Breaks Hearts With Final Vogue Cover As First Lady (photos - barf alert)

Moochelle just lost any hope of being The Democrat Party nominee in 2020.

All she would have to have done would have been be photographed wearing sackcloth and ashes and she'd have been a shoe-in. Not "shoo-in". Shoe-in 'cause there's ample ass there to kick.
The fact of the matter is that once obumble is out of the white hut, the big moo obama will become just another overweight black woman. Magazines will have no reason to put her on a cover or write glowing articles about her. The moving finger, having writ, will go on and she will be forgotten.

I read something about her not long ago where she intended to slip into presidential retirement as a fashion icon. Sorry but there are NO 50 year old fashion icons. You are just a middle aged black woman who doesn't yet know it, but all those doors are going to be slammed shut right in your face. Anna Wintour will take you off speed dial.
Only in America would the Status Quo call suicide bombers "cowards" and Moochie Obama "beautiful".
..... in just a couple months you will have a white First Lady and all of your bitching will stop.
That would apply to a very large percentage of the American population.

Try though they might to slam those doors they'll fail unless they drag her through really fast!
Or push her through with an M113 APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
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You gotta admit, Trump's wife is the sexiest first lady ever. And I mean that in a slutty, grab her by the pu$$y sort of way. Ka Bam! Bang it!

I can't wait till the Melania porn videos hit the street

Young boys across the nation will be jerking off to salute the First Lady is this level of respect show to every conservative woman that has led to our utter lack of caring what you guys say about Trump and his wife...and why it is now open season on the ugliness of democrat women....

It used to be you showed respect for women regardless of party...but the left are children, and they are violent and they have set the ground rules and will have to live with the consequences...

Never heard of anyone jerking off to Barbara Bush

Now, young boys across the nation can call up videos of the First Lady and give her the appropriate "salute"

Everyone can respect a First Lady who fucked her way to the top

I feel sorry for Melania - more than any other first lady, she has a lot of publically available material to throw against her. Because she's never had to deal with the scrutiny of public office before, it's going to be cruel.

I seriously doubt Trump took into consideration what it would be like for her when he chose to run.

I doubt if he cares

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