Monmouth Polling Director is Rabid Anti-Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
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Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
There is no doubt that Trump is right. this election is RIGGED!!!

Twitter ^

To understand the fraudulent nature of supposedly "scientific" polls, you only need to review the Twitter Feed of their directors. Patrick Murray is the Director of Monmouth Polls. Review his Twitter Feed here. Patrick Murray, Monmouth Polling Director Then ask yourself whether you think someone as open and as proud of their pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bias as he is, will produce anything but a biased poll that supports his chosen candidate
There is no doubt that Trump is right. this election is RIGGED!!!

Twitter ^

To understand the fraudulent nature of supposedly "scientific" polls, you only need to review the Twitter Feed of their directors. Patrick Murray is the Director of Monmouth Polls. Review his Twitter Feed here. Patrick Murray, Monmouth Polling Director Then ask yourself whether you think someone as open and as proud of their pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bias as he is, will produce anything but a biased poll that supports his chosen candidate
The calling out of the obviously fraudulent polls of the far right have demagogues like the OP crying.
The calling out of the obviously fraudulent polls of the far right have demagogues like the OP crying.
Well how about that the JakeAss finally realized that the polls are obviously fraudulent!!!!!!Now to get the idiot to reconize that the fraudulent ones favor his dimwit candidate!

There might be hope for the Manchurian Republican, yet!!!!!
Do you think the NBC or CNN polls are any more accurate?
Even if the polls are skewed how does that rig an election? Polls don't vote. People do.
Even if the polls are skewed how does that rig an election? Polls don't vote. People do.
If people don't think their candidate has a chance they are less likely to vote. Especially if its harder for them to either get a ride or get out of the house or get somewhere in their car etc. Elderly,Poor etc.
Even if the polls are skewed how does that rig an election? Polls don't vote. People do.
If people don't think their candidate has a chance they are less likely to vote. Especially if its harder for them to either get a ride or get out of the house or get somewhere in their car etc. Elderly,Poor etc.

If Trump didn't suck so bad, his supporters might be more willing to come out and vote.
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